-Cache::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
+Cache::serviceMSHRTargets(MSHR *mshr, const PacketPtr pkt, CacheBlk *blk,
+ PacketList &writebacks)
- assert(pkt->isResponse());
- // all header delay should be paid for by the crossbar, unless
- // this is a prefetch response from above
- panic_if(pkt->headerDelay != 0 && pkt->cmd != MemCmd::HardPFResp,
- "%s saw a non-zero packet delay\n", name());
- bool is_error = pkt->isError();
- if (is_error) {
- DPRINTF(Cache, "%s: Cache received %s with error\n", __func__,
- pkt->print());
- }
- DPRINTF(Cache, "%s: Handling response %s\n", __func__,
- pkt->print());
- // if this is a write, we should be looking at an uncacheable
- // write
- if (pkt->isWrite()) {
- assert(pkt->req->isUncacheable());
- handleUncacheableWriteResp(pkt);
- return;
- }
- // we have dealt with any (uncacheable) writes above, from here on
- // we know we are dealing with an MSHR due to a miss or a prefetch
- MSHR *mshr = dynamic_cast<MSHR*>(pkt->popSenderState());
- assert(mshr);
- if (mshr == noTargetMSHR) {
- // we always clear at least one target
- clearBlocked(Blocked_NoTargets);
- noTargetMSHR = nullptr;
- }
- // Initial target is used just for stats
MSHR::Target *initial_tgt = mshr->getTarget();
- int stats_cmd_idx = initial_tgt->pkt->cmdToIndex();
- Tick miss_latency = curTick() - initial_tgt->recvTime;
- if (pkt->req->isUncacheable()) {
- assert(pkt->req->masterId() < system->maxMasters());
- mshr_uncacheable_lat[stats_cmd_idx][pkt->req->masterId()] +=
- miss_latency;
- } else {
- assert(pkt->req->masterId() < system->maxMasters());
- mshr_miss_latency[stats_cmd_idx][pkt->req->masterId()] +=
- miss_latency;
- }
- bool wasFull = mshrQueue.isFull();
- PacketList writebacks;
- Tick forward_time = clockEdge(forwardLatency) + pkt->headerDelay;
+ // First offset for critical word first calculations
+ const int initial_offset = initial_tgt->pkt->getOffset(blkSize);
+ const bool is_error = pkt->isError();
bool is_fill = !mshr->isForward &&
(pkt->isRead() || pkt->cmd == MemCmd::UpgradeResp);
- CacheBlk *blk = tags->findBlock(pkt->getAddr(), pkt->isSecure());
- const bool valid_blk = blk && blk->isValid();
- // If the response indicates that there are no sharers and we
- // either had the block already or the response is filling we can
- // promote our copy to writable
- if (!pkt->hasSharers() &&
- (is_fill || (valid_blk && !pkt->req->isCacheInvalidate()))) {
- mshr->promoteWritable();
- }
- if (is_fill && !is_error) {
- DPRINTF(Cache, "Block for addr %#llx being updated in Cache\n",
- pkt->getAddr());
- blk = handleFill(pkt, blk, writebacks, mshr->allocOnFill());
- assert(blk != nullptr);
- }
// allow invalidation responses originating from write-line
// requests to be discarded
bool is_invalidate = pkt->isInvalidate();
- // The block was marked as not readable while there was a pending
- // cache maintenance operation, restore its flag.
- if (pkt->isClean() && !is_invalidate && valid_blk) {
- blk->status |= BlkReadable;
- }
- // First offset for critical word first calculations
- int initial_offset = initial_tgt->pkt->getOffset(blkSize);
MSHR::TargetList targets = mshr->extractServiceableTargets(pkt);
for (auto &target: targets) {
Packet *tgt_pkt = target.pkt;
// NB: we use the original packet here and not the response!
