proc.checkretcode = True
def instance_hierarchy_callback(retcode):
- assert retcode == 0
+ if retcode != 0:
+ self.precise_prop_status = False
+ return
if self.design_hierarchy == None:
with open(f"{self.workdir}/model/design.json") as f:
self.design_hierarchy = design_hierarchy(f)
print(f'<testsuite timestamp="{junit_time}" hostname="{platform.node()}" package="{junit_ts_name}" id="0" name="{junit_tc_name}" tests="{junit_tests}" errors="{junit_errors}" failures="{junit_failures}" time="{self.total_time}" skipped="{junit_skipped}">', file=f)
print(f'<properties>', file=f)
print(f'<property name="os" value="{platform.system()}"/>', file=f)
+ print(f'<property name="expect" value="{", ".join(self.expect)}"/>', file=f)
+ print(f'<property name="status" value="{self.status}"/>', file=f)
print(f'</properties>', file=f)
if self.precise_prop_status:
for check in checks:
<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Time taken (in seconds) to execute the test</xs:documentation>
+ <xs:attribute name="id" type="xs:string" use="optional">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Cell ID of the property</xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="type" type="xs:token" use="optional">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Kind of property (assert, cover, live)</xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="location" type="xs:token" use="optional">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Source location of the property</xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ </xs:attribute>
+ <xs:attribute name="tracefile" type="xs:token" use="optional">
+ <xs:annotation>
+ <xs:documentation xml:lang="en">Tracefile for the property</xs:documentation>
+ </xs:annotation>
+ </xs:attribute>
<xs:element name="system-out">
SBY_FILES=$(wildcard *.sby)
SBY_TESTS=$(addprefix test_,$(SBY_FILES:.sby=))
+JUNIT_TESTS=junit_assert_pass junit_assert_fail junit_assert_preunsat \
+junit_cover_pass junit_cover_uncovered junit_cover_assert junit_cover_preunsat \
+junit_timeout_error_timeout junit_timeout_error_syntax junit_timeout_error_solver
-.PHONY: test
+.PHONY: test validate_junit
-test: $(SBY_TESTS)
+test: $(JUNIT_TESTS)
test_%: %.sby FORCE
python3 ../sbysrc/ -f $<
+ python $@/$@.xml
mode cover
depth 5
-expect fail
+expect pass,fail
smtbmc boolector
--- /dev/null
+mode bmc
+depth 1
+pass: expect pass
+fail: expect fail
+preunsat: expect error
+smtbmc boolector
+fail: read -define FAIL
+preunsat: read -define PREUNSAT
+read -sv
+prep -top top
+module test(input foo);
+always @* assert(foo);
+`ifdef FAIL
+always @* assert(!foo);
+`ifdef PREUNSAT
+always @* assume(!foo);
+module top();
+test test_i ('b1)
--- /dev/null
+uncovered fail
+assert fail
+mode cover
+depth 1
+pass: expect pass
+fail: expect fail
+preunsat: expect fail
+smtbmc boolector
+uncovered: read -define FAIL
+assert: read -define FAIL_ASSERT
+preunsat: read -define PREUNSAT
+read -sv
+prep -top top
+module test(input foo);
+`ifdef PREUNSAT
+always @* assume(!foo);
+always @* cover(foo);
+`ifdef FAIL
+always @* cover(!foo);
+always @* assert(!foo);
+module top();
+test test_i ('b1)
--- /dev/null
+syntax error
+solver error
+mode cover
+depth 1
+timeout: timeout 1
+error: expect error
+timeout: expect timeout
+~solver: smtbmc --dumpsmt2 --progress --stbv z3
+solver: smtbmc foo
+read -noverific
+syntax: read -define SYNTAX_ERROR
+read -sv
+prep -top primes
+module primes;
+ parameter [8:0] offset = 7;
+ (* anyconst *) reg [8:0] prime1;
+ wire [9:0] prime2 = prime1 + offset;
+ (* allconst *) reg [4:0] factor;
+ foo
+ always @* begin
+ if (1 < factor && factor < prime1)
+ assume ((prime1 % factor) != 0);
+ if (1 < factor && factor < prime2)
+ assume ((prime2 % factor) != 0);
+ assume (1 < prime1);
+ cover (1);
+ end