GHDL ?= ghdl
CFLAGS=-O3 -Wall
+# Need to investigate why yosys is hitting verilator warnings, and eventually turn on -Wall
# It takes forever to build with optimisation, so disable by default
ECPPACK ?= ecppack
OPENOCD ?= openocd
VUNITRUN ?= python3 ./
+VERILATOR ?= verilator
# We need a version of GHDL built with either the LLVM or gcc backend.
# Fedora provides this, but other distros may not. Another option is to use
ECPPACK = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) hdlc/prjtrellis ecppack
OPENOCD = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) --device /dev/bus/usb hdlc/prog openocd
VUNITRUN = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) ghdl/vunit:llvm python3 ./
+VERILATOR = $(DOCKERBIN) $(DOCKERARGS) verilator/verilator:latest
microwatt.v: $(synth_files) $(RAM_INIT_FILE)
$(YOSYS) -m $(GHDLSYNTH) -p "ghdl --std=08 --no-formal $(GHDL_IMAGE_GENERICS) $(synth_files) -e toplevel; write_verilog $@"
-# Need to investigate why yosys is hitting verilator warnings, and eventually turn on -Wall
microwatt-verilator: microwatt.v verilator/microwatt-verilator.cpp verilator/uart-verilator.c
- verilator $(VERILATOR_FLAGS) -CFLAGS "$(VERILATOR_CFLAGS) -DCLK_FREQUENCY=$(CLK_FREQUENCY)" --assert --cc $< --exe verilator/microwatt-verilator.cpp verilator/uart-verilator.c -o $@ -Iuart16550 -Wno-fatal -Wno-CASEOVERLAP -Wno-UNOPTFLAT
- make -C obj_dir -f
+ $(VERILATOR) $(VERILATOR_FLAGS) -CFLAGS "$(VERILATOR_CFLAGS) -DCLK_FREQUENCY=$(CLK_FREQUENCY)" -Iuart16550 --assert --cc --exe --build $^ -o $@
@cp -f obj_dir/microwatt-verilator microwatt-verilator
microwatt_out.config: microwatt.json $(LPF)