from openpower.decoder.pseudo.pagereader import ISA as _ISA
-class walkmethod:
- def __init__(self, walk):
- self.__walk = walk
- return super().__init__()
- def __get__(self, instance, owner):
- entity = owner if instance is None else instance
- return _functools.partial(self.__walk, entity)
-class Node:
- @walkmethod
- def walk(clsself, match=lambda _: True):
- yield from ()
class DataclassMeta(type):
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, ns):
cls = super().__new__(metacls, name, bases, ns)
return _dataclasses.dataclass(cls, eq=True, frozen=True)
-class Dataclass(Node, metaclass=DataclassMeta):
- @walkmethod
- def walk(clsself, match=lambda _: True):
- def field_type(field):
- return field.type
- def field_value(field):
- return getattr(clsself,
- field_node = (field_type if isinstance(clsself, type) else field_value)
- for field in _dataclasses.fields(clsself):
- path =
- node = field_node(field)
- yield (path, node)
-class Tuple(Node, tuple):
- def __init_subclass__(cls, datatype):
- cls.__datatype = datatype
- return super().__init_subclass__()
- @walkmethod
- def walk(clsself, match=lambda _: True):
- if isinstance(clsself, type):
- yield ("[]", clsself.__datatype)
- else:
- for (index, item) in enumerate(filter(match, clsself)):
- yield (str(index), item)
-class Dict(Node, dict):
- def __init_subclass__(cls, datatype):
- cls.__datatype = datatype
- return super().__init_subclass__()
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
- def clear(self):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __delitem__(self, key):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def __setitem__(self, key, value):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def popitem(self) -> tuple:
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def pop(self, key, default=None):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def update(self, entry, **kwargs):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- @walkmethod
- def walk(clsself, match=lambda _: True):
- if isinstance(clsself, type):
- yield ("{}", clsself.__datatype)
- else:
- yield from filter(lambda kv: match(kv[0]), clsself.items())
-class VisitorMethod:
- def __init__(self, nodecls, method):
- self.__nodecls = nodecls
- self.__method = method
- return super().__init__()
- @property
- def type(self):
- return self.__nodecls
- @_contextlib.contextmanager
- def __call__(self, path, node):
- return self.__method(self=self, path=path, node=node)
-class VisitorMeta(type):
- def __init__(cls, name, bases, ns):
- cls.__registry = {}
- for (key, value) in ns.items():
- if isinstance(value, VisitorMethod):
- if value.type in cls.__registry:
- raise AttributeError(f"overriding visitor method: {key!r}")
- cls.__registry[value.type] = value
- return super().__init__(name, bases, ns)
- def __contains__(self, nodecls):
- return self.__registry.__contains__(nodecls)
- def __getitem__(self, nodecls):
- return self.__registry.__getitem__(nodecls)
- def __setitem__(self, nodecls, call):
- return self.__registry.__setitem__(nodecls, call)
- def __iter__(self):
- yield from self.__registry.items()
-class Visitor(metaclass=VisitorMeta):
- @_contextlib.contextmanager
- def __call__(self, path, node):
- (visitorcls, nodecls) = map(type, (self, node))
- if nodecls in visitorcls:
- handler = visitorcls[nodecls]
- with handler(path=path, node=node) as ctx:
- yield ctx
- else:
- yield node
-class visitormethod:
- def __init__(self, nodecls):
- if not isinstance(nodecls, type):
- raise ValueError(nodecls)
- self.__nodecls = nodecls
- return super().__init__()
- def __call__(self, method):
- if not callable(method):
- raise ValueError(method)
- return VisitorMethod(nodecls=self.__nodecls, method=method)
-def walk(root, match=lambda _: True):
