return a.second > b.second;
+ typedef std::priority_queue<VarDRatPair, std::vector<VarDRatPair>, VarDRatPairCompare> GriggioPQueue;
- std::priority_queue<VarDRatPair, std::vector<VarDRatPair>, VarDRatPairCompare> d_griggioRuleQueue;
+ GriggioPQueue d_griggioRuleQueue;
* Priority Queue of the basic variables that may be inconsistent.
* This is required to contain at least 1 instance of every inconsistent
* basic variable. This is only required to be a superset though so its
* contents must be checked to still be basic and inconsistent.
+ *
+ * This is also required to agree with the row on variable order for termination.
+ * Effectively this means that this must be a min-heap.
- std::priority_queue<ArithVar> d_possiblyInconsistent;
+ typedef std::priority_queue<ArithVar, vector<ArithVar>, std::greater<ArithVar> > PQueue;
+ PQueue d_possiblyInconsistent;
/** Stores system wide constants to avoid unnessecary reconstruction. */
const ArithConstants& d_constants;