The docs-cleanup job squashes all commits from the docs-ci repository that are older than one month. The current solution to retrieve the newest commit older than this one month erroneously relied on the commit date. As the script cherry-picks all newer commits, it should rather use the author date, though. Unfortunately, rev-list does not support filtering by author date, hence we use awk now...
run: |
cd target
first=`git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD`
- last=`git rev-list --until=1.month.ago -n1 HEAD`
+ cutoff=`date -d "-1 month" +%Y-%m-%d`
+ last=`git log --pretty='%as %H' | awk -v cutoff=$cutoff '$1 < cutoff { print $2 }' | head -n1`
if [ -n "$last" ]; then
git checkout $last
ts=`git log -1 --format=%ct`