LD = $(CROSS)ld
#compiler flags here
-CFLAGS = -O -Wall -Wextra -mno-vsx -mno-altivec -DDUMP -I../../media/pypowersim_wrapper -I/usr/include/python3.7m
+CFLAGS = -g3 -O -Wall -Wextra -mno-vsx -mno-altivec -I../../media/pypowersim_wrapper -I/usr/include/python3.7m
# assembler flags here
-ASFLAGS= -mlibresoc -mregnames
+ASFLAGS= -mlibresoc -mregnames -Isrc
#linker flags here
LDFLAGS = -Wall -pthread -lpython3.7m
SRCDIR = src
CFILES := $(SRCDIR)/xchacha20.c $(SRCDIR)/test.c $(SRCDIR)/xchacha20_wrapper.c
-ASFILES := $(SRCDIR)/xchacha20_svp64.s
+ASFILES := $(SRCDIR)/xchacha_hchacha20_svp64.s $(SRCDIR)/xchacha_encrypt_bytes_svp64.s
INCLUDES := $(wildcard $(SRCDIR)/*.h))
--- /dev/null
+ .machine libresoc
+ .file "xchacha20_svp64.s"
+ .abiversion 2
+ .section ".text"
+ .align 2
+ .include "xchacha_svp64_macros.s"
+ .set tmp, 2
+ .set ctx_ptr, 3
+ .set m_ptr, 4
+ .set c_ptr, 5
+ .set bytes, 6
+ .set ctr, 7
+ .set i, 8
+ .set SHAPE0, 8
+ .set SHAPE1, 12
+ .set SHAPE2, 16
+ .set SHIFTS, 20
+ .set VL, 22
+ .set j, 24
+ .set m, 32
+ .set x, 40
+ .globl xchacha_encrypt_bytes_svp64_real
+ .type xchacha_encrypt_bytes_svp64_real, @function
+ .cfi_startproc
+ # if bytes == 0, return
+ cmplwi bytes, 0
+ beqlr
+ # Load 16 x 32-bit values from ctx->input
+ setvl 0,0,8,0,1,1 # Set VL to 8 elements
+ sv.ld *j, 0(ctx_ptr)
+ # Set up quarterround constants, SHAPE0, SHAPE1, SHAPE2, SHIFTS
+ quarterround_const SHAPE0, SHAPE1, SHAPE2, SHIFTS
+ # Copy j[] to x[], 16 x 32-bit elements
+ setvl 0,0,16,0,1,1
+ sv.ori/w=32 *x, *j, 0
+ # find out how many bytes to load from m: min(bytes, 64), but need to count octets
+ srdi i, bytes, 3
+ cmplwi i, 8
+ bgt .l1
+ li i, 8
+ # Set ctr to min(64, bytes)
+ ori ctr, i, 0
+ # Load 64 bytes from m_ptr, 8 x 64-bit elements, set MAXVL=8
+ setvl 0,ctr,8,0,1,1
+ sv.ld *m, 0(m_ptr)
+ # establish CTR for outer round count
+ li ctr, 10
+ # Call QuarterRound macro for CTR loops on x[]
+ quarterround x, ctr, VL, SHAPE0, SHAPE1, SHAPE2, SHIFTS
+ # Add j[] to x[], 16 x 32-bit elements
+ setvl 0,0,16,0,1,1
+ sv.add/w=32 *x, *x, *j
+ # XOR x[] elements with m[], 16 x 32-bit elements
+ sv.xor/w=32 *x, *x, *m
+ # j12++; if (!j12) j13++;
+ addi j+6, j+6, 1 # j12 is in the 6th 64-bit register
+ cmplwi j+6, 0
+ bne .l2 # if j12 != 0 skip this
+ ldi tmp, 0x100000000 # we have 2x32-bit values in the register, so need to add 1 << 32
+ add j+6, j+6, tmp
+ # Store 8 x 64-bit from x[] to c_ptr
+ setvl 0,0,8,0,1,1
+ sv.std *x, 0(c_ptr)
+ cmplwi bytes, 64
+ bgt .l5
+ bne .l4
+ # find out how many bytes to load from m: min(bytes, 64), but need to count octets
+ srdi i, bytes, 3
+ setvl 0,i,8,0,1,1
+ sv.ld *m, 0(c_ptr)
+ std j+6, 48(ctx_ptr)
+ blr
+ subi bytes, bytes, 64
+ addi c_ptr, c_ptr, 64
+ addi m_ptr, m_ptr, 64
+ b .loop
+ .long 0
+ .byte 0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0
+ .cfi_endproc
+ .size xchacha_encrypt_bytes_svp64_real,.-xchacha_encrypt_bytes_svp64_real
+ .ident "GCC: (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0"
+ .section .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits