+from math import log2
from migen import *
from migen.genlib.record import *
if self.l2_size:
port = self.sdram.crossbar.get_port()
- l2_cache = wishbone.Cache(self.l2_size//4, self._wb_sdram, wishbone.Interface(port.dw))
+ port.data_width = 2**int(log2(port.data_width)) # Round to nearest power of 2
+ l2_size = 2**int(log2(self.l2_size)) # Round to nearest power of 2
+ l2_cache = wishbone.Cache(l2_size//4, self._wb_sdram, wishbone.Interface(port.data_width))
# XXX Vivado ->2018.2 workaround, Vivado is not able to map correctly our L2 cache.
# Issue is reported to Xilinx, Remove this if ever fixed by Xilinx...
from litex.build.xilinx.vivado import XilinxVivadoToolchain