| 29.30 |31| name |
| ------ |--| --------- |
| 00 |Rc| ternlogi |
-| 01 |0 | ternlog |
-| 01 |1 | ternlogv |
+| 01 |sz| ternlogv |
| 10 |0 | crternlog |
2nd major opcode for other bitmanip: minor opcode allocation
## ternlogi
-| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20| 21..25| 26..30 |31|
-| -- | -- | --- | --- | ----- | -------- |--|
-| NN | RT | RA | RB | im0-4 | im5-7 00 |Rc|
+| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20| 21..28|29.30|31|
+| -- | -- | --- | --- | ----- | --- |--|
+| NN | RT | RA | RB | im0-7 | 00 |Rc|
lut3(imm, a, b, c):
idx = c << 2 | b << 1 | a
for i in range(64):
RT[i] = lut3(imm, RB[i], RA[i], RT[i])
-## ternlog
-a 5 operand variant which becomes more along the lines of an FPGA,
-this is very expensive: 4 in and 1 out and is not recommended.
-| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20|21.25| 26...30 |31|
-| -- | -- | --- | --- | --- | -------- |--|
-| NN | RT | RA | RB | RC | mode 01 |1 |
- for i in range(64):
- j = (i//8)*8 # 0,8,16,24,..,56
- lookup = RC[j:j+8]
- RT[i] = lut3(lookup, RT[i], RA[i], RB[i])
-mode (3 bit) may be used to do inversion of ordering, similar to carryless mul,
-3 modes.
## ternlogv
also, another possible variant involving swizzle-like selection
-and masking, this only requires 2 64 bit registers (RA, RS) and
-only up to 16 LUT3s.
+and masking, this only requires 3 64 bit registers (RA, RS, RB) and
+only 16 LUT3s.
Note however that unless XLEN matches sz, this instruction
is a Read-Modify-Write: RS must be read as a second operand
alternative destination for RS from RS-as-source, but again
all unmodified bits must still be copied.
-| 0.5|6.10|11.15| 16.23 |24.27 | 28.30 |31|
-| -- | -- | --- | ----- | ---- | ----- |--|
-| NN | RS | RA | idx0-3| mask | sz 01 |0 |
+| 0.5|6.10|11.15|16.20|21.28 | 29.30 |31|
+| -- | -- | --- | --- | ---- | ----- |--|
+| NN | RS | RA | RB |idx0-3| 01 |sz|
SZ = (1+sz) * 8 # 8 or 16
raoff = MIN(XLEN, idx0 * SZ)
rboff = MIN(XLEN, idx1 * SZ)
rcoff = MIN(XLEN, idx2 * SZ)
- imoff = MIN(XLEN, idx3 * SZ)
- imm = RA[imoff:imoff+SZ]
+ rsoff = MIN(XLEN, idx3 * SZ)
+ imm = RB[0:8]
for i in range(MIN(XLEN, SZ)):
ra = RA[raoff:+i]
rb = RA[rboff+i]
rc = RA[rcoff+i]
res = lut3(imm, ra, rb, rc)
- for j in range(MIN(XLEN//8, 4)):
- if mask[j]: RS[i+j*SZ] = res
+ RS[rsoff+i] = res
## ternlogcr