-- to "<target>-gcc". In the specific case where AAMP_On_Target is set, the
-- name "gcc" is mapped to "gnaamp", and names of the form "gnat*" are
-- mapped to "gnaamp*". This function clobbers Name_Buffer and Name_Len.
- -- Also look at any suffix, e.g. gnatmake-4.1 -> "gcc-4.1".
- -- Prog is the default name of the current program being executed, e.g.
- -- "gnatmake", "gnatlink".
+ -- Also look at any suffix, e.g. gnatmake-4.1 -> "gcc-4.1". Prog is the
+ -- default name of the current program being executed, e.g. "gnatmake",
+ -- "gnatlink".
procedure Write_Program_Name;
- -- Writes name of program as invoked to the current output
- -- (normally standard output).
+ -- Writes name of program as invoked to the current output (normally
+ -- standard output).
procedure Fail (S1 : String; S2 : String := ""; S3 : String := "");
pragma No_Return (Fail);
-- modified by update_path.
procedure Add_Default_Search_Dirs;
- -- This routine adds the default search dirs indicated by the
- -- environment variables and sdefault package.
+ -- This routine adds the default search dirs indicated by the environment
+ -- variables and sdefault package.
procedure Add_Lib_Search_Dir (Dir : String);
-- Add Dir at the end of the library file search path
(Search_Path : String_Access);
function Get_Next_Dir_In_Path
(Search_Path : String_Access) return String_Access;
- -- These subprograms are used to parse out the directory names in a
- -- search path specified by a Search_Path argument. The procedure
- -- initializes an internal pointer to point to the initial directory
- -- name, and calls to the function return successive directory names,
- -- with a null pointer marking the end of the list.
+ -- These subprograms are used to parse out the directory names in a search
+ -- path specified by a Search_Path argument. The procedure initializes an
+ -- internal pointer to point to the initial directory name, and calls to
+ -- the function return successive directory names, with a null pointer
+ -- marking the end of the list.
type Search_File_Type is (Include, Objects);
-- LF/CR
-- LF
- -- The source is terminated by an EOF (16#1A#) character, which is
- -- the last character of the returned source buffer (note that any
- -- EOF characters in positions other than the last source character
- -- are treated as representing blanks).
+ -- The source is terminated by an EOF (16#1A#) character, which is the last
+ -- character of the returned source buffer (note that any EOF characters in
+ -- positions other than the last source character are treated as blanks).
-- The logical lower bound of the source buffer is the input value of Lo,
-- and on exit Hi is set to the logical upper bound of the source buffer.