use proc_macro2;
use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::collections::HashMap;
+use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::fmt;
use std::io::{self, Read, Write};
+use std::iter;
use std::process::{Child, Command, ExitStatus, Stdio};
use std::thread;
use util::{self, NameFormat::*};
+struct ParsedExtensionInstructionSet {
+ ast: ast::ExtensionInstructionSet,
+ enumerant_name: proc_macro2::Ident,
+ spirv_instruction_set_name: &'static str,
#[cfg_attr(feature = "cargo-clippy", allow(clippy::cyclomatic_complexity))]
pub(crate) fn generate(
core_grammar: ast::CoreGrammar,
instructions: core_instructions,
} = core_grammar;
+ let parsed_extension_instruction_sets: Vec<_> = parsed_extension_instruction_sets
+ .into_iter()
+ .map(|(key, ast)| match key {
+ super::ExtensionInstructionSet::GLSLStd450 => ParsedExtensionInstructionSet {
+ ast,
+ enumerant_name: new_id("GLSLStd450", CamelCase),
+ spirv_instruction_set_name: "GLSL.std.450",
+ },
+ super::ExtensionInstructionSet::OpenCLStd => ParsedExtensionInstructionSet {
+ ast,
+ enumerant_name: new_id("OpenCLStd", CamelCase),
+ spirv_instruction_set_name: "OpenCL.std",
+ },
+ })
+ .collect();
writeln!(&mut out, "// automatically generated file")?;
- writeln!(&mut out, "//")?;
- for i in &core_grammar_copyright {
- assert_eq!(i.find('\r'), None);
- assert_eq!(i.find('\n'), None);
- if i == "" {
- writeln!(&mut out, "//");
- } else {
- writeln!(&mut out, "// {}", i);
+ {
+ let mut copyright_set = HashSet::new();
+ for copyright in iter::once(&core_grammar_copyright).chain(
+ parsed_extension_instruction_sets
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| &v.ast.copyright),
+ ) {
+ if !copyright_set.insert(copyright) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ writeln!(&mut out, "//")?;
+ for line in copyright.iter() {
+ assert_eq!(line.find('\r'), None);
+ assert_eq!(line.find('\n'), None);
+ if line == "" {
+ writeln!(&mut out, "//");
+ } else {
+ writeln!(&mut out, "// {}", line);
+ }
+ }
&mut out,
- use std::result;
+ use std::borrow::Cow;
use std::error;
use std::fmt;
use std::mem;
+ use std::ops::Deref;
+ use std::result;
use std::str::Utf8Error;
use std::string::FromUtf8Error;
let (&high, words) = words
- Ok((((high as u64) << 32) | low as u64, words))
+ Ok(((u64::from(high) << 32) | u64::from(low), words))
let type_name =
new_combined_id(&[kind.as_ref(), &enumerant.enumerant], CamelCase);
- let enumerant_parse_operation;
- if enumerant.parameters.is_empty() {
+ let enumerant_parse_operation = if enumerant.parameters.is_empty() {
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct #type_name;
- enumerant_parse_operation = quote!{(Some(#type_name), words)};
+ quote!{(Some(#type_name), words)}
} else {
let mut enumerant_member_declarations = Vec::new();
let mut enumerant_member_parse_initializers = Vec::new();
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct #type_name(#(#enumerant_member_declarations)*);
- enumerant_parse_operation = quote!{
+ quote!{
(Some(#type_name(#(#enumerant_member_parse_initializers)*)), words)
- };
- }
+ }
+ };
pub #member_name: Option<#type_name>
- ast::OperandKind::Id { kind, doc: _ } => {
+ ast::OperandKind::Id { kind, .. } => {
let base = if *kind == ast::Kind::IdRef {
} else {
- ast::OperandKind::Literal { kind, doc: _ } => {
+ ast::OperandKind::Literal { kind, .. } => {
let kind_id = new_id(kind, CamelCase);
&mut out,
let mut instruction_enumerants = Vec::new();
let mut spec_constant_op_instruction_enumerants = Vec::new();
let mut instruction_parse_cases = Vec::new();
+ let mut instruction_spec_constant_parse_cases = Vec::new();
+ let mut instruction_extension_enumerants = Vec::new();
+ let mut instruction_extension_parse_cases = Vec::new();
+ for parsed_extension_instruction_set in &parsed_extension_instruction_sets {
+ let extension_instruction_set = &parsed_extension_instruction_set.enumerant_name;
+ for instruction in &parsed_extension_instruction_set.ast.instructions {
+ let instruction_enumerant_name = new_combined_id(
+ &[
