return true;
-void dump_const(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool no_decimal = false, bool set_signed = false, bool escape_comment = false)
+void dump_const(std::ostream &f, const RTLIL::Const &data, int width = -1, int offset = 0, bool no_decimal = false, bool escape_comment = false)
+ bool set_signed = (data.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0;
if (width < 0)
width = data.bits.size() - offset;
if (width == 0) {
} else {
- f << stringf("\"");
+ if ((data.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_REAL) == 0)
+ f << stringf("\"");
std::string str = data.decode_string();
for (size_t i = 0; i < str.size(); i++) {
if (str[i] == '\n')
f << str[i];
- f << stringf("\"");
+ if ((data.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_REAL) == 0)
+ f << stringf("\"");
else if (modattr && (it->second == Const(1, 1) || it->second == Const(1)))
f << stringf(" 1 ");
- dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, false, false, attr2comment);
+ dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, false, attr2comment);
f << stringf(" %s%c", attr2comment ? "*/" : "*)", term);
dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\DST"));
- f << stringf(") = (%d:%d:%d, %d:%d:%d);\n",
- cell->getParam("\\T_RISE_MIN").as_int(),
- cell->getParam("\\T_RISE_TYP").as_int(),
- cell->getParam("\\T_RISE_MAX").as_int(),
- cell->getParam("\\T_FALL_MIN").as_int(),
- cell->getParam("\\T_FALL_TYP").as_int(),
- cell->getParam("\\T_FALL_MAX").as_int());
+ bool bak_decimal = decimal;
+ decimal = 1;
+ f << ") = (";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_RISE_MIN"));
+ f << ":";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_RISE_TYP"));
+ f << ":";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_RISE_MAX"));
+ f << ", ";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_FALL_MIN"));
+ f << ":";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_FALL_TYP"));
+ f << ":";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_FALL_MAX"));
+ f << ");\n";
+ decimal = bak_decimal;
+ f << stringf("%s" "endspecify\n", indent.c_str());
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (cell->type == "$specrule")
+ {
+ f << stringf("%s" "specify\n%s ", indent.c_str(), indent.c_str());
+ string spec_type = cell->getParam("\\TYPE").decode_string();
+ f << stringf("%s(", spec_type.c_str());
+ if (cell->getParam("\\SRC_PEN").as_bool())
+ f << (cell->getParam("\\SRC_POL").as_bool() ? "posedge ": "negedge ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\SRC"));
+ if (cell->getPort("\\SRC_EN") != State::S1) {
+ f << " &&& ";
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\SRC_EN"));
+ }
+ f << ", ";
+ if (cell->getParam("\\DST_PEN").as_bool())
+ f << (cell->getParam("\\DST_POL").as_bool() ? "posedge ": "negedge ");
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\DST"));
+ if (cell->getPort("\\DST_EN") != State::S1) {
+ f << " &&& ";
+ dump_sigspec(f, cell->getPort("\\DST_EN"));
+ }
+ bool bak_decimal = decimal;
+ decimal = 1;
+ f << ", ";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_LIMIT"));
+ if (spec_type == "$setuphold" || spec_type == "$recrem" || spec_type == "$fullskew") {
+ f << ", ";
+ dump_const(f, cell->getParam("\\T_LIMIT2"));
+ }
+ f << ");\n";
+ decimal = bak_decimal;
f << stringf("%s" "endspecify\n", indent.c_str());
return true;
if (it != cell->parameters.begin())
f << stringf(",");
f << stringf("\n%s .%s(", indent.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
- bool is_signed = (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0;
- dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, false, is_signed);
+ dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf(")");
f << stringf("\n%s" ")", indent.c_str());
if (defparam && cell->parameters.size() > 0) {
for (auto it = cell->parameters.begin(); it != cell->parameters.end(); ++it) {
f << stringf("%sdefparam %s.%s = ", indent.c_str(), cell_name.c_str(), id(it->first).c_str());
- bool is_signed = (it->second.flags & RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_SIGNED) != 0;
- dump_const(f, it->second, -1, 0, false, is_signed);
+ dump_const(f, it->second);
f << stringf(";\n");
if (child->type == AST_PARASET) {
+ int extra_const_flags = 0;
IdString paraname = child->str.empty() ? stringf("$%d", ++para_counter) : child->str;
if (child->children[0]->type == AST_REALVALUE) {
log_file_warning(filename, linenum, "Replacing floating point parameter %s.%s = %f with string.\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(paraname), child->children[0]->realvalue);
+ extra_const_flags = RTLIL::CONST_FLAG_REAL;
auto strnode = AstNode::mkconst_str(stringf("%f", child->children[0]->realvalue));
delete strnode;
log_file_error(filename, linenum, "Parameter %s.%s with non-constant value!\n",
log_id(cell), log_id(paraname));
cell->parameters[paraname] = child->children[0]->asParaConst();
+ cell->parameters[paraname].flags |= extra_const_flags;
if (child->type == AST_ARGUMENT) {