Previously, sort constructors were stored as underlying operator of the NodeValue of instantiated sorts. This made it very difficult to access what sort constructor was used to construct the uninterpreted sort. Moreover, this representation made it virtually impossible to have a clean implementation of the LFSC printer for instantiated uninterpreted sorts, which requires renaming sort constructors.
This introduces a new kind INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE, which acts as an uninterpreted sort. The sort constructor is stored as the first child in its AST, which is analogous to parametric datatypes. It furthermore restricts SORT_TYPE to 0 children.
This is work towards having correct LFSC proof output when the input contains instantiated uninterpreted sorts.
doParametricSubstitution((*i), paramTypes, paramReplacements));
- for (size_t i = 0, psize = paramTypes.size(); i < psize; ++i)
+ if (range.getKind() == INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE)
- if (paramTypes[i].getUninterpretedSortConstructorArity()
- == origChildren.size())
+ // paramTypes contains a list of uninterpreted sort constructors.
+ // paramReplacements contains a list of instantiated parametric datatypes.
+ // If range is (INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE c T1 ... Tn), and
+ // paramTypes[i] is c
+ // paramReplacements[i] is (PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE d S1 ... Sn)
+ // then we return (PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE d T'1 ... T'n) where T'1 ...T'n
+ // is the result of recursively processing T1 ... Tn.
+ for (size_t i = 0, psize = paramTypes.size(); i < psize; ++i)
- TypeNode tn = paramTypes[i].instantiate(origChildren);
- if (range == tn)
+ if (paramTypes[i] == origChildren[0])
- TypeNode tret = paramReplacements[i].instantiate(children);
+ std::vector<TypeNode> params(children.begin() + 1, children.end());
+ TypeNode tret = paramReplacements[i].instantiate(params);
return tret;
Assert(hasAttribute(constructor.d_nv, expr::SortArityAttr())
&& hasAttribute(constructor.d_nv, expr::VarNameAttr()))
<< "expected a sort constructor";
- std::string name = getAttribute(constructor.d_nv, expr::VarNameAttr());
Assert(getAttribute(constructor.d_nv, expr::SortArityAttr())
== children.size())
<< "arity mismatch in application of sort constructor";
- NodeBuilder nb(this, kind::SORT_TYPE);
- Node sortTag = Node(constructor.d_nv->d_children[0]);
- nb << sortTag;
+ NodeBuilder nb(this, kind::INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE);
+ nb << constructor;
- TypeNode type = nb.constructTypeNode();
- setAttribute(type, expr::VarNameAttr(), name);
- return type;
+ return nb.constructTypeNode();
TypeNode NodeManager::mkSortConstructor(const std::string& name, size_t arity)
vector<TypeNode> params;
- for (uint32_t i = isInstantiatedDatatype() ? 1 : 0, i_end = getNumChildren();
- i < i_end;
- ++i)
+ for (uint32_t i = 1, i_end = getNumChildren(); i < i_end; ++i)
bool TypeNode::isInstantiatedUninterpretedSort() const
- return isUninterpretedSort() && getNumChildren() > 0;
+ return getKind() == kind::INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE;
bool TypeNode::isInstantiated() const
TypeNode TypeNode::instantiate(const std::vector<TypeNode>& params) const
NodeManager* nm = NodeManager::currentNM();
- if (getKind() == kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE)
+ Kind k = getKind();
+ TypeNode ret;
+ // Note that parametric datatypes we instantiate have an AST where they are
+ // applied to their default parameters. In constrast, sort constructors have
+ // no children.
