Recent applications to NLNet (Oct 2019) are for a test chip in 180nm, 64 bit, single core dual issue, around 300 to 350mhz. This will provide the confidence to go to higher geometries, as well as be a commercially viable embedded product in its own right.
+# Business Objectives
+* the project shall be a hybrid CPU-GPU because if it is not, the
+ complexity involved in developing a split shared-memory CPU-GPU both
+ at a hardware and a software level will be so costly it will jeapordise
+ the project.
+* the project shall be commercial and mass-volume (100 million units
+ and above)
+* the project shall be entirely transparent so that end-users will be
+ able to trust it
+* the source code shall be available at all times for all components
+ for BUSINESS reasons, making development and use of SDKs dead simple
+ and aiding and assisting developers AND BUSINESSES in debugging and thus
+ hugely saving them money.
+# Links:
* [[shakti/m_class/libre_3d_gpu]]
* [[discussion]]
* NLNet Project Page <>
* [[nlnet_proposals]]
+# Progress:
* Dec 2019: Second round NLNet questions answered. External Review completed. 6 NLNet proposals accepted (EUR 200,000+)
* Nov 2019: Alternative FP library to Berkeley softfloat developed. NLNet first round questions answered.