- pairs = _collections.deque([root])
- while pairs:
- (path, node) = pairs.popleft()
- pairs.extend(node.walk(match=match))
- yield (path, node)
-def visit(visitor, node, path="/", match=lambda _: True):
- with visitor(path=path, node=node):
- if isinstance(node, Node):
- for (subpath, subnode) in node.walk(match=match):
- visit(visitor=visitor, path=subpath, node=subnode)
+class Dataclass(metaclass=DataclassMeta):
+ pass
"sgl pipe",
- class Flags(Tuple, datatype=str, metaclass=FlagsMeta):
+ class Flags(tuple, metaclass=FlagsMeta):
def __new__(cls, flags=frozenset()):
flags = frozenset(flags)
diff = (flags - frozenset(cls))
return frozenset(self.comment.split("=")[-1].split("/"))
-class PPCMultiRecord(Tuple, datatype=PPCRecord):
+class PPCMultiRecord(tuple):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == "opcode":
if len(self) != 1:
return dataclass(cls, record, typemap=typemap, keymap=keymap)
-class Fields(Dict, datatype=type("Bits", (Tuple,), {}, datatype=int)):
+class Fields(dict):
def __init__(self, items):
if isinstance(items, dict):
items = items.items()
return super().__init__(mapping)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
def __iter__(self):
yield from self.__mapping.items()
-class Operands:
+class Operands(dict):
if "=" in operand:
(name, value) = operand.split("=")
- mapping[name] = (StaticOperand, {
- "name": name,
- "value": int(value),
- })
+ mapping[name] = (StaticOperand, (
+ ("name", name),
+ ("value", int(value)),
+ ))
name = operand
if name.endswith(")"):
cls = CR5Operand
if imm_name is not None:
- mapping[imm_name] = (imm_cls, {"name": imm_name})
- mapping[name] = (cls, {"name": name})
- static = []
- dynamic = []
- for (name, (cls, kwargs)) in mapping.items():
- kwargs = dict(kwargs)
- kwargs["name"] = name
- if issubclass(cls, StaticOperand):
- static.append((cls, kwargs))
- elif issubclass(cls, DynamicOperand):
- dynamic.append((cls, kwargs))
- else:
- raise ValueError(name)
+ mapping[imm_name] = (imm_cls, (
+ ("name", imm_name),
+ ))
+ mapping[name] = (cls, (
+ ("name", name),
+ ))
- self.__mapping = mapping
- self.__static = tuple(static)
- self.__dynamic = tuple(dynamic)
- return super().__init__()
+ return super().__init__(mapping)
def __iter__(self):
- for (_, items) in self.__mapping.items():
- (cls, kwargs) = items
- yield (cls, kwargs)
- def __repr__(self):
- return self.__mapping.__repr__()
- def __contains__(self, key):
- return self.__mapping.__contains__(key)
+ for (cls, kwargs) in self.values():
+ yield (cls, dict(kwargs))
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.__mapping.__getitem__(key)
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
- @property
+ @cached_property
def static(self):
- return self.__static
+ return tuple(filter(lambda pair: issubclass(pair[0], StaticOperand), self))
- @property
+ @cached_property
def dynamic(self):
- return self.__dynamic
+ return tuple(filter(lambda pair: issubclass(pair[0], DynamicOperand), self))
class Arguments(tuple):
return super().__new__(cls, items)
-class PCode(Tuple, datatype=str):
+class PCode(tuple):
def __getitem__(self, key):
(cls, kwargs) = self.mdwn.operands.__getitem__(key)
- return cls(record=self, **kwargs)
+ return cls(record=self, **dict(kwargs))
def Rc(self):
(dynamic, *static) = desc.regs
- pcode = PCode(iterable=filter(str.strip, desc.pcode))
+ pcode = PCode(filter(str.strip, desc.pcode))
operands = Operands(insn=name, operands=operands)
db[name] = MarkdownRecord(pcode=pcode, operands=operands)
return None
-class Records(Tuple, datatype=Record):
+class Records(tuple):
def __new__(cls, records):
return super().__new__(cls, sorted(records))
-class Database(Node):
+class Database:
def __init__(self, root):
root = _pathlib.Path(root)
mdwndb = MarkdownDatabase()
return super().__init__()
