# This code is in the public domain
import os, sys
+from difflib import SequenceMatcher
import logging
import subprocess
import tempfile
Return pair success, errmsg. If comparison succeeds, success is True
and errmsg is empty. Otherwise success is False and errmsg holds a
description of the mismatch.
+ Note: this function contains some rather horrible hacks to ignore
+ differences which are not important for the verification of pyelftools.
+ This is due to some intricacies of binutils's readelf which pyelftools
+ doesn't currently implement. Read the documentation for more details.
lines1 = s1.splitlines()
lines2 = s2.splitlines()
if len(lines1) != len(lines2):
return False, 'Number of lines different: %s vs %s' % (
len(lines1), len(lines2))
+ flag_after_symtable = False
for i in range(len(lines1)):
+ if 'Symbol table' in lines1[i]:
+ flag_after_symtable = True
+ # Compare ignoring whitespace
if lines1[i].split() != lines2[i].split():
+ if flag_after_symtable:
+ sm = SequenceMatcher()
+ sm.set_seqs(lines1[i], lines2[i])
+ # Detect readelf's adding @ with lib and version after
+ # symbol name.
+ changes = sm.get_opcodes()
+ if ( len(changes) == 2 and changes[1][0] == 'delete' and
+ lines1[i][changes[1][1]] == '@'):
+ continue
errmsg = 'Mismatch on line #%s:\n>>%s<<\n>>%s<<\n' % (
i, lines1[i], lines2[i])
return False, errmsg