# To prevent memory leaks from slowing throughput, restart everything between batches
+DEQP_OPTIONS="--deqp-surface-width=256 --deqp-surface-height=256"
+DEQP_OPTIONS="$DEQP_OPTIONS --deqp-visibility=hidden"
+DEQP_OPTIONS="$DEQP_OPTIONS --deqp-log-images=disable"
+DEQP_OPTIONS="$DEQP_OPTIONS --deqp-watchdog=enable"
+DEQP_OPTIONS="$DEQP_OPTIONS --deqp-crashhandler=enable"
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp
export LIBGL_DRIVERS_PATH=/mesa/lib/dri/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mesa/lib/
# Generate test case list file
weston --tty=7 &
sleep 1 # Give some time for Weston to start up
-./deqp-gles2 --deqp-runmode=stdout-caselist | grep "TEST: dEQP-GLES2" | cut -d ' ' -f 2 > /tmp/case-list.txt
+./deqp-gles2 $DEQP_OPTIONS --deqp-runmode=stdout-caselist | grep "TEST: dEQP-GLES2" | cut -d ' ' -f 2 > /tmp/case-list.txt
# Disable for now tests that are very slow, either by just using lots of CPU or by crashing
sed -i '/dEQP-GLES2.performance/d' /tmp/case-list.txt
while [ -s /tmp/case-list.txt ]; do
head -$BATCH_SIZE /tmp/case-list.txt > /tmp/next-batch.txt
- ./deqp-gles2 --deqp-log-filename=/dev/null --deqp-caselist-file=/tmp/next-batch.txt --deqp-watchdog=enable --deqp-crashhandler=enable >> /tmp/result.txt
+ ./deqp-gles2 $DEQP_OPTIONS --deqp-log-filename=/dev/null --deqp-caselist-file=/tmp/next-batch.txt >> /tmp/result.txt
kill $(pidof weston)