+ parsed_extension_instruction_set.spirv_instruction_set_name,
+ instruction.opname.as_ref(),
+ ],
+ CamelCase,
+ );
+ let opcode = instruction.opcode;
+ let mut fields = Vec::new();
+ for operand in instruction.operands.iter() {
+ let kind = new_id(&operand.kind, CamelCase);
+ let name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
+ let kind = match &operand.quantifier {
+ None => quote!{#kind},
+ Some(ast::Quantifier::Optional) => quote!{Option<#kind>},
+ Some(ast::Quantifier::Variadic) => quote!{Vec<#kind>},
+ };
+ fields.push(quote!{#name: #kind});
+ }
+ let instruction_extension_enumerant = quote!{
+ #instruction_enumerant_name {
+ id_result_type: IdResultType,
+ id_result: IdResult,
+ set: IdRef,
+ #(#fields,)*
+ }
+ };
+ instruction_extension_enumerants.push(instruction_extension_enumerant);
+ let mut parse_operations = Vec::new();
+ let mut operand_names = Vec::new();
+ for operand in &instruction.operands {
+ let kind = new_id(&operand.kind, CamelCase);
+ let name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
+ let kind = match operand.quantifier {
+ None => quote!{#kind},
+ Some(ast::Quantifier::Optional) => quote!{Option::<#kind>},
+ Some(ast::Quantifier::Variadic) => quote!{Vec::<#kind>},
+ };
+ parse_operations.push(quote!{
+ let (#name, words) = #kind::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ });
+ operand_names.push(name);
+ }
+ let body = quote!{
+ #(#parse_operations)*
+ if words.is_empty() {
+ Ok(Instruction::#instruction_enumerant_name {
+ id_result_type,
+ id_result,
+ set,
+ #(#operand_names,)*
+ })
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::InstructionTooLong)
+ }
+ };
+ let instruction_extension_parse_case = quote!{
+ (ExtensionInstructionSet::#extension_instruction_set, #opcode) => {
+ #body
+ },
+ };
+ instruction_extension_parse_cases.push(instruction_extension_parse_case);
+ }
+ }
+ let instruction_extension_parse_cases = &instruction_extension_parse_cases;
for instruction in core_instructions.iter() {
let opcode = instruction.opcode;
let opname = new_id(remove_initial_op(instruction.opname.as_ref()), CamelCase);
- instruction_parse_cases.push(match &instruction.opname {
+ let instruction_parse_case = match &instruction.opname {
+ ast::InstructionName::OpExtInstImport => {
+ let body = quote!{
+ parse_state.define_id(
+ id_result,
+ IdState::ExtensionInstructionSet(ExtensionInstructionSet::from(&*name)),
+ )?;
+ if words.is_empty() {
+ Ok(Instruction::ExtInstImport { id_result, name })
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::InstructionTooLong)
+ }
+ };
+ quote!{#opcode => {
+ let (id_result, words) = IdResult::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ let (name, words) = LiteralString::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ #body
+ }}
+ }
+ ast::InstructionName::OpExtInst => {
+ let body = quote!{
+ let extension_instruction_set;
+ match parse_state.id_states[set.0 as usize].clone() {
+ IdState::ExtensionInstructionSet(ExtensionInstructionSet::Other(_)) => {
+ let (operands, words) = Vec::<LiteralInteger32>::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ if words.is_empty() {
+ return Ok(Instruction::ExtInst {
+ id_result_type,
+ id_result,
+ set,
+ instruction,
+ operands,
+ });
+ } else {
+ return Err(Error::InstructionTooLong);
+ }
+ }
+ IdState::ExtensionInstructionSet(v) => {
+ extension_instruction_set = v;
+ }
+ _ => return Err(Error::IdIsNotExtInstImport(set)),
+ };
+ match (extension_instruction_set, instruction) {
+ #(#instruction_extension_parse_cases)*
+ (extension_instruction_set, instruction) => Err(Error::UnknownExtensionOpcode(extension_instruction_set, instruction)),
+ }
+ };
+ quote!{
+ #opcode => {
+ let (id_result_type, words) = IdResultType::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ let (id_result, words) = IdResult::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ parse_state.define_value(id_result_type, id_result)?;
+ let (set, words) = IdRef::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ let (instruction, words) = LiteralExtInstInteger::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ #body