- @walkmethod
- def walk(clsself, match=lambda _: True):
- if isinstance(clsself, type):
- yield ("records", Records)
- else:
- if match(clsself.__db):
- yield ("records", clsself.__db)
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.__db)
import os
import types
+import mdis.dispatcher
+import mdis.visitor
+import mdis.walker
from openpower.decoder.power_enums import (
from openpower.insndb.core import (
- Dataclass,
- Dict,
+ PCode,
+ Operands,
- Records,
- Tuple,
- Visitor,
- visit,
- visitormethod,
+ Walker,
return self
-class TreeVisitor(Visitor):
- def __init__(self):
- self.__depth = 0
- self.__path = [""]
- return super().__init__()
+class ListVisitor(mdis.visitor.ContextVisitor):
+ @mdis.dispatcher.Hook(Record)
- def __call__(self, path, node):
- with super().__call__(path=path, node=node):
- self.__path.append(path)
- print("/".join(self.__path))
- if not isinstance(node, (Dataclass, Tuple, Dict)):
- print(" ", repr(node), sep="")
- self.__depth += 1
- yield node
- self.__path.pop(-1)
- self.__depth -= 1
-class ListVisitor(Visitor):
- @visitormethod(Record)
- def Record(self, path, node):
+ def dispatch_record(self, node):
yield node
# No use other than checking issubclass and adding an argument.
-class InstructionVisitor(Visitor):
+class InstructionVisitor(mdis.visitor.ContextVisitor):
class SVP64InstructionVisitor(InstructionVisitor):
class OpcodesVisitor(InstructionVisitor):
- @visitormethod(Record)
- def Record(self, path, node):
+ @mdis.dispatcher.Hook(Record)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def dispatch_record(self, node):
for opcode in node.opcodes:
yield node
class OperandsVisitor(InstructionVisitor):
- @visitormethod(Record)
- def Record(self, path, node):
- if isinstance(node, Record):
- for operand in node.dynamic_operands:
- print(, ",".join(map(str, operand.span)))
- for operand in node.static_operands:
- if not in ("PO", "XO"):
- desc = f"{}={operand.value}"
- print(desc, ",".join(map(str, operand.span)))
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.__record = None
+ return super().__init__()
+ @mdis.dispatcher.Hook(Record)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def dispatch_record(self, node):
+ self.__record = node
+ yield node
+ @mdis.dispatcher.Hook(Operands)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def dispatch_operands(self, node):
+ for (cls, kwargs) in node:
+ operand = cls(record=self.__record, **kwargs)
+ print(, ", ".join(map(str, operand.span)))
yield node
class PCodeVisitor(InstructionVisitor):
- @visitormethod(Record)
- def Record(self, path, node):
- if isinstance(node, Record):
- for line in node.pcode:
- print(line)
+ @mdis.dispatcher.Hook(PCode)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def dispatch_record(self, node):
+ for line in node:
+ print(line)
yield node
class ExtrasVisitor(SVP64InstructionVisitor):
- @visitormethod(Record)
- def Record(self, path, node):
+ @mdis.dispatcher.Hook(Record)
+ @contextlib.contextmanager
+ def dispatch_record(self, node):
for (name, extra) in node.extras.items():
print(" sel", extra["sel"])
def main():
commands = {
- "tree": (
- TreeVisitor,
- "list all records",
- ),
"list": (
"list available instructions",
visitor = commands[command][0]()
db = Database(find_wiki_dir())
- (path, records) = next(db.walk(match=lambda pair: isinstance(pair, Records)))
if not isinstance(visitor, InstructionVisitor):
- match = lambda _: True
+ root = db
- insn = args.pop("insn")
- def match(record):
- return (isinstance(record, Record) and ( == insn))
+ root = [db[args.pop("insn")]]
- for (subpath, node) in records.walk(match=match):
- visit(visitor=visitor, node=node, path=subpath)
+ walker = Walker()
+ for (node, *_) in walker(root):
+ with visitor(node):
+ pass
if __name__ == "__main__":