-`dsld` and `dsrd` are similar to v3.0 `sld`, and
-is Z23-Form in "overwrite" on RT.
-| EXT04 | RT | RA | RB | sm | XO |Rc|
-Both instructions take two 64-bit sources, concatenate
-them together then extract 64 bits from it, the offset
-location determined by a third source. So as to avoid
-costly 4-reg (VA-Form) and to allow Vectorised versions
-to use EXTRA3 a 2-bit mode `sm` gives four
-potential overwrite and zero-source options instead
-(a 4-reg VA-Form Vector variant would use EXTRA2,
-limiting the vector offset range and preventing its
-use in biginteger vector-shift operations).
+| EXT04 | RT | RA | RB | RC | XO |Rc|
+* dsld RT,RA,RB,RC (Rc=0)
+* dsld. RT,RA,RB,RC (Rc=1)
+ n <- (RB)[58:63]
+ v <- ROTL64((RA), n)
+ mask <- MASK(64, 63-n)
+ RT <- (v[0:63] & mask) | ((RC) & ¬mask)
+ RS <- v[0:63] & ¬mask
+ overflow = 0
+ if RS != [0]*64:
+ overflow = 1
+Special Registers Altered:
+ CR0 (if Rc=1)
+| EXT04 | RT | RA | RB | RC | XO |Rc|
+* dsrd RT,RA,RB,RC (Rc=0)
+* dsrd. RT,RA,RB,RC (Rc=1)
+ n <- (RB)[58:63]
+ v <- ROTL64((RA), 64-n)
+ mask <- MASK(n, 63)
+ RT <- (v[0:63] & mask) | ((RC) & ¬mask)
+ RS <- v[0:63] & ¬mask
+ overflow = 0
+ if RS != [0]*64:
+ overflow = 1
+Special Registers Altered:
+ CR0 (if Rc=1)
# maddedu