+ }
+ }
+ }
ast::InstructionName::OpTypeInt => {
let body = quote!{
+ let (signedness, words) = LiteralInteger32::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
let id_state = match width {
8 | 16 | 32 => IdState::Type(IdStateType(BitWidth::Width32OrLess)),
64 => IdState::Type(IdStateType(BitWidth::Width64)),
#opcode => {
let (id_result, words) = IdResult::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
let (width, words) = LiteralInteger32::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
- let (signedness, words) = LiteralInteger32::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
#opcode => {
let (selector, words) = IdRef::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
let (default, words) = IdRef::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
- match parse_state.id_states[selector.0 as usize] {
+ match &parse_state.id_states[selector.0 as usize] {
_ => Err(Error::SwitchSelectorIsInvalid(selector)),
if let Some([operand1, operand2]) = instruction.operands.get(..2) {
- if operand1.kind == ast::Kind::IdResultType && operand2.kind == ast::Kind::IdResult {
+ if operand1.kind == ast::Kind::IdResultType
+ && operand2.kind == ast::Kind::IdResult
+ {
let operand1_name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
let operand2_name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
- });
+ };
+ instruction_parse_cases.push(instruction_parse_case);
let instruction_enumerant =
if instruction.opname == ast::InstructionName::OpSpecConstantOp {
if ast::OP_SPEC_CONSTANT_OP_SUPPORTED_INSTRUCTIONS.contains(&instruction.opname) {
+ let opcode = u32::from(opcode);
+ let mut parse_operations = Vec::new();
+ let mut operand_names = Vec::new();
+ operand_names.push(new_id("id_result_type", SnakeCase));
+ operand_names.push(new_id("id_result", SnakeCase));
+ for operand in instruction.operands.iter().skip(2) {
+ let kind = new_id(&operand.kind, CamelCase);
+ let name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
+ let kind = match operand.quantifier {
+ None => quote!{#kind},
+ Some(ast::Quantifier::Optional) => quote!{Option::<#kind>},
+ Some(ast::Quantifier::Variadic) => quote!{Vec::<#kind>},
+ };
+ parse_operations.push(quote!{
+ let (#name, words) = #kind::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ });
+ operand_names.push(name);
+ }
+ if let Some([operand1, operand2]) = instruction.operands.get(..2) {
+ assert_eq!(operand1.kind, ast::Kind::IdResultType);
+ assert_eq!(operand2.kind, ast::Kind::IdResult);
+ let operand1_name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
+ let operand2_name = new_id(, SnakeCase);
+ parse_operations.push(quote!{
+ parse_state.define_value(#operand1_name, #operand2_name)?;
+ });
+ } else {
+ assert!(
+ false,
+ "spec constant op is missing id_result_type and id_result"
+ );
+ }
+ instruction_spec_constant_parse_cases.push(quote!{#opcode => {
+ #(#parse_operations)*
+ if words.is_empty() {
+ Ok((OpSpecConstantOp::#opname {
+ #(#operand_names,)*
+ }, words))
+ } else {
+ Err(Error::InstructionTooLong)
+ }
+ }});
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
pub enum Instruction {
+ #(#instruction_extension_enumerants,)*
+ UnknownSpecConstantOpcode(u32),
+ UnknownExtensionOpcode(ExtensionInstructionSet, u32),
+ IdIsNotExtInstImport(IdRef),
impl From<Utf8Error> for Error {
Error::UnknownOpcode(opcode) => {
write!(f, "SPIR-V instruction has an unknown opcode: {}", opcode)
+ Error::UnknownSpecConstantOpcode(opcode) => {
+ write!(f, "SPIR-V OpSpecConstantOp instruction has an unknown opcode: {}", opcode)
+ }
+ Error::UnknownExtensionOpcode(ref extension_instruction_set, opcode) => {
+ write!(f, "SPIR-V OpExtInst instruction has an unknown opcode: {} in {}", opcode, extension_instruction_set)
+ }
Error::Utf8Error(error) => fmt::Display::fmt(&error, f),
Error::InstructionPrematurelyEnded => write!(f, "SPIR-V instruction prematurely ended"),
Error::InvalidStringTermination => write!(f, "SPIR-V LiteralString has an invalid termination word"),
