* to meet. A cleaner solution is welcomed.
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintNode(const NodeTemplate<true>& n) {
- Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1) << n << std::endl;
+ Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1)
+ << Node::setlanguage(language::output::LANG_AST)
+ << n << std::endl;
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintRawNode(const NodeTemplate<true>& n) {
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintTNode(const NodeTemplate<false>& n) {
- Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1) << n << std::endl;
+ Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1)
+ << Node::setlanguage(language::output::LANG_AST)
+ << n << std::endl;
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintRawTNode(const NodeTemplate<false>& n) {
* flushes the stream.
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintNodeValue(const expr::NodeValue* nv) {
- Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1) << *nv << std::endl;
+ Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1)
+ << Node::setlanguage(language::output::LANG_AST)
+ << *nv << std::endl;
* to meet. A cleaner solution is welcomed.
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintTypeNode(const TypeNode& n) {
- Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1) << n << std::endl;
+ Warning() << Node::setdepth(-1)
+ << Node::setlanguage(language::output::LANG_AST)
+ << n << std::endl;
static void __attribute__((used)) debugPrintRawTypeNode(const TypeNode& n) {