This patch adds support for two-sided vertex color to nv30/nv40.
When set, the COLOR0/1 fs inputs on back faces will be wired to vs outputs BCOLOR0/1.
This makes OpenGL two sided lighting work, which can be tested with progs/demos/projtex.
struct nvfx_rasterizer_state {
struct pipe_rasterizer_state pipe;
unsigned sb_len;
- uint32_t sb[30];
+ uint32_t sb[32];
struct nvfx_zsa_state {
struct nouveau_statebuf_builder sb = sb_init(rsso->sb);
/*XXX: ignored:
- * light_twoside
* point_smooth -nohw
* multisample
sb_data(sb, cso->flatshade ? NV34TCL_SHADE_MODEL_FLAT :
+ sb_method(sb, NV34TCL_VERTEX_TWO_SIDE_ENABLE, 1);
+ sb_data(sb, cso->light_twoside);
sb_method(sb, NV34TCL_LINE_WIDTH, 2);
sb_data(sb, (unsigned char)(cso->line_width * 8.0) & 0xff);
sb_data(sb, cso->line_smooth ? 1 : 0);