--- /dev/null
+from abc import abstractproperty
+from ..hdl import *
+from ..build import *
+__all__ = ["IntelPlatform"]
+class IntelPlatform(TemplatedPlatform):
+ """
+ Required tools:
+ * ``quartus_map``
+ * ``quartus_fit``
+ * ``quartus_asm``
+ * ``quartus_sta``
+ The environment is populated by running the script specified in the environment variable
+ ``NMIGEN_ENV_Quartus``, if present.
+ Available overrides:
+ * ``nproc``: sets the number of cores used by all tools.
+ * ``quartus_map_opts``: adds extra options for ``quartus_map``.
+ * ``quartus_fit_opts``: adds extra options for ``quartus_fit``.
+ * ``quartus_asm_opts``: adds extra options for ``quartus_asm``.
+ * ``quartus_sta_opts``: adds extra options for ``quartus_sta``.
+ Build products:
+ * ``*.rpt``: toolchain reports.
+ * ``{{name}}.sof``: bitstream as SRAM object file.
+ * ``{{name}}.rbf``: bitstream as raw binary file.
+ """
+ toolchain = "Quartus"
+ device = abstractproperty()
+ package = abstractproperty()
+ speed = abstractproperty()
+ suffix = ""
+ required_tools = [
+ "quartus_map",
+ "quartus_fit",
+ "quartus_asm",
+ "quartus_sta",
+ ]
+ file_templates = {
+ **TemplatedPlatform.build_script_templates,
+ "build_{{name}}.sh": r"""
+ # {{autogenerated}}
+ if [ -n "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}" ]; then
+ QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=$(dirname $(dirname "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}"))
+ # Quartus' qenv.sh does not work with `set -e`.
+ . "${{platform._toolchain_env_var}}"
+ fi
+ set -e{{verbose("x")}}
+ {{emit_commands("sh")}}
+ """,
+ # Quartus doesn't like constructs like (* keep = 32'd1 *), even though they mean the same
+ # thing as (* keep = 1 *); use -decimal to work around that.
+ "{{name}}.v": r"""
+ /* {{autogenerated}} */
+ {{emit_verilog(["-decimal"])}}
+ """,
+ "{{name}}.debug.v": r"""
+ /* {{autogenerated}} */
+ {{emit_debug_verilog(["-decimal"])}}
+ """,
+ "{{name}}.qsf": r"""
+ # {{autogenerated}}
+ {% if get_override("nproc") -%}
+ set_global_assignment -name NUM_PARALLEL_PROCESSORS {{get_override("nproc")}}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".v") -%}
+ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE "{{file}}"
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".sv") -%}
+ set_global_assignment -name SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE "{{file}}"
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% for file in platform.iter_extra_files(".vhd", ".vhdl") -%}
+ set_global_assignment -name VHDL_FILE "{{file}}"
+ {% endfor %}
+ set_global_assignment -name VERILOG_FILE {{name}}.v
+ set_global_assignment -name TOP_LEVEL_ENTITY {{name}}
+ set_global_assignment -name DEVICE {{platform.device}}{{platform.package}}{{platform.speed}}{{platform.suffix}}
+ {% for port_name, pin_name, extras in platform.iter_port_constraints_bits() -%}
+ set_location_assignment -to "{{port_name}}" PIN_{{pin_name}}
+ {% for key, value in extras.items() -%}
+ set_instance_assignment -to "{{port_name}}" -name {{key}} "{{value}}"
+ {% endfor %}
+ {% endfor %}
+ set_global_assignment -name GENERATE_RBF_FILE ON
+ """,
+ "{{name}}.sdc": r"""
+ {% for signal, frequency in platform.iter_clock_constraints() -%}
+ create_clock -period {{1000000000/frequency}} [get_nets {{signal|hierarchy("|")}}]
+ {% endfor %}
+ """,
+ }
+ command_templates = [
+ r"""
+ {{get_tool("quartus_map")}}
+ {{get_override("quartus_map_opts")|options}}
+ --rev={{name}} {{name}}
+ """,
+ r"""
+ {{get_tool("quartus_fit")}}
+ {{get_override("quartus_fit_opts")|options}}
+ --rev={{name}} {{name}}
+ """,
+ r"""
+ {{get_tool("quartus_asm")}}
+ {{get_override("quartus_asm_opts")|options}}
+ --rev={{name}} {{name}}
+ """,
+ r"""
+ {{get_tool("quartus_sta")}}
+ {{get_override("quartus_sta_opts")|options}}
+ --rev={{name}} {{name}}
+ """,
+ ]
+ def add_clock_constraint(self, clock, frequency):
+ super().add_clock_constraint(clock, frequency)
+ # Make sure the net constrained in the SDC file is kept through synthesis; it is redundant
+ # after Quartus flattens the hierarchy and will be eliminated if not explicitly kept.
+ clock.attrs["keep"] = 1
+ # The altiobuf_* and altddio_* primitives are explained in the following Intel documents:
+ # * https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/programmable/us/en/pdfs/literature/ug/ug_altiobuf.pdf
+ # * https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/programmable/us/en/pdfs/literature/ug/ug_altddio.pdf
+ # See also errata mentioned in: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/programmable/support/support-resources/knowledge-base/solutions/rd11192012_735.html.
