2#1110111010# => (ALU, OP_EXTS, NONE, NONE, RS, RA, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', is1B, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', RC, '0', '0'), -- extsb
2#1110011010# => (ALU, OP_EXTS, NONE, NONE, RS, RA, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', is2B, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', RC, '0', '0'), -- extsh
2#1111011010# => (ALU, OP_EXTS, NONE, NONE, RS, RA, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', is4B, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', RC, '0', '0'), -- extsw
- -- 2#110111101-# extswsli
+ 2#1101111010# => (ALU, OP_EXTSWSLI, NONE, CONST_SH, RS, RA, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', RC, '0', '0'), -- extswsli
+ 2#1101111011# => (ALU, OP_EXTSWSLI, NONE, CONST_SH, RS, RA, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', RC, '0', '0'), -- extswsli
2#1111010110# => (ALU, OP_ICBI, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '1'), -- icbi
2#0000010110# => (ALU, OP_NOP, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '1'), -- icbt
2#0000001111# => (ALU, OP_ISEL, RA_OR_ZERO, RB, NONE, RT, '1', '0', '0', '0', ZERO, '0', NONE, '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', NONE, '0', '1'), -- isel
signal ctrl: ctrl_t := (irq_state => WRITE_SRR0, others => (others => '0'));
signal ctrl_tmp: ctrl_t := (irq_state => WRITE_SRR0, others => (others => '0'));
signal right_shift, rot_clear_left, rot_clear_right: std_ulogic;
+ signal rot_sign_ext: std_ulogic;
signal rotator_result: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal rotator_carry: std_ulogic;
signal logical_result: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
arith => e_in.is_signed,
clear_left => rot_clear_left,
clear_right => rot_clear_right,
+ sign_ext_rs => rot_sign_ext,
result => rotator_result,
carry_out => rotator_carry
right_shift <= '1' when e_in.insn_type = OP_SHR else '0';
rot_clear_left <= '1' when e_in.insn_type = OP_RLC or e_in.insn_type = OP_RLCL else '0';
rot_clear_right <= '1' when e_in.insn_type = OP_RLC or e_in.insn_type = OP_RLCR else '0';
+ rot_sign_ext <= '1' when e_in.insn_type = OP_EXTSWSLI else '0';
ctrl_tmp.irq_state <= WRITE_SRR0;
exception := '0';
when OP_PRTY =>
result := parity_result;
result_en := '1';
- when OP_RLC | OP_RLCL | OP_RLCR | OP_SHL | OP_SHR =>
result := rotator_result;
if e_in.output_carry = '1' then
set_carry(v.e, rotator_carry, rotator_carry);
signal is_32bit, right_shift, arith, clear_left, clear_right: std_ulogic := '0';
signal result: std_ulogic_vector(63 downto 0);
signal carry_out: std_ulogic;
+ signal extsw: std_ulogic;
rotator_0: entity work.rotator
arith => arith,
clear_left => clear_left,
clear_right => clear_right,
+ sign_ext_rs => extsw,
result => result,
carry_out => carry_out
arith <= '0';
clear_left <= '1';
clear_right <= '1';
+ extsw <= '0';
rlwnm_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
rs <= pseudorand(64);
shift <= pseudorand(7);
report "bad srad expected " & to_hstring(behave_ca_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
end loop;
+ -- extswsli
+ report "test extswsli";
+ ra <= (others => '0');
+ is_32bit <= '0';
+ right_shift <= '0';
+ arith <= '0';
+ clear_left <= '0';
+ clear_right <= '0';
+ extsw <= '1';
+ extswsli_loop : for i in 0 to 1000 loop
+ rs <= pseudorand(64);
+ shift <= '0' & pseudorand(6);
+ wait for clk_period;
+ behave_ra := rs;
+ behave_ra(63 downto 32) := (others => rs(31));
+ behave_ra := std_ulogic_vector(shift_left(unsigned(behave_ra),
+ to_integer(unsigned(shift))));
+ --report "rs = " & to_hstring(rs);
+ --report "ra = " & to_hstring(ra);
+ --report "shift = " & to_hstring(shift);
+ --report "result = " & to_hstring(carry_out & result);
+ assert behave_ra = result
+ report "bad extswsli expected " & to_hstring(behave_ra) & " got " & to_hstring(result);
+ end loop;
assert false report "end of test" severity failure;
end process;