getExtTheory()->markReduced( n );
Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " resolvable by evaluation..." << std::endl;
std::vector< Node > exps;
+ // The following optimization gets the "symbolic definition" of
+ // an extended term. The symbolic definition of a term t is a term
+ // t' where constants are replaced by their corresponding proxy
+ // variables.
+ // For example, if lsym is a proxy variable for "", then
+ // str.replace( lsym, lsym, lsym ) is the symbolic definition for
+ // str.replace( "", "", "" ). It is generally better to use symbolic
+ // definitions when doing cd-rewriting for the purpose of minimizing
+ // clauses, e.g. we infer the unit equality:
+ // str.replace( lsym, lsym, lsym ) == ""
+ // instead of making this inference multiple times:
+ // x = "" => str.replace( x, x, x ) == ""
+ // y = "" => str.replace( y, y, y ) == ""
Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " get symbolic definition..." << std::endl;
Node nrs = getSymbolicDefinition( sn, exps );
if( !nrs.isNull() ){
Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " rewrite " << nrs << "..." << std::endl;
- nrs = Rewriter::rewrite( nrs );
- //ensure the symbolic form is non-trivial
- if( nrs.isConst() ){
+ Node nrsr = Rewriter::rewrite(nrs);
+ // ensure the symbolic form is not rewritable
+ if (nrsr != nrs)
+ {
+ // we cannot use the symbolic definition if it rewrites
Trace("strings-extf-debug") << " symbolic definition is trivial..." << std::endl;
nrs = Node::null();