### Advanced
- - SERDES - 20 bi-directional lanes
- - eight for OMI(DDR4 on top of SERDES with OpenCAPI protocol)
- - one for ethernet
- - 8 for PCIE
+ - SERDES - 10rx, 13tx
+ - 4rx, 4tx for OMI(DDR4 on top of SERDES with OpenCAPI protocol)
+ - 1rx, 1tx for ethernet
+ - 4rx, 4tx for PCIE and other CAPI devices
+ - 3tx for HDMI
- [OpenFSI](https://openpowerfoundation.org/?resource_lib=field-replaceable-unit-fru-service-interface-fsi-openfsi-specification) instead of JTAG
- [Raptor HDL](https://gitlab.raptorengineering.com/raptor-engineering-public/lpc-spi-bridge-fpga)
- [Raptor Libsigrok](https://gitlab.raptorengineering.com/raptor-engineering-public/dsview/-/tree/master/libsigrokdecode4DSL/decoders/fsi)