OBJS += passes/opt/opt_rmdff.o
OBJS += passes/opt/opt_clean.o
OBJS += passes/opt/opt_expr.o
-OBJS += passes/opt/opt_compare.o
ifneq ($(SMALL),1)
OBJS += passes/opt/share.o
while (1) {
Pass::call(design, "opt_expr" + opt_expr_args);
- Pass::call(design, "opt_compare");
Pass::call(design, "opt_merge" + opt_merge_args);
Pass::call(design, "opt_rmdff" + opt_rmdff_args);
Pass::call(design, "opt_expr" + opt_expr_args);
- Pass::call(design, "opt_compare");
Pass::call(design, "opt_merge -nomux" + opt_merge_args);
while (1) {
+++ /dev/null
-#include "kernel/yosys.h"
-#include "kernel/sigtools.h"
-#include "kernel/utils.h"
-void replace_le_cell(Cell* cell, Module* module){
- RTLIL::SigSpec a = cell->getPort("\\A");
- RTLIL::SigSpec b = cell->getPort("\\B");
- RTLIL::SigSpec y(RTLIL::State::S0, cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"].as_int());
- if(b.is_fully_const() && b.is_fully_zero() ){
- if(cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool()){
- // a < 0, can be replaced with a[MAX_BIT]
- log("Found x < 0 (signed), replacing with the last bit\n");
- int a_width = cell->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"].as_int();
- if(a_width > 0){
- y[0] = a[a_width-1];
- module->connect(cell->getPort("\\Y"), y);
- module->remove(cell);
- }
- }
- }
-void replace_ge_cell(Cell* cell, Module* module){
- RTLIL::SigSpec a = cell->getPort("\\A");
- RTLIL::SigSpec b = cell->getPort("\\B");
- RTLIL::SigSpec y = cell->getPort("\\Y");
- if(b.is_fully_const() && b.is_fully_zero()){
- if(cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool()){
- log("Found x >= 0 (signed), optimizing\n");
- RTLIL::SigSpec a_prime(RTLIL::State::S0, cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"].as_int());
- int a_width = cell->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"].as_int();
- if(a_width > 0){
- a_prime[0] = a[a_width-1];
- module->remove(cell);
- module->addNot("$not", a_prime, y,false);
- }
- }
- }
-void optimize_compares(Design* design, Module* module){
- log_header(design, "Executing OPT_COMPARE pass.\n");
- log_push();
- TopoSort<RTLIL::Cell*, RTLIL::IdString::compare_ptr_by_name<RTLIL::Cell>> cells;
- for(auto cell: module->cells())
- if(design->selected(module,cell) && cell->type[0] == '$'){
- cells.node(cell);
- }
- cells.sort();
- for (auto cell: cells.sorted){
- if (cell->type == "$lt"){
- replace_le_cell(cell,module);
- }
- else if(cell->type == "$ge"){
- replace_ge_cell(cell,module);
- }
- }
-struct OptCompare : public Pass {
- OptCompare() : Pass("opt_compare") {}
- virtual void execute(vector<string>, Design* design){
- for(auto module: design->selected_modules())
- optimize_compares(design,module);
- }
- virtual void help() {
- log("\n");
- log("opt_compare\n");
- log("\n");
- log("This pass optimizes some signed compares with 0.\n");
- log("In particular, it replaces a < 0 with the msb of a,\n");
- log("and a >= 0 with the inverted msb of a.\n");
- log("\n");
- }
-} OptCompare;
+ //replace a <0 or a >=0 with the top bit of a
+ if(do_fine && (cell->type == "$lt" || cell->type == "$ge"))
+ {
+ bool is_lt = cell->type == "$lt" ? 1 : 0;
+ RTLIL::SigSpec a = cell->getPort("\\A");
+ RTLIL::SigSpec b = cell->getPort("\\B");
+ int a_width = cell->parameters["\\A_WIDTH"].as_int();
+ //replace a(signed) < 0 with the high bit of a
+ if(b.is_fully_const() && b.is_fully_zero() && cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool() == true){
+ RTLIL::SigSpec a_prime(RTLIL::State::S0, cell->parameters["\\Y_WIDTH"].as_int());
+ a_prime[0] = a[a_width-1];
+ if(is_lt){
+ log("Optimizing a < 0 with a[%d]\n",a_width - 1);
+ module->connect(cell->getPort("\\Y"), a_prime);
+ module->remove(cell);
+ }
+ else{
+ log("Optimizing a >= 0 with ~a[%d]\n",a_width - 1);
+ module->addNot("$not", a_prime, cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ module->remove(cell);
+ }
+ did_something = true;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ else if(b.is_fully_const() && b.is_fully_def() && cell->parameters["\\A_SIGNED"].as_bool() == false){
+ int b_value = b.as_int(false);
+ if(b_value == 0){
+ RTLIL::SigSpec a_prime(RTLIL::State::S0,1);
+ if(is_lt){
+ log("replacing a(unsigned) < 0 with constant false\n");
+ a_prime[0] = RTLIL::State::S0;
+ }
+ else{
+ log("replacing a(unsigned) >= 0 with constant true\n");
+ a_prime[0] = RTLIL::State::S1;
+ }
+ module->connect(cell->getPort("\\Y"), a_prime);
+ module->remove(cell);
+ did_something = true;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ else if((b_value & -b_value) == b_value){ //if b has only 1 bit set
+ int bit_set = ceil_log2(b_value);
+ RTLIL::SigSpec a_prime(RTLIL::State::S0,a_width-bit_set);
+ for(int i = bit_set; i < a_width; i++){
+ a_prime[i-bit_set] = a[i];
+ }
+ if(is_lt){
+ log("replacing a < %d with !a[%d:%d]\n",b_value,a_width-1,bit_set);
+ module->addLogicNot("$logic_not", a_prime,cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ }
+ else{
+ log("replacing a >= %d with |a[%d:%d]\n",b_value,a_width-1,bit_set);
+ module->addReduceOr("$reduce_or", a_prime,cell->getPort("\\Y"));
+ }
+ module->remove(cell);
+ did_something = true;
+ goto next_cell;
+ }
+ }
+ }
#undef ACTION_DO