// Algorithm from http://www.unicode.org/faq/utf_bom.html#utf16-4
const char32_t LEAD_OFFSET = 0xD800 - (0x10000 >> 10);
- const char32_t SURROGATE_OFFSET = 0x10000 - (0xD800 << 10) - 0xDC00;
char16_t lead = LEAD_OFFSET + (codepoint >> 10);
char16_t trail = 0xDC00 + (codepoint & 0x3FF);
- char32_t utf16bytes = (lead << 10) + trail + SURROGATE_OFFSET;
- to.next[0] = adjust_byte_order(utf16bytes >> 16, mode);
- to.next[1] = adjust_byte_order(utf16bytes & 0xFFFF, mode);
+ to.next[0] = adjust_byte_order(lead, mode);
+ to.next[1] = adjust_byte_order(trail, mode);
to.next += 2;
return true;
return codecvt_base::partial;
if (codepoint > maxcode)
return codecvt_base::error;
- if (!write_utf16_code_point(to, codepoint, {}))
+ if (!write_utf16_code_point(to, codepoint, mode))
from.next = first;
return codecvt_base::partial;
range<const char> from{ __from, __from_end };
range<char16_t> to{ __to, __to_end };
- auto res = utf16_in(from, to);
+ codecvt_mode mode = {};
+ codecvt_mode mode = little_endian;
+ auto res = utf16_in(from, to, max_code_point, mode);
__from_next = from.next;
__to_next = to.next;
return res;
--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+// This file is part of the GNU ISO C++ Library. This library is free
+// software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+// terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+// Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
+// any later version.
+// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+// with this library; see the file COPYING3. If not see
+// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+// { dg-options "-std=gnu++11" }
+// [locale.codecvt], C++11 specialization.
+#include <locale>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <testsuite_hooks.h>
+ using namespace std;
+ typedef codecvt<char16_t, char, mbstate_t> codecvt_c16;
+ locale loc_c = locale::classic();
+ VERIFY(has_facet<codecvt_c16>(loc_c));
+ const codecvt_c16* const cvt = &use_facet<codecvt_c16>(loc_c);
+ VERIFY(!cvt->always_noconv());
+ VERIFY(cvt->max_length() == 3);
+ VERIFY(cvt->encoding() == 0);
+ const char u8dat[] = u8"H\U000000E4ll\U000000F6 \U0001F63F \U000056FD "
+ u8"\U0000222B f(\U000003BA) exp(-2\U000003C0\U000003C9) d\U000003BA "
+ u8"\U0001F6BF \U0001F6BF \U0001F648 \U00000413\U00000435\U0000043E"
+ u8"\U00000433\U00000440\U00000430\U00000444\U00000438\U0000044F \U0000FB05";
+ const char* const u8dat_end = std::end(u8dat);
+ const char16_t u16dat[] = u"H\U000000E4ll\U000000F6 \U0001F63F \U000056FD "
+ u"\U0000222B f(\U000003BA) exp(-2\U000003C0\U000003C9) d\U000003BA "
+ u"\U0001F6BF \U0001F6BF \U0001F648 \U00000413\U00000435\U0000043E"
+ u"\U00000433\U00000440\U00000430\U00000444\U00000438\U0000044F \U0000FB05";
+ const char16_t* const u16dat_end = std::end(u16dat);
+ {
+ const size_t len = u16dat_end - u16dat + 1;
+ char16_t* const buffer = new char16_t[len];
+ char16_t* const buffer_end = buffer + len;
+ const char* from_next;
+ char16_t* to_next;
+ codecvt_c16::state_type state01;
+ state01 = {};
+ codecvt_base::result res = cvt->in(state01, u8dat, u8dat_end, from_next,
+ buffer, buffer_end, to_next);
+ VERIFY(res == codecvt_base::ok);
+ VERIFY(from_next == u8dat_end);
+ VERIFY(std::memcmp((void*)buffer, (void*)u16dat, sizeof(u16dat)) == 0);
+ delete[] buffer;
+ }
+ {
+ const size_t len = u8dat_end - u8dat + 1;
+ char* const buffer = new char[len];
+ char* const buffer_end = buffer + len;
+ const char16_t* from_next;
+ char* to_next;
+ codecvt_c16::state_type state01;
+ state01 = {};
+ codecvt_base::result res = cvt->out(state01, u16dat, u16dat_end,
+ buffer, buffer_end, to_next);
+ VERIFY(res == codecvt_base::ok);
+ VERIFY(from_next == u16dat_end);
+ VERIFY(std::memcmp((void*)buffer, (void*)u8dat, sizeof(u8dat)) == 0);
+ delete[] buffer;
+ }
+ test01();