using namespace std;
namespace CVC4 {
-CegConjectureSingleInv::CegConjectureSingleInv( CegConjecture * p ) : d_parent( p ){
- d_sol = NULL;
- d_c_inst_match_trie = NULL;
-Node CegConjectureSingleInv::getSingleInvLemma( Node guard ) {
- if( !d_single_inv.isNull() ) {
- Assert( d_single_inv.getKind()==FORALL );
- d_single_inv_var.clear();
- d_single_inv_sk.clear();
- for( unsigned i=0; i<d_single_inv[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "k_" << d_single_inv[0][i];
- Node k = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), d_single_inv[0][i].getType(), "single invocation function skolem" );
- d_single_inv_var.push_back( d_single_inv[0][i] );
- d_single_inv_sk.push_back( k );
- d_single_inv_sk_index[k] = i;
+CegInstantiator::CegInstantiator( QuantifiersEngine * qe, CegqiOutput * out ) : d_qe( qe ), d_out( out ){
+void CegInstantiator::computeProgVars( Node n ){
+ if( d_prog_var.find( n )==d_prog_var.end() ){
+ d_prog_var[n].clear();
+ if( std::find( d_vars.begin(), d_vars.end(), n )!=d_vars.end() ){
+ d_prog_var[n][n] = true;
+ }else if( !d_out->isEligibleForInstantiation( n ) ){
+ d_inelig[n] = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ computeProgVars( n[i] );
+ if( d_inelig.find( n[i] )!=d_inelig.end() ){
+ d_inelig[n] = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ for( std::map< Node, bool >::iterator it = d_prog_var[n[i]].begin(); it != d_prog_var[n[i]].end(); ++it ){
+ d_prog_var[n][it->first] = true;
+ }
- Node inst = d_single_inv[1].substitute( d_single_inv_var.begin(), d_single_inv_var.end(), d_single_inv_sk.begin(), d_single_inv_sk.end() );
- inst = TermDb::simpleNegate( inst );
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "Single invocation initial lemma : " << inst << std::endl;
- return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, guard.negate(), inst );
- }else{
- return Node::null();
-void CegConjectureSingleInv::initialize( QuantifiersEngine * qe, Node q ) {
- //initialize data
- d_sol = new CegConjectureSingleInvSol( qe );
- d_qe = qe;
- d_quant = q;
- if( options::incrementalSolving() ){
- d_c_inst_match_trie = new inst::CDInstMatchTrie( qe->getUserContext() );
- }
- //process
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "Initialize cegqi-si for " << q << std::endl;
- // conj -> conj*
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > children;
- // conj X prog -> inv*
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > > prog_invoke;
- std::vector< Node > progs;
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > > contains;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<q[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- progs.push_back( q[0][i] );
- }
- //collect information about conjunctions
- bool singleInvocation = false;
- if( analyzeSygusConjunct( Node::null(), q[1], children, prog_invoke, progs, contains, true ) ){
- singleInvocation = true;
- //try to phrase as single invocation property
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "...success." << std::endl;
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > invocations;
- std::map< Node, std::map< int, std::vector< Node > > > single_invoke_args;
- std::map< Node, std::map< int, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > > > single_invoke_args_from;
- for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){
- for( unsigned j=0; j<it->second.size(); j++ ){
- Node conj = it->second[j];
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Process child " << conj << " from " << it->first << std::endl;
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >::iterator itp = prog_invoke.find( conj );
- if( itp!=prog_invoke.end() ){
- for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it2 = itp->second.begin(); it2 != itp->second.end(); ++it2 ){
- if( it2->second.size()>1 ){
- singleInvocation = false;
- break;
- }else if( it2->second.size()==1 ){
- Node prog = it2->first;
- Node inv = it2->second[0];
- Assert( inv[0]==prog );
- invocations[prog].push_back( inv );
- for( unsigned k=1; k<inv.getNumChildren(); k++ ){
- Node arg = inv[k];
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "process : " << arg << " occurs in position " << k-1 << " in invocation " << inv << " of " << prog << " in " << conj << std::endl;
- single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg].push_back( conj );
- if( std::find( single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].begin(), single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].end(), arg )==single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].end() ){
