from smtio import SmtIo, SmtOpts, MkVcd
from collections import defaultdict
+got_topt = False
skip_steps = 0
step_size = 1
num_steps = 20
append_steps = 0
vcdfile = None
cexfile = None
+aigprefix = None
vlogtbfile = None
inconstr = list()
outconstr = None
--cex <cex_filename>
read cex file as written by ABC's "write_cex -n"
+ --aig <prefix>
+ read AIGER map file (as written by Yosys' "write_aiger -map")
+ and AIGER witness file. The file names are <prefix>.aim for
+ the map file and <prefix>.aiw for the witness file.
only run the core proof, do not collect and print any
additional information (e.g. which assert failed)
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], so.shortopts + "t:igm:", so.longopts +
- ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo", "append="])
+ ["final-only", "assume-skipped=", "smtc=", "cex=", "aig=",
+ "dump-vcd=", "dump-vlogtb=", "dump-smtc=", "dump-all", "noinfo", "append="])
for o, a in opts:
if o == "-t":
+ got_topt = True
a = a.split(":")
if len(a) == 1:
num_steps = int(a[0])
step_size = int(a[1])
num_steps = int(a[2])
- assert 0
+ assert False
elif o == "--assume-skipped":
assume_skipped = int(a)
elif o == "--final-only":
elif o == "--cex":
cexfile = a
+ elif o == "--aig":
+ aigprefix = a
elif o == "--dump-vcd":
vcdfile = a
elif o == "--dump-vlogtb":
current_states = set(["final-%d" % i for i in range(-i, num_steps+1)])
constr_final_start = -i if constr_final_start is None else min(constr_final_start, -i)
- assert 0
+ assert False
if tokens[0] == "state":
for i in range(lower, upper+1):
- assert 0
+ assert False
if tokens[0] == "always":
assert i < 0
current_states = set(range(-i, num_steps+1))
- assert 0
+ assert False
if tokens[0] == "assert":
so.logic = " ".join(tokens[1:])
- assert 0
+ assert False
def get_constr_expr(db, state, final=False, getvalues=False):
# print("cex@%d: %s" % (step, smtexpr))
constr_assumes[step].append((cexfile, smtexpr))
+if aigprefix is not None:
+ input_map = dict()
+ init_map = dict()
+ latch_map = dict()
+ with open(aigprefix + ".aim", "r") as f:
+ for entry in
+ entry = entry.split()
+ if entry[0] == "input":
+ input_map[int(entry[1])] = (entry[3], int(entry[2]))
+ continue
+ if entry[0] == "init":
+ init_map[int(entry[1])] = (entry[3], int(entry[2]))
+ continue
+ if entry[0] in ["latch", "invlatch"]:
+ latch_map[int(entry[1])] = (entry[3], int(entry[2]), entry[0] == "invlatch")
+ continue
+ if entry[0] in ["output", "wire"]:
+ continue
+ assert False
+ with open(aigprefix + ".aiw", "r") as f:
+ got_state = False
+ got_ffinit = False
+ step = 0
+ for entry in
+ if len(entry) == 0 or entry[0] in "bcjfu.":
+ continue
+ if not got_state:
+ got_state = True
+ assert entry == "1"
+ continue
+ if not got_ffinit:
+ got_ffinit = True
+ if len(init_map) == 0:
+ for i in range(len(entry)):
+ if entry[i] == "x":
+ continue
+ if i in latch_map:
+ value = int(entry[i])
+ name = latch_map[i][0]
+ bitidx = latch_map[i][1]
+ invert = latch_map[i][2]
+ if invert:
+ value = 1 - value
+ path = smt.get_path(topmod, name)
+ width = smt.net_width(topmod, path)
+ if width == 1:
+ assert bitidx == 0
+ smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if value else "false")
+ else:
+ smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bitidx, bitidx, name, value)
+ constr_assumes[0].append((cexfile, smtexpr))
+ continue
+ for i in range(len(entry)):
+ if entry[i] == "x":
+ continue
+ if (step == 0) and (i in init_map):
+ value = int(entry[i])
+ name = init_map[i][0]
+ bitidx = init_map[i][1]
+ path = smt.get_path(topmod, name)
+ width = smt.net_width(topmod, path)
+ if width == 1:
+ assert bitidx == 0
+ smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if value else "false")
+ else:
+ smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bitidx, bitidx, name, value)
+ constr_assumes[0].append((cexfile, smtexpr))
+ if i in input_map:
+ value = int(entry[i])
+ name = input_map[i][0]
+ bitidx = input_map[i][1]
+ path = smt.get_path(topmod, name)
+ width = smt.net_width(topmod, path)
+ if width == 1:
+ assert bitidx == 0
+ smtexpr = "(= [%s] %s)" % (name, "true" if value else "false")
+ else:
+ smtexpr = "(= ((_ extract %d %d) [%s]) #b%d)" % (bitidx, bitidx, name, value)
+ constr_assumes[step].append((cexfile, smtexpr))
+ if not got_topt:
+ skip_steps = step
+ assume_skipped = 0
+ num_steps = max(num_steps, step+1)
+ step += 1
def write_vcd_trace(steps_start, steps_stop, index):
filename = vcdfile.replace("%", index)
print_msg("Writing trace to VCD file: %s" % (filename))