load_lib scanasm.exp
load_lib scantree.exp
load_lib prune.exp
+load_lib libgloss.exp
if ![info exists TORTURE_OPTIONS] {
# It is theoretically beneficial to group all of the O2/O3 options together,
{ -Os } ]
+if ![info exists GCC_UNDER_TEST] {
+ set GCC_UNDER_TEST "[find_gcc]"
+global rootme
+set libgcc_s_path "${rootme}"
+set compiler [lindex $GCC_UNDER_TEST 0]
+if { [is_remote host] == 0 && [which $compiler] != 0 } {
+ foreach i "[exec $compiler --print-multi-lib]" {
+ set mldir ""
+ regexp -- "\[a-z0-9=/\.-\]*;" $i mldir
+ set mldir [string trimright $mldir "\;@"]
+ if { "$mldir" == "." } {
+ continue
+ }
+ if { [llength [glob -nocomplain ${rootme}/${mldir}/libgcc_s*.so.*]] == 1 } {
+ append libgcc_s_path ":${rootme}/${mldir}"
+ }
+ }
+# On IRIX 6, we have to set variables akin to LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but
+# called LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH (for the N32 ABI) and LD_LIBRARY64_PATH
+# (for the 64-bit ABI). The right way to do this would be to modify
+# unix.exp -- but that's not an option since it's part of DejaGNU
+# proper, so we do it here. We really only need to do
+# this on IRIX, but it shouldn't hurt to do it anywhere else.
+# Doing this does cause trouble when testing cross-compilers.
+if {![is_remote target]} {
+ if [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)] {
+ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "$libgcc_s_path:$env(LD_LIBRARY_PATH)"
+ } else {
+ setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH $libgcc_s_path
+ }
+ if [info exists env(SHLIB_PATH)] {
+ setenv SHLIB_PATH "$libgcc_s_path:$env(SHLIB_PATH)"
+ } else {
+ setenv SHLIB_PATH $libgcc_s_path
+ }
+ if [info exists env(LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH)] {
+ setenv LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH "$libgcc_s_path:$env(LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH)"
+ } else {
+ setenv LD_LIBRARYN32_PATH $libgcc_s_path
+ }
+ if [info exists env(LD_LIBRARY64_PATH)] {
+ setenv LD_LIBRARY64_PATH "$libgcc_s_path:$env(LD_LIBRARY64_PATH)"
+ } else {
+ setenv LD_LIBRARY64_PATH $libgcc_s_path
+ }
+ if [info exists env(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH)] {
+ setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH "$libgcc_s_path:$env(DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH)"
+ } else {
+ setenv DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH $libgcc_s_path
+ }
# Split TORTURE_OPTIONS into two choices: one for testcases with loops and
# one for testcases without loops.