If the copyright holder for your code has already completed the
agreement in connection with another Google open source project, it
does not need to be completed again.
+This describes how to test libgo when built as part of gccgo.
+To test a specific package, cd to the libgo build directory
+(TARGET/libgo) and run `make PKG/check`. For example, `make
+To see the exact commands that it runs, including how the compiler is
+invoked, run `make GOTESTFLAGS=--trace bytes/check`. This will
+display the commands if the test fails. If the test passes, the
+commands and other output will be visible in a file named
+check-testlog in a subdirectory with the name of the package being
+checked. In the case of bytes/check, this will create
+To leave the test program behind, run `make GOTESTFLAGS=--keep
+bytes/check`. That will leave a gotestNNNN/test directory in the
+libgo build directory. In that directory you can run
+`LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../../.libs ./a.out -test.short` to run the tests.
+You can run specific failing tests using a -test.run option. You can
+see the tests being run with the -test.v option. You can run the
+program under a debugger such as gdb.