blk = handleFill(tgt_pkt, blk, writebacks,
- assert(blk != nullptr);
+ assert(blk);
// treat as a fill, and discard the invalidation
// response
blk->status &= ~BlkWritable;
+Cache::recvTimingResp(PacketPtr pkt)
+ assert(pkt->isResponse());
+ // all header delay should be paid for by the crossbar, unless
+ // this is a prefetch response from above
+ panic_if(pkt->headerDelay != 0 && pkt->cmd != MemCmd::HardPFResp,
+ "%s saw a non-zero packet delay\n", name());
+ const bool is_error = pkt->isError();
+ if (is_error) {
+ DPRINTF(Cache, "%s: Cache received %s with error\n", __func__,
+ pkt->print());
+ }
+ DPRINTF(Cache, "%s: Handling response %s\n", __func__,
+ pkt->print());
+ // if this is a write, we should be looking at an uncacheable
+ // write
+ if (pkt->isWrite()) {
+ assert(pkt->req->isUncacheable());
+ handleUncacheableWriteResp(pkt);
+ return;
+ }
+ // we have dealt with any (uncacheable) writes above, from here on
+ // we know we are dealing with an MSHR due to a miss or a prefetch
+ MSHR *mshr = dynamic_cast<MSHR*>(pkt->popSenderState());
+ assert(mshr);
+ if (mshr == noTargetMSHR) {
+ // we always clear at least one target
+ clearBlocked(Blocked_NoTargets);
+ noTargetMSHR = nullptr;
+ }
+ // Initial target is used just for stats
+ MSHR::Target *initial_tgt = mshr->getTarget();
+ int stats_cmd_idx = initial_tgt->pkt->cmdToIndex();
+ Tick miss_latency = curTick() - initial_tgt->recvTime;
+ if (pkt->req->isUncacheable()) {
+ assert(pkt->req->masterId() < system->maxMasters());
+ mshr_uncacheable_lat[stats_cmd_idx][pkt->req->masterId()] +=
+ miss_latency;
+ } else {
+ assert(pkt->req->masterId() < system->maxMasters());
+ mshr_miss_latency[stats_cmd_idx][pkt->req->masterId()] +=
+ miss_latency;
+ }
+ PacketList writebacks;
+ bool is_fill = !mshr->isForward &&
+ (pkt->isRead() || pkt->cmd == MemCmd::UpgradeResp);
+ CacheBlk *blk = tags->findBlock(pkt->getAddr(), pkt->isSecure());
+ if (is_fill && !is_error) {
+ DPRINTF(Cache, "Block for addr %#llx being updated in Cache\n",
+ pkt->getAddr());
+ blk = handleFill(pkt, blk, writebacks, mshr->allocOnFill());
+ assert(blk != nullptr);
+ }
+ if (blk && blk->isValid() && pkt->isClean() && !pkt->isInvalidate()) {
+ // The block was marked not readable while there was a pending
+ // cache maintenance operation, restore its flag.
+ blk->status |= BlkReadable;
+ }
+ if (blk && blk->isWritable() && !pkt->req->isCacheInvalidate()) {
+ // If at this point the referenced block is writable and the
+ // response is not a cache invalidate, we promote targets that
+ // were deferred as we couldn't guarrantee a writable copy
+ mshr->promoteWritable();
+ }
+ serviceMSHRTargets(mshr, pkt, blk, writebacks);
if (mshr->promoteDeferredTargets()) {
// avoid later read getting stale data while write miss is
schedMemSideSendEvent(clockEdge() + pkt->payloadDelay);
} else {
+ // while we deallocate an mshr from the queue we still have to
+ // check the isFull condition before and after as we might
+ // have been using the reserved entries already
+ const bool was_full = mshrQueue.isFull();
- if (wasFull && !mshrQueue.isFull()) {
+ if (was_full && !mshrQueue.isFull()) {
- // reset the xbar additional timinig as it is now accounted for
- pkt->headerDelay = pkt->payloadDelay = 0;
// if we used temp block, check to see if its valid and then clear it out
if (blk == tempBlock && tempBlock->isValid()) {
+ const Tick forward_time = clockEdge(forwardLatency) + pkt->headerDelay;
// copy writebacks to write buffer
doWritebacks(writebacks, forward_time);