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_ireg(m, pin, invert):
+ def get_ineg(i):
+ if invert:
+ i_neg = Signal.like(i, name_suffix="_neg")
+ m.d.comb += i.eq(~i_neg)
+ return i_neg
+ else:
+ return i
+ if pin.xdr == 0:
+ return get_ineg(pin.i)
+ elif pin.xdr == 1:
+ i_sdr = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_i_sdr")
+ m.submodules += Instance("$dff",
+ p_WIDTH=pin.width,
+ i_CLK=pin.i_clk,
+ i_D=i_sdr,
+ o_Q=get_ineg(pin.i),
+ )
+ return i_sdr
+ elif pin.xdr == 2:
+ i_ddr = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_i_ddr".format(pin.name))
+ m.submodules["{}_i_ddr".format(pin.name)] = Instance("altddio_in",
+ p_width=pin.width,
+ i_datain=i_ddr,
+ i_inclock=pin.i_clk,
+ o_dataout_h=get_ineg(pin.i0),
+ o_dataout_l=get_ineg(pin.i1),
+ )
+ return i_ddr
+ assert False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_oreg(m, pin, invert):
+ def get_oneg(o):
+ if invert:
+ o_neg = Signal.like(o, name_suffix="_neg")
+ m.d.comb += o_neg.eq(~o)
+ return o_neg
+ else:
+ return o
+ if pin.xdr == 0:
+ return get_oneg(pin.o)
+ elif pin.xdr == 1:
+ o_sdr = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_o_sdr".format(pin.name))
+ m.submodules += Instance("$dff",
+ p_WIDTH=pin.width,
+ i_CLK=pin.o_clk,
+ i_D=get_oneg(pin.o),
+ o_Q=o_sdr,
+ )
+ return o_sdr
+ elif pin.xdr == 2:
+ o_ddr = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_o_ddr".format(pin.name))
+ m.submodules["{}_o_ddr".format(pin.name)] = Instance("altddio_out",
+ p_width=pin.width,
+ o_dataout=o_ddr,
+ i_outclock=pin.o_clk,
+ i_datain_h=get_oneg(pin.o0),
+ i_datain_l=get_oneg(pin.o1),
+ )
+ return o_ddr
+ assert False
+ @staticmethod
+ def _get_oereg(m, pin):
+ if pin.xdr == 0:
+ return pin.oe
+ elif pin.xdr in (1, 2):
+ oe_reg = Signal(pin.width, name="{}_oe_reg".format(pin.name))
+ oe_reg.attrs["useioff"] = "1"
+ m.submodules += Instance("$dff",
+ p_WIDTH=pin.width,
+ i_CLK=pin.o_clk,
+ i_D=pin.oe,
+ o_Q=oe_reg,
+ )
+ return oe_reg
+ assert False
+ def get_input(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("single-ended input", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_in",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="FALSE",
+ i_datain=port,
+ o_dataout=self._get_ireg(m, pin, invert)
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_output(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("single-ended output", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_out",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="FALSE",
+ p_use_oe="FALSE",
+ i_datain=self._get_oreg(m, pin, invert),
+ o_dataout=port,
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_tristate(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("single-ended tristate", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_out",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="FALSE",
+ p_use_oe="TRUE",
+ i_datain=self._get_oreg(m, pin, invert),
+ o_dataout=port,
+ i_oe=pin.oe,
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_input_output(self, pin, port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("single-ended input/output", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_bidir",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="FALSE",
+ i_datain=self._get_oreg(m, pin, invert),
+ io_dataio=port,
+ o_dataout=self._get_ireg(m, pin, invert),
+ i_oe=self._get_oereg(m, pin),
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_diff_input(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("differential input", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ p_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ n_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_in",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="TRUE",
+ i_datain=p_port,
+ i_datain_b=n_port,
+ o_dataout=self._get_ireg(m, pin, invert)
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_diff_output(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("differential output", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ p_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ n_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_out",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="TRUE",
+ p_use_oe="FALSE",
+ i_datain=self._get_oreg(m, pin, invert),
+ o_dataout=p_port,
+ o_dataout_b=n_port,
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_diff_tristate(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("differential tristate", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ p_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ n_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_out",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="TRUE",
+ p_use_oe="TRUE",
+ i_datain=self._get_oreg(m, pin, invert),
+ o_dataout=p_port,
+ o_dataout_b=n_port,
+ i_oe=self._get_oereg(m, pin),
+ )
+ return m
+ def get_diff_input_output(self, pin, p_port, n_port, attrs, invert):
+ self._check_feature("differential input/output", pin, attrs,
+ valid_xdrs=(0, 1, 2), valid_attrs=True)
+ if pin.xdr == 1:
+ p_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ n_port.attrs["useioff"] = 1
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules[pin.name] = Instance("altiobuf_bidir",
+ p_enable_bus_hold="FALSE",
+ p_number_of_channels=pin.width,
+ p_use_differential_mode="TRUE",
+ i_datain=self._get_oreg(m, pin, invert),
+ io_dataio=p_port,
+ io_dataio_b=n_port,
+ o_dataout=self._get_ireg(m, pin, invert),
+ i_oe=self._get_oereg(m, pin),
+ )
+ return m
+ # The altera_std_synchronizer{,_bundle} megafunctions embed SDC constraints that mark false
+ # paths, so use them instead of our default implementation.
+ def get_ff_sync(self, ff_sync):
+ return Instance("altera_std_synchronizer_bundle",
+ p_width=len(ff_sync.i),
+ p_depth=ff_sync._stages,
+ i_clk=ClockSignal(ff_sync._o_domain),
+ i_reset_n=Const(1),
+ i_din=ff_sync.i,
+ o_dout=ff_sync.o,
+ )
+ def get_reset_sync(self, reset_sync):
+ m = Module()
+ rst_n = Signal()
+ m.submodules += Instance("altera_std_synchronizer",
+ p_depth=reset_sync._stages,
+ i_clk=ClockSignal(reset_sync._domain),
+ i_reset_n=~reset_sync.arst,
+ i_din=Const(1),
+ o_dout=rst_n,
+ )
+ m.d.comb += ResetSignal(reset_sync._domain).eq(~rst_n)
+ return m