FirstOrderModelFmc * fm = ((FirstOrderModelFmc*)m)->asFirstOrderModelFmc();
Trace("fmc") << "---Full Model Check preprocess() " << std::endl;
+ d_preinitialized_eqc.clear();
//traverse equality engine
eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( fm->d_equalityEngine );
while( !eqcs_i.isFinished() ){
- TypeNode tr = (*eqcs_i).getType();
- d_preinitialized_types[tr] = true;
+ Node r = *eqcs_i;
+ TypeNode tr = r.getType();
+ d_preinitialized_eqc[tr] = r;
for( std::map<Node, Def * >::iterator it = fm->d_models.begin(); it != fm->d_models.end(); ++it ) {
Node op = it->first;
+ Trace("fmc") << "preInitialize types for " << op << std::endl;
TypeNode tno = op.getType();
for( unsigned i=0; i<tno.getNumChildren(); i++) {
+ Trace("fmc") << "preInitializeType " << tno[i] << std::endl;
preInitializeType( fm, tno[i] );
for( size_t i=0; i<add_conds.size(); i++ ){
Node c = add_conds[i];
Node v = add_values[i];
+ Trace("fmc-model-debug")
+ << "Add cond/value : " << c << " -> " << v << std::endl;
std::vector< Node > children;
std::vector< Node > entry_children;
Node n = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_UF, children );
Node nv = fm->getRepresentative( v );
+ Trace("fmc-model-debug")
+ << "Representative of " << v << " is " << nv << std::endl;
if( !nv.isConst() ){
Trace("fmc-warn") << "Warning : model for " << op << " has non-constant value in model " << nv << std::endl;
Assert( false );
if (!tn.isFunction() || options::ufHo())
Node mb = fm->getModelBasisTerm(tn);
- if (!mb.isConst())
+ // if the model basis term does not exist in the model,
+ // either add it directly to the model's equality engine if no other terms
+ // of this type exist, or otherwise assert that it is equal to the first
+ // equivalence class of its type.
+ if (!fm->hasTerm(mb) && !mb.isConst())
- Trace("fmc") << "...add model basis term to EE of model " << mb << " "
- << tn << std::endl;
- fm->d_equalityEngine->addTerm(mb);
+ std::map<TypeNode, Node>::iterator itpe = d_preinitialized_eqc.find(tn);
+ if (itpe == d_preinitialized_eqc.end())
+ {
+ Trace("fmc") << "...add model basis term to EE of model " << mb << " "
+ << tn << std::endl;
+ fm->d_equalityEngine->addTerm(mb);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Trace("fmc") << "...add model basis eqc equality to model " << mb
+ << " == " << itpe->second << " " << tn << std::endl;
+ bool ret = fm->assertEquality(mb, itpe->second, true);
+ AlwaysAssert(ret);
+ }
std::map< TypeNode, Node > d_array_cond;
std::map< Node, Node > d_array_term_cond;
std::map< Node, std::vector< int > > d_star_insts;
- std::map< TypeNode, bool > d_preinitialized_types;
+ //--------------------for preinitialization
+ /** preInitializeType
+ *
+ * This function ensures that the model fm is properly initialized with
+ * respect to type tn.
+ *
+ * In particular, this class relies on the use of "model basis" terms, which
+ * are distinguished terms that are used to specify default values for
+ * uninterpreted functions. This method enforces that the model basis term
+ * occurs in the model for each relevant type T, where a type T is relevant
+ * if a bound variable is of type T, or an uninterpreted function has an
+ * argument or a return value of type T.
+ */
void preInitializeType( FirstOrderModelFmc * fm, TypeNode tn );
+ /** for each type, an equivalence class of that type from the model */
+ std::map<TypeNode, Node> d_preinitialized_eqc;
+ /** map from types to whether we have called the method above */
+ std::map<TypeNode, bool> d_preinitialized_types;
+ //--------------------end for preinitialization
Node normalizeArgReps(FirstOrderModelFmc * fm, Node op, Node n);
bool exhaustiveInstantiate(FirstOrderModelFmc * fm, Node f, Node c, int c_index);
regress1/fmf/german169.smt2 \
regress1/fmf/german73.smt2 \
regress1/fmf/issue916-fmf-or.smt2 \
+ regress1/fmf/issue2034-preinit.smt2 \
regress1/fmf/jasmin-cdt-crash.smt2 \
regress1/fmf/ko-bound-set.cvc \
regress1/fmf/loopy_coda.smt2 \
regress2/ooo.tag10.smt2 \
regress2/piVC_5581bd.smt2 \
regress2/quantifiers/AdditiveMethods_AdditiveMethods..ctor.smt2 \
- regress2/quantifiers/ForElimination-scala-9.smt2 \
regress2/quantifiers/javafe.ast.ArrayInit.35.smt2 \
regress2/quantifiers/javafe.ast.StandardPrettyPrint.319.smt2 \
regress2/quantifiers/javafe.ast.WhileStmt.447.smt2 \
regress2/bug396.smt2 \
regress2/nl/dumortier-050317.smt2 \
regress2/nl/nt-lemmas-bad.smt2 \
+ regress2/quantifiers/ForElimination-scala-9.smt2 \
regress2/quantifiers/small-bug1-fixpoint-3.smt2 \
regress2/xs-11-20-5-2-5-3.smt \
--- /dev/null
+; COMMAND-LINE: --finite-model-find
+; EXPECT: unknown
+(set-logic AUFLIRA)
+(set-info :status unknown)
+(declare-fun _substvar_1_ () Int)
+(declare-fun tptp_const_array1 (Int Real) (Array Int Real))
+(assert (forall ((?I_4 Int) (?L_5 Int) (?U_6 Int) (?Val_7 Real)) (=> true (= (select (tptp_const_array1 _substvar_1_ ?Val_7) 0) ?Val_7))))
\ No newline at end of file