--- /dev/null
+/********************* */
+/** theory_black.h
+ ** Original author: taking
+ ** Major contributors: none
+ ** Minor contributors (to current version): none
+ ** This file is part of the CVC4 prototype.
+ ** Copyright (c) 2009, 2010 The Analysis of Computer Systems Group (ACSys)
+ ** Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
+ ** New York University
+ ** See the file COPYING in the top-level source directory for licensing
+ ** information.
+ **
+ ** Black box testing of CVC4::theory::Theory.
+ **/
+#include <cxxtest/TestSuite.h>
+#include "theory/theory.h"
+#include "expr/node.h"
+#include "expr/node_manager.h"
+#include "context/context.h"
+#include <vector>
+using namespace CVC4;
+using namespace CVC4::theory;
+using namespace CVC4::expr;
+using namespace CVC4::context;
+using namespace std;
+ * Very basic OutputChannel for testing simple Theory Behaviour.
+ * Stores a call sequence for the output channel
+ */
+class TestOutputChannel : public OutputChannel {
+ void push(OutputChannelCallType call, TNode n){
+ d_callHistory.push_back(make_pair(call,n));
+ }
+ vector< pair<OutputChannelCallType, Node> > d_callHistory;
+ TestOutputChannel() {}
+ ~TestOutputChannel() {}
+ void safePoint() throw(Interrupted) {}
+ void conflict(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted){
+ push(CONFLICT, n);
+ }
+ void propagate(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted){
+ push(PROPOGATE, n);
+ }
+ void lemma(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted){
+ push(LEMMA, n);
+ }
+ void explanation(TNode n, bool safe = false) throw(Interrupted){
+ push(EXPLANATION, n);
+ }
+ void clear(){
+ d_callHistory.clear();
+ }
+ Node getIthNode(int i){
+ Node tmp = (d_callHistory[i]).second;
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ OutputChannelCallType getIthCallType(int i){
+ return (d_callHistory[i]).first;
+ }
+ unsigned getNumCalls(){
+ return d_callHistory.size();
+ }
+class DummyTheory : public TheoryImpl<DummyTheory> {
+ vector<Node> d_registerSequence;
+ vector<Node> d_getSequence;
+ DummyTheory(context::Context* ctxt, OutputChannel& out) :
+ TheoryImpl<DummyTheory>(ctxt, out) {}
+ void registerTerm(TNode n){
+ d_registerSequence.push_back(n);
+ }
+ Node getWrapper(){
+ Node n = get();
+ d_getSequence.push_back(n);
+ return n;
+ }
+ bool doneWrapper(){
+ return done();
+ }
+ void check(Effort e){
+ while(!done()){
+ getWrapper();
+ }
+ }
+ void preRegisterTerm(TNode n ){}
+ void propagate(Effort level = FULL_EFFORT){}
+ void explain(TNode n, Effort level = FULL_EFFORT){}
+class TheoryBlack : public CxxTest::TestSuite {
+ NodeManagerScope *d_scope;
+ NodeManager *d_nm;
+ TestOutputChannel d_outputChannel;
+ Context* d_context;
+ DummyTheory* d_dummy;
+ Node atom0;
+ Node atom1;
+ TheoryBlack() { }
+ void setUp() {
+ d_nm = new NodeManager();
+ d_scope = new NodeManagerScope(d_nm);
+ d_context = new Context();
+ d_dummy = new DummyTheory(d_context, d_outputChannel);
+ d_outputChannel.clear();
+ atom0 = d_nm->mkNode(kind::TRUE);
+ atom1 = d_nm->mkNode(kind::FALSE);
+ }
+ void tearDown() {
+ delete d_dummy;
+ delete d_context;
+ delete d_scope;
+ delete d_nm;
+ }
+ void testEffort(){
+ Theory::Effort m = Theory::MIN_EFFORT;
+ Theory::Effort q = Theory::QUICK_CHECK;
+ Theory::Effort s = Theory::STANDARD;
+ Theory::Effort f = Theory::FULL_EFFORT;
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::minEffortOnly(m));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::minEffortOnly(q));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::minEffortOnly(s));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::minEffortOnly(f));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::quickCheckOnly(m));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::quickCheckOnly(q));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::quickCheckOnly(s));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::quickCheckOnly(f));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::standardEffortOnly(m));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::standardEffortOnly(q));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::standardEffortOnly(s));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::standardEffortOnly(f));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::fullEffort(m));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::fullEffort(q));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::fullEffort(s));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::fullEffort(f));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::quickCheckOrMore(m));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::quickCheckOrMore(q));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::quickCheckOrMore(s));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::quickCheckOrMore(f));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::standardEffortOrMore(m));
+ TS_ASSERT(!Theory::standardEffortOrMore(q));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::standardEffortOrMore(s));
+ TS_ASSERT( Theory::standardEffortOrMore(f));
+ }
+ void testDone(){
+ TS_ASSERT(d_dummy->doneWrapper());
+ d_dummy->assertFact(atom0);
+ d_dummy->assertFact(atom1);
+ TS_ASSERT(!d_dummy->doneWrapper());
+ d_dummy->check(Theory::FULL_EFFORT);
+ TS_ASSERT(d_dummy->doneWrapper());
+ }
+ void testRegisterSequence(){
+ TS_ASSERT(d_dummy->doneWrapper());
+ Node x = d_nm->mkVar();
+ Node f = d_nm->mkVar();
+ Node f_x = d_nm->mkNode(kind::APPLY, f, x);
+ Node f_f_x = d_nm->mkNode(kind::APPLY, f, f_x);
+ Node f_x_eq_x = f_x.eqNode(x);
+ Node x_eq_f_f_x = x.eqNode(f_f_x);
+ d_dummy->assertFact(f_x_eq_x);
+ d_dummy->assertFact(x_eq_f_f_x);
+ Node got = d_dummy->getWrapper();
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(got, f_x_eq_x);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(4, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence.size());
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(x, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence[0]);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(f, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence[1]);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(f_x, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence[2]);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(f_x_eq_x, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence[3]);
+ TS_ASSERT(!d_dummy->doneWrapper());
+ got = d_dummy->getWrapper();
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(got, x_eq_f_f_x);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(6, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence.size());
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(f_f_x, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence[4]);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(x_eq_f_f_x, d_dummy-> d_registerSequence[5]);
+ TS_ASSERT(d_dummy->doneWrapper());
+ }
+ void testOutputChannelAccessors(){
+ /* void setOutputChannel(OutputChannel& out) */
+ /* OutputChannel& getOutputChannel() */
+ TestOutputChannel theOtherChannel;
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(&(d_dummy->getOutputChannel()), &d_outputChannel);
+ d_dummy->setOutputChannel(theOtherChannel);
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(&(d_dummy->getOutputChannel()), &theOtherChannel);
+ const OutputChannel& oc = d_dummy->getOutputChannel();
+ TS_ASSERT_EQUALS(&oc, &theOtherChannel);
+ }