def wishbone_sim(efragment, master, end_simulation):
peripheral = wishbone.Target(MyModelWB())
tap = wishbone.Tap(peripheral.bus)
- interconnect = wishbone.InterconnectPointToPoint(master.bus, peripheral.bus)
+ interconnect = wishbone.InterconnectPointToPoint(, peripheral.bus)
def _end_simulation(s):
s.interrupt = end_simulation(s)
fragment = efragment \
def test_wb_reader():
print("*** Testing Wishbone reader")
- adrgen = SimActor(adrgen_gen(), ("address", Source, [("a", BV(30))]))
- reader = dma_wishbone.Reader()
- dumper = SimActor(dumper_gen(), ("data", Sink, [("d", BV(32))]))
+ adrgen = ActorNode(SimActor(adrgen_gen(), ("address", Source, [("a", BV(30))])))
+ reader = ActorNode(dma_wishbone.Reader())
+ dumper = ActorNode(SimActor(dumper_gen(), ("data", Sink, [("d", BV(32))])))
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(adrgen, reader)
g.add_connection(reader, dumper)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
wishbone_sim(comp.get_fragment(), reader,
- lambda s: adrgen.done and not s.rd(comp.busy))
+ lambda s: and not s.rd(comp.busy))
def test_wb_writer():
print("*** Testing Wishbone writer")
- trgen = SimActor(trgen_gen(), ("address_data", Source, [("a", BV(30)), ("d", BV(32))]))
- writer = dma_wishbone.Writer()
+ trgen = ActorNode(SimActor(trgen_gen(), ("address_data", Source, [("a", BV(30)), ("d", BV(32))])))
+ writer = ActorNode(dma_wishbone.Writer())
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(trgen, writer)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
wishbone_sim(comp.get_fragment(), writer,
- lambda s: trgen.done and not s.rd(comp.busy))
+ lambda s: and not s.rd(comp.busy))
def test_asmi_seqreader():
print("*** Testing ASMI sequential reader")
port = hub.get_port()
- adrgen = SimActor(adrgen_gen(), ("address", Source, [("a", BV(32))]))
- reader = dma_asmi.SequentialReader(port)
- dumper = SimActor(dumper_gen(), ("data", Sink, [("d", BV(32))]))
+ adrgen = ActorNode(SimActor(adrgen_gen(), ("address", Source, [("a", BV(32))])))
+ reader = ActorNode(dma_asmi.SequentialReader(port))
+ dumper = ActorNode(SimActor(dumper_gen(), ("data", Sink, [("d", BV(32))])))
g = DataFlowGraph()
g.add_connection(adrgen, reader)
g.add_connection(reader, dumper)
comp = CompositeActor(g)
asmi_sim(hub.get_fragment() + comp.get_fragment(), hub,
- lambda s: adrgen.done and not s.rd(comp.busy))
+ lambda s: and not s.rd(comp.busy))