- single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].push_back( arg );
+bool CegInstantiator::addInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
+ std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, std::vector< int >& subs_typ,
+ unsigned i, unsigned effort ){
+ if( i==d_vars.size() ){
+ return addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, 0 );
+ }else{
+ eq::EqualityEngine* ee = d_qe->getMasterEqualityEngine();
+ std::map< int, std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > > > subs_proc;
+ //Node v = d_single_inv_map_to_prog[d_single_inv[0][i]];
+ Node pv = d_vars[i];
+ TypeNode pvtn = pv.getType();
+ if( (i+1)<d_vars.size() || effort!=2 ){
+ //[1] easy case : pv is in the equivalence class as another term not containing pv
+ if( ee->hasTerm( pv ) ){
+ Node pvr = ee->getRepresentative( pv );
+ eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( pvr, ee );
+ while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ){
+ Node n = *eqc_i;
+ if( n!=pv ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << "...try based on equal term " << n << std::endl;
+ //compute d_subs_fv, which program variables are contained in n
+ computeProgVars( n );
+ //must be an eligible term
+ if( d_inelig.find( n )==d_inelig.end() ){
+ Node ns;
+ Node pv_coeff; //coefficient of pv in the equality we solve (null is 1)
+ bool proc = false;
+ if( !d_prog_var[n].empty() ){
+ ns = applySubstitution( n, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, pv_coeff, false );
+ if( !ns.isNull() ){
+ computeProgVars( ns );
+ //substituted version must be new and cannot contain pv
+ proc = subs_proc[0][pv_coeff].find( ns )==subs_proc[0][pv_coeff].end() && d_prog_var[ns].find( pv )==d_prog_var[ns].end();
+ }
+ }else{
+ ns = n;
+ proc = true;
+ }
+ if( proc ){
+ //try the substitution
+ subs_proc[0][ns][pv_coeff] = true;
+ if( addInstantiationInc( ns, pv, pv_coeff, 0, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, effort ) ){
+ return true;
+ ++eqc_i;
- }
- if( singleInvocation ){
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "Property is single invocation with : " << std::endl;
- std::vector< Node > pbvs;
- std::vector< Node > new_vars;
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > new_assumptions;
- for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = invocations.begin(); it != invocations.end(); ++it ){
- Assert( !it->second.empty() );
- Node prog = it->first;
- Node inv = it->second[0];
- std::vector< Node > invc;
- invc.push_back( inv.getOperator() );
- invc.push_back( prog );
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "F_" << prog;
- Node pv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkBoundVar( ss.str(), inv.getType() );
- d_single_inv_map[prog] = pv;
- d_single_inv_map_to_prog[pv] = prog;
- pbvs.push_back( pv );
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug2") << "Make variable " << pv << " for " << prog << std::endl;
- for( unsigned k=1; k<inv.getNumChildren(); k++ ){
- Assert( !single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].empty() );
- if( single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].size()==1 && single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][0].getKind()==BOUND_VARIABLE ){
- invc.push_back( single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][0] );
- }else{
- //introduce fresh variable, assign all
- Node v = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "a", single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][0].getType(), "single invocation arg" );
- new_vars.push_back( v );
- invc.push_back( v );
- d_single_inv_arg_sk.push_back( v );
- for( unsigned i=0; i<single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].size(); i++ ){
- Node arg = single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][i];
- Node asum = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( arg.getType().isBoolean() ? IFF : EQUAL, v, arg ).negate();
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " ..." << arg << " occurs in ";
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg].size() << " invocations at position " << (k-1) << " of " << prog << "." << std::endl;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg].size(); j++ ){
- Node conj = single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg][j];
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " ..." << arg << " occurs in invocation " << inv << " of " << prog << " in " << conj << std::endl;
