msgid "Number of texture units used"
msgstr "Nombre d'unitats de textura utilitzades"
-#: t_options.h:294
-msgid "Used types of texture memory"
-msgstr "Tipus utilitzats de memòria de textura"
-#: t_options.h:295
-msgid "All available memory"
-msgstr "Tota la memòria disponible"
-#: t_options.h:296
-msgid "Only card memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Només memòria de targeta (si està disponible)"
-#: t_options.h:297
-msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Només memòria GART (AGP/PCIE) (si està disponible)"
#: t_options.h:323
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Miscel·lània"
msgid "Number of texture units used"
msgstr "Anzahl der benutzten Textureinheiten"
-#: t_options.h:294
-msgid "Used types of texture memory"
-msgstr "Benutzte Arten von Texturspeicher"
-#: t_options.h:295
-msgid "All available memory"
-msgstr "Aller verfügbarer Speicher"
-#: t_options.h:296
-msgid "Only card memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Nur Grafikspeicher (falls verfügbar)"
-#: t_options.h:297
-msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Nur GART-Speicher (AGP/PCIE) (falls verfügbar)"
#: t_options.h:323
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of texture units used"
msgstr "Número de unidades de textura usadas"
-#: t_options.h:294
-msgid "Used types of texture memory"
-msgstr "Tipos de memoria de textura usados"
-#: t_options.h:295
-msgid "All available memory"
-msgstr "Toda la memoria disponible"
-#: t_options.h:296
-msgid "Only card memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Solo memoria de tarjeta (si está disponible)"
-#: t_options.h:297
-msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Solo memoria GART (AGP/PCIE) (si está disponible)"
#: t_options.h:323
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr "Misceláneos"
msgid "Number of texture units used"
msgstr "Nombre d'unités de texture"
-#: t_options.h:294
-msgid "Used types of texture memory"
-msgstr "Types de mémoire de texture"
-#: t_options.h:295
-msgid "All available memory"
-msgstr "Utiliser toute la mémoire disponible"
-#: t_options.h:296
-msgid "Only card memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Utiliser uniquement la mémoire graphique (si disponible)"
-#: t_options.h:297
-msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Utiliser uniquement la mémoire GART (AGP/PCIE) (si disponible)"
#: t_options.h:323
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of texture units used"
msgstr "Aantal textuureenheden in gebruik"
-#: t_options.h:294
-msgid "Used types of texture memory"
-msgstr "Gebruikte soorten textuurgeheugen"
-#: t_options.h:295
-msgid "All available memory"
-msgstr "Al het beschikbaar geheugen"
-#: t_options.h:296
-msgid "Only card memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Alleen geheugen op de kaart (als het aanwezig is)"
-#: t_options.h:297
-msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Alleen GART (AGP/PCIE) geheugen (als het aanwezig is)"
#: t_options.h:323
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
msgid "Number of texture units used"
msgstr "Antal använda texturenheter"
-#: t_options.h:294
-msgid "Used types of texture memory"
-msgstr "Använda typer av texturminne"
-#: t_options.h:295
-msgid "All available memory"
-msgstr "Allt tillgängligt minne"
-#: t_options.h:296
-msgid "Only card memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Endast kortminne (om tillgängligt)"
-#: t_options.h:297
-msgid "Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)"
-msgstr "Endast GART-minne (AGP/PCIE) (om tillgängligt)"
#: t_options.h:323
msgid "Miscellaneous"
msgstr ""
DRI_CONF_DESC(en,gettext("Number of texture units used")) \
-#define DRI_CONF_TEXTURE_HEAPS(def) \
-DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_V(texture_heaps,enum,def,"0:2") \
- DRI_CONF_DESC_BEGIN(en,gettext("Used types of texture memory")) \
- DRI_CONF_ENUM(0,gettext("All available memory")) \
- DRI_CONF_ENUM(1,gettext("Only card memory (if available)")) \
- DRI_CONF_ENUM(2,gettext("Only GART (AGP/PCIE) memory (if available)")) \
DRI_CONF_OPT_BEGIN_B(mesa_glthread, def) \
DRI_CONF_DESC(en,gettext("Enable offloading GL driver work to a separate thread")) \