class JTAG(DMITAP, Pins):
def __init__(self, pinset, domain, wb_data_wid=32):
TAP.__init__(self, ir_width=4)
- tx = self.add_io(iotype=IOType.Out, name="uart_tx")
- rx = self.add_io(iotype=IOType.In, name="uart_rx")
+ self.u_tx = self.add_io(iotype=IOType.Out, name="uart_tx")
+ self.u_rx = self.add_io(iotype=IOType.In, name="uart_rx")
This results in the creation of:
Both of these tasks are painstaking and tedious in the
extreme if done manually, and prone to either sheer boredom,
transliteration errors, dyslexia triggering or just utter
+confusion. Despite this, let us proceed, and, augmenting
+the Blinky example, wire up a JTAG instance:
+ class Blinker(Elaboratable):
+ def elaborate(self, platform):
+ m = Module()
+ m.submodules.jtag = jtag = JTAG()
+ # get the records from JTAG instance
+ utx, urx = jtag.u_tx, jtag.u_rx
+ # get the UART resource, mess with the output tx
+ p_uart = platform.request('uart')
+ # uart core-side from JTAG
+ intermediary = Signal()
+ m.d.comb += utx.core.o.eq(~intermediary) # invert, for fun
+ m.d.comb += intermediary.eq(urx.core.i) # pass rx to tx
+ # wire up the IO Pads (in right direction) to Platform
+ m.d.comb += uart.tx.eq(utx.pad.i) # transmit JTAG to pad
+ m.d.comb += utx.pad.o.eq(uart.rx) # pass rx to JTAG
+ return m
## Clock synchronisation