\item Why? To save cost, increase yield, and to target multiple
markets with the same design, thereby increasing uptake
- and consequently taking advantage of volume pricing.\vspace{10pt}
+ and consequently taking advantage of volume pricing.\vspace{4pt}
- Summary: it's all about making more money!\vspace{10pt}
+ Summary: it's all about making more money!\vspace{4pt}
\item How? By multiplexing many more functions (100 to 1,200) than there
are actual available pins (48 to 500), the required chip package
- is far less costly and the chip more desirable\vspace{10pt}
+ is far less costly and the chip more desirable\vspace{4pt}
\item What? A many-to-many dynamically-configureable router of
- I/O functions to I/O pins\vspace{10pt}
+ I/O functions to I/O pins\vspace{4pt}
+ \item \bf{Note: actual muxing is deceptively simple, but like
+ a DRAM cell it's actually about the ancillaries / extras}
+\frame{\frametitle{Associated Extras}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Design Specification
+ \item Scenario analysis (whether the chip will fit "markets")
+ \item Documentation: Summary sheet, Technical Reference Manual.
+ \item Test suites
+ \item Control Interface
+ \item Simulation
+ \item Linux kernel drivers, DTB, libopencm3, Arduino
+ \end{itemize}
+ Example context:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Shakti M-Class has 160 pins with a 99.5\% full 4-way mux
+ \item Almost 640-way routing, 6 "scenarios" (7th TBD),
+ 100+ page Manual needed,
+ \bf{17,500 lines of auto-generated code}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \vspace{30pt}
+ \begin{center}
+ {\Huge
+ ALL of these\vspace{20pt}\\
+ can be\vspace{20pt}\\
+ auto-generated\vspace{30pt}
+ }
+ \\
+ (translation: it would be insanely costly to do them by hand)
+ \end{center}
\frame{\frametitle{Muxer cases to handle}