from openpower.decoder.isa.caller import special_sprs
from openpower.decoder.helpers import exts
from openpower.test.state import ExpectedState
-import unittest
+from openpower.util import log
+from pathlib import Path
+import gzip
+import json
+import sys
+from hashlib import sha256
+from functools import lru_cache
+# output-for-v0.2.0-7-g95fdd1c.json.gz generated from:
+# running on POWER9
+PIA_OUTPUT_SHA256 = "2ad50464eb6c9b6bf2dad2ee16b6820a34024bc008ea86818845cf14f7f457ad"
+PIA_OUTPUT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent / PIA_OUTPUT_URL.rpartition('/')[2]
+def download_pia_output():
+ from urllib.request import urlopen
+ from shutil import copyfileobj
+ with"wb") as f:
+ print(f"downloading {PIA_OUTPUT_URL} to {PIA_OUTPUT_PATH}",
+ file=sys.stderr, flush=True)
+ with urlopen(PIA_OUTPUT_URL) as response:
+ copyfileobj(response, f)
+def read_pia_output(filter_fn):
+ tried_download = False
+ while True:
+ try:
+ file_bytes = PIA_OUTPUT_PATH.read_bytes()
+ digest = sha256(file_bytes).hexdigest()
+ if digest != PIA_OUTPUT_SHA256:
+ raise Exception(f"{PIA_OUTPUT_PATH} has wrong hash, expected "
+ f"{PIA_OUTPUT_SHA256} got {digest}")
+ file_bytes = gzip.decompress(file_bytes)
+ test_cases = json.loads(file_bytes)['test_cases']
+ return list(filter(filter_fn, test_cases))
+ except:
+ if tried_download:
+ raise
+ pass
+ tried_download = True
+ download_pia_output()
+def get_addmeo_subfmeo_reference_cases():
+ return read_pia_output(lambda i: i['instr'] in ("addmeo", "subfmeo"))
+def check_addmeo_subfmeo_matches_reference(instr, case_filter, out):
+ case_filter = {
+ 'instr': instr,
+ 'ra': '0x0', 'ca': False, 'ca32': False,
+ 'so': False, 'ov': False, 'ov32': False,
+ **case_filter
+ }
+ for case in get_addmeo_subfmeo_reference_cases():
+ skip = False
+ for k, v in case_filter.items():
+ if case[k] != v:
+ skip = True
+ break
+ if skip:
+ continue
+ reference_outputs = case['native_outputs']
+ for k, v in out.items():
+ assert reference_outputs[k] == v, (
+ f"{instr} outputs don't match reference:\n"
+ f"case_filter={case_filter}\nout={out}\n"
+ f"reference_outputs={reference_outputs}")
+ log(f"PIA reference successfully matched: {case_filter}")
+ return True
+ log(f"PIA reference not found: {case_filter}")
+ return False
class ALUTestCase(TestAccumulatorBase):
def case_addme_subfme_ca_propagation(self):
for flags in range(1 << 2):
- ca = flags & 1
+ ca_in = bool(flags & 1)
is_sub = (flags >> 1) & 1
if is_sub:
prog = Program(["subfmeo 3, 4"], bigendian)
prog = Program(["addmeo 3, 4"], bigendian)
for i in range(-2, 3):
ra = i % 2 ** 64
- with self.subTest(ra=hex(ra), ca=ca, is_sub=is_sub):
+ with self.subTest(ra=hex(ra), ca=ca_in, is_sub=is_sub):
initial_regs = [0] * 32
initial_regs[4] = ra
initial_sprs = {}
xer = SelectableInt(0, 64)
- xer[XER_bits['CA']] = ca
+ xer[XER_bits['CA']] = ca_in
initial_sprs[special_sprs['XER']] = xer
e = ExpectedState(pc=4)
e.intregs[4] = ra
rb = 2 ** 64 - 1 # add 0xfff...fff *not* -1
- expected = ca + rb
- expected32 = ca + (rb % 2 ** 32)
+ expected = ca_in + rb
+ expected32 = ca_in + (rb % 2 ** 32)
inv_ra = ra
if is_sub:
# 64-bit bitwise not
inv_ra = ~ra % 2 ** 64
expected += inv_ra
expected32 += inv_ra % 2 ** 32
- e.intregs[3] = expected % 2 ** 64
+ rt_out = expected % 2 ** 64
+ e.intregs[3] = rt_out
ca = bool(expected >> 64)
ca32 = bool(expected32 >> 32) = (ca32 << 1) | ca
e32msb = (expected32 >> 31) & 1
ov32 = ca32 ^ e32msb and not (axb >> 31) & 1
e.ov = (ov32 << 1) | ov
+ check_addmeo_subfmeo_matches_reference(
+ instr='subfmeo' if is_sub else 'addmeo',
+ case_filter={
+ 'ra': f'0x{ra:X}', 'ca': ca_in,
+ }, out={
+ 'rt': f'0x{rt_out:X}', 'ca': ca,
+ 'ca32': ca32, 'ov': ov, 'ov32': ov32,
+ })
self.add_case(prog, initial_regs, initial_sprs,