+ if (k == kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE)
Assert(params.size() == getNumChildren() - 1);
TypeNode cons =
- return nm->mkTypeNode(kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE, paramsNodes);
+ ret = nm->mkTypeNode(kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE, paramsNodes);
- Assert(isUninterpretedSortConstructor());
- return nm->mkSort(*this, params);
+ else
+ {
+ Assert(isUninterpretedSortConstructor());
+ ret = nm->mkSort(*this, params);
+ }
+ return ret;
uint64_t TypeNode::getUninterpretedSortConstructorArity() const
TypeNode TypeNode::getUninterpretedSortConstructor() const
- Assert(isInstantiatedUninterpretedSort());
- NodeBuilder nb(kind::SORT_TYPE);
- nb << NodeManager::operatorFromType(*this);
- return nb.constructTypeNode();
+ Assert(getKind() == kind::INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE);
+ return (*this)[0];
bool TypeNode::isParameterInstantiatedDatatype(size_t n) const
/** Is this a sort kind */
bool TypeNode::isUninterpretedSort() const
- return ( getKind() == kind::SORT_TYPE && !hasAttribute(expr::SortArityAttr()) );
+ Kind k = getKind();
+ return k == kind::INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE
+ || (k == kind::SORT_TYPE && !hasAttribute(expr::SortArityAttr()));
/** Is this a sort constructor kind */
+ case kind::INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE: break;
case kind::PARAMETRIC_DATATYPE: break;
// separation logic
"the type for built-in operators"
variable SORT_TAG "sort tag"
-parameterized SORT_TYPE SORT_TAG 0: "specifies types of user-declared 'uninterpreted' sorts"
-# This is really "unknown" cardinality, but maybe this will be good
-# enough (for now) ?
+parameterized SORT_TYPE SORT_TAG 0 "specifies types of user-declared 'uninterpreted' sorts"
+# The cardinality of uninterpreted sorts is defined infinite here, although they are given special treatment in TypeNode::getCardinalityClass
cardinality SORT_TYPE "Cardinality(Cardinality::INTEGERS)"
well-founded SORT_TYPE \
"::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::SortProperties::isWellFounded(%TYPE%)" \
"::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::SortProperties::mkGroundTerm(%TYPE%)" \
+enumerator SORT_TYPE ::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::UninterpretedSortEnumerator "theory/builtin/type_enumerator.h"
+# an instantiated sort has the same properties as an ordinary uninterpreted sort
+operator INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE 1: "instantiated uninterpreted sort"
+cardinality INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE "Cardinality(Cardinality::INTEGERS)"
+ "::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::SortProperties::isWellFounded(%TYPE%)" \
+ "::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::SortProperties::mkGroundTerm(%TYPE%)" \
+ "theory/builtin/theory_builtin_type_rules.h"
+enumerator INSTANTIATED_SORT_TYPE ::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::UninterpretedSortEnumerator "theory/builtin/type_enumerator.h"
class \
"util/uninterpreted_sort_value.h" \
"the kind of expressions representing uninterpreted sort values; payload is an instance of the cvc5::internal::AbstractValue class (used in models)"
typerule UNINTERPRETED_SORT_VALUE ::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::UninterpretedSortValueTypeRule
-enumerator SORT_TYPE ::cvc5::internal::theory::builtin::UninterpretedSortEnumerator "theory/builtin/type_enumerator.h"
# A kind representing "inlined" operators defined with OPERATOR
# Conceptually, (EQUAL a b) is actually an (APPLY EQUAL a b), but it's
TypeNode type, TypeEnumeratorProperties* tep)
: TypeEnumeratorBase<UninterpretedSortEnumerator>(type), d_count(0)
- Assert(type.getKind() == kind::SORT_TYPE);
+ Assert(type.isUninterpretedSort());
d_has_fixed_bound = false;
Trace("uf-type-enum") << "UF enum " << type << ", tep = " << tep << std::endl;
if (tep && tep->d_fixed_usort_card)
std::vector<TypeNode> instTypes;
TypeNode range = t.instantiate(instTypes);
- Trace("typecheck-idt") << "Return " << range << std::endl;
+ Trace("typecheck-idt") << "Return (constructor) " << range << " for " << n
+ << std::endl;
return range;
TypeNode range = selType[1];
range = range.substitute(
types.begin(), types.end(), matches.begin(), matches.end());
- Trace("typecheck-idt") << "Return " << range << std::endl;
+ Trace("typecheck-idt") << "Return (selector) " << range << " for " << n
+ << " from " << selType[1] << std::endl;
return range;