pass to CMake. By default, empty.
* +LIBFOO_CONF_OPTS+, to specify additional configure options to pass
- to CMake. By default, empty.
+ to CMake. By default, empty. A number of common CMake options are
+ set by the +cmake-package+ infrastructure; so it is normally not
+ necessary to set them in the package's +*.mk+ file unless you want
+ to override them:
+** +CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE+ is driven by +BR2_ENABLE_DEBUG+;
+** +BUILD_DOC+, +BUILD_DOCS+ are disabled;
+** +BUILD_EXAMPLE+, +BUILD_EXAMPLES+ are disabled;
+** +BUILD_TEST+, +BUILD_TESTS+, +BUILD_TESTING+ are disabled.
* +LIBFOO_MAKE+, to specify an alternate +make+ command. This is
typically useful when parallel make is enabled in the configuration