Error::UnsupportedIntSize => write!(f, "unsupported int size"),
Error::UndefinedType(id) => write!(f, "undefined type {}", id),
Error::SwitchSelectorIsInvalid(id) => write!(f, "Switch selector is invalid: {}", id),
+ Error::IdIsNotExtInstImport(id) => write!(f, "id is not the result of an OpExtInstImport instruction: {}", id),
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
struct IdStateValue(BitWidth);
- #[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
+ #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
enum IdState {
+ ExtensionInstructionSet(ExtensionInstructionSet),
#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+ let body = quote!{
+ let (id_result_type, words) = IdResultType::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ let (id_result, words) = IdResult::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ let (opcode, words) = u32::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
+ match opcode {
+ #(#instruction_spec_constant_parse_cases)*
+ opcode => Err(Error::UnknownSpecConstantOpcode(opcode)),
+ }
+ };
&mut out,
words: &'a [u32],
parse_state: &mut ParseState
) -> Result<(Self, &'a [u32])> {
- let (id_result_type, words) = IdResultType::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
- let (id_result, words) = IdResult::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
- let (opcode, words) = u32::spirv_parse(words, parse_state)?;
- unimplemented!()
+ #body
+ {
+ let extension_instruction_set_enumerants: Vec<_> = parsed_extension_instruction_sets
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| &v.enumerant_name)
+ .collect();
+ let extension_instruction_set_enumerants = &extension_instruction_set_enumerants;
+ let spirv_instruction_set_names: Vec<_> = parsed_extension_instruction_sets
+ .iter()
+ .map(|v| v.spirv_instruction_set_name)
+ .collect();
+ let spirv_instruction_set_names = &spirv_instruction_set_names;
+ writeln!(
+ &mut out,
+ "{}",
+ quote!{
+ #[derive(Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Debug)]
+ pub enum ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ #(#extension_instruction_set_enumerants,)*
+ Other(String),
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ writeln!(
+ &mut out,
+ "{}",
+ quote!{
+ impl<'a> From<Cow<'a, str>> for ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ fn from(s: Cow<'a, str>) -> ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ match s.as_ref() {
+ #(#spirv_instruction_set_names=>return ExtensionInstructionSet::#extension_instruction_set_enumerants,)*
+ _ => {}
+ }
+ ExtensionInstructionSet::Other(s.into_owned())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ writeln!(
+ &mut out,
+ "{}",
+ quote!{
+ impl Deref for ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ type Target = str;
+ fn deref(&self) -> &str {
+ match self {
+ #(ExtensionInstructionSet::#extension_instruction_set_enumerants=>#spirv_instruction_set_names,)*
+ ExtensionInstructionSet::Other(s)=>&**s,
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ writeln!(
+ &mut out,
+ "{}",
+ stringify!(
+ impl AsRef<str> for ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
+ &**self
+ }
+ }
+ impl From<ExtensionInstructionSet> for String {
+ fn from(v: ExtensionInstructionSet) -> String {
+ match v {
+ ExtensionInstructionSet::Other(v) => v,
+ v => String::from(v.as_ref()),
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ impl<'a> From<&'a str> for ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ fn from(s: &'a str) -> Self {
+ Cow::Borrowed(s).into()
+ }
+ }
+ impl From<String> for ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ fn from(s: String) -> Self {
+ Self::from(Cow::Owned(s))
+ }
+ }
+ impl fmt::Display for ExtensionInstructionSet {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
+ let s: &str = &**self;
+ fmt::Display::fmt(s, f)
+ }
+ }
+ )
+ );
+ }
let source = String::from_utf8(out).unwrap();
let source = match format_source(&options, &source) {
Ok(source) => source.into_owned(),