parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
initial Q <= INIT;
- always @(negedge C, posedge PRE) if (PRE) Q <= 1'b1; else if (CE) Q <= D;
+ wire \$currQ ;
+ reg \$nextQ ;
+ always @* if (S) \$nextQ = 1'b1; else if (CE) \$nextQ = D; else \$nextQ = \$currQ ;
+`ifdef _ABC
+ // `abc9' requires that complex flops be split into a combinatorial
+ // box (this module) feeding a simple flop ($_ABC_FF_ in abc_map.v)
+ // In order to achieve clock-enable behaviour, the current value
+ // of the sequential output is required which Yosys will
+ // connect to the special `\$currQ' wire.
+ // Special signal indicating clock domain
+ // (used to partition the module so that `abc9' only performs
+ // sequential synthesis (reachability analysis) correctly on
+ // one domain at a time)
+ wire [1:0] \$abc9_clock = {C, 1'b1 /* IS_C_INVERTED */};
+ // Special signal indicating control domain
+ // (which, combined with this spell type, encodes to `abc9'
+ // which flops may be merged together)
+ wire [3:0] \$abc9_control = {CE, 1'b0 /* IS_D_INVERTED */, S, 1'b0 /* IS_S_INVERTED */};
+ always @* Q = \$nextQ ;
+ assign \$currQ = Q;
+ always @(negedge C) Q <= \$nextQ ;
+ module LDCE (
+ output reg Q,
+ (* invertible_pin = "IS_CLR_INVERTED" *)
+ input CLR,
+ input D,
+ (* invertible_pin = "IS_G_INVERTED" *)
+ input G,
+ input GE
+ );
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_CLR_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_G_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter MSGON = "TRUE";
+ parameter XON = "TRUE";
+ initial Q = INIT;
+ wire clr = CLR ^ IS_CLR_INVERTED;
+ wire g = G ^ IS_G_INVERTED;
+ always @*
+ if (clr) Q = 1'b0;
+ else if (GE && g) Q = D;
+ endmodule
+ module LDPE (
+ output reg Q,
+ input D,
+ (* invertible_pin = "IS_G_INVERTED" *)
+ input G,
+ input GE,
+ (* invertible_pin = "IS_PRE_INVERTED" *)
+ input PRE
+ );
+ parameter [0:0] INIT = 1'b1;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_G_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter [0:0] IS_PRE_INVERTED = 1'b0;
+ parameter MSGON = "TRUE";
+ parameter XON = "TRUE";
+ initial Q = INIT;
+ wire g = G ^ IS_G_INVERTED;
+ wire pre = PRE ^ IS_PRE_INVERTED;
+ always @*
+ if (pre) Q = 1'b1;
+ else if (GE && g) Q = D;
+ endmodule
module RAM32X1D (
// Max delay from: https://github.com/SymbiFlow/prjxray-db/blob/34ea6eb08a63d21ec16264ad37a0a7b142ff6031/artix7/timings/CLBLM_R.sdf#L957
(* abc_arrival=1153 *)