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " ...add assumption " << asum << " to " << conj << std::endl;
- if( std::find( new_assumptions[conj].begin(), new_assumptions[conj].end(), asum )==new_assumptions[conj].end() ){
- new_assumptions[conj].push_back( asum );
+ //[2] : we can solve an equality for pv
+ ///iterate over equivalence classes to find cases where we can solve for the variable
+ if( pvtn.isInteger() || pvtn.isReal() ){
+ eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( ee );
+ while( !eqcs_i.isFinished() ){
+ Node r = *eqcs_i;
+ TypeNode rtn = r.getType();
+ if( rtn.isInteger() || rtn.isReal() ){
+ std::vector< Node > lhs;
+ std::vector< bool > lhs_v;
+ std::vector< Node > lhs_coeff;
+ eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( r, ee );
+ while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ){
+ Node n = *eqc_i;
+ computeProgVars( n );
+ //must be an eligible term
+ if( d_inelig.find( n )==d_inelig.end() ){
+ Node ns;
+ Node pv_coeff;
+ if( !d_prog_var[n].empty() ){
+ ns = applySubstitution( n, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, pv_coeff );
+ if( !ns.isNull() ){
+ computeProgVars( ns );
+ }
+ }else{
+ ns = n;
+ }
+ if( !ns.isNull() ){
+ bool hasVar = d_prog_var[ns].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[ns].end();
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<lhs.size(); j++ ){
+ //if this term or the another has pv in it, try to solve for it
+ if( hasVar || lhs_v[j] ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << "...try based on equality " << lhs[j] << " " << ns << std::endl;
+ Node eq_lhs = lhs[j];
+ Node eq_rhs = ns;
+ //make the same coefficient
+ if( pv_coeff!=lhs_coeff[j] ){
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...mult lhs by " << pv_coeff << std::endl;
+ eq_lhs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, pv_coeff, eq_lhs );
+ eq_lhs = Rewriter::rewrite( eq_lhs );
+ }
+ if( !lhs_coeff[j].isNull() ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...mult rhs by " << lhs_coeff[j] << std::endl;
+ eq_rhs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, lhs_coeff[j], eq_rhs );
+ eq_rhs = Rewriter::rewrite( eq_rhs );
+ }
+ }
+ Node eq = eq_lhs.eqNode( eq_rhs );
+ eq = Rewriter::rewrite( eq );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...equality is " << eq << std::endl;
+ std::map< Node, Node > msum;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( eq, msum ) ){
+ if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-si-inst-debug") ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " monomial sum: " << std::endl;
+ QuantArith::debugPrintMonomialSum( msum, "cegqi-si-inst-debug" );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "isolate for " << pv << "..." << std::endl;
+ }
+ Node veq;
+ if( QuantArith::isolate( pv, msum, veq, EQUAL, true )!=0 ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...isolated equality " << veq << "." << std::endl;
+ Node veq_c;
+ if( veq[0]!=pv ){
+ Node veq_v;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomial( veq[0], veq_c, veq_v ) ){
+ Assert( veq_v==pv );
+ }
+ }
+ if( subs_proc[0][veq[1]].find( veq_c )==subs_proc[0][veq[1]].end() ){
+ subs_proc[0][veq[1]][veq_c] = true;
+ if( addInstantiationInc( veq[1], pv, veq_c, 0, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, effort ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lhs.push_back( ns );
+ lhs_v.push_back( hasVar );
+ lhs_coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
+ ++eqc_i;
+ ++eqcs_i;
- Node sinv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_UF, invc );
- Trace("cegqi-si") << " " << prog << " -> " << sinv << std::endl;
- d_single_inv_app_map[prog] = sinv;
- //construct the single invocation version of the property
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "Single invocation formula conjuncts are : " << std::endl;
- //std::vector< Node > si_conj;
- Assert( !pbvs.empty() );
- Node pbvl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( BOUND_VAR_LIST, pbvs );
- for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){
- //should hold since we prevent miniscoping
- Assert( d_single_inv.isNull() );
- std::vector< Node > conjuncts;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
- Node c = it->second[i];
- std::vector< Node > disj;
- //insert new assumptions
- disj.insert( disj.end(), new_assumptions[c].begin(), new_assumptions[c].end() );
- //get replaced version
- Node cr;
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >::iterator itp = prog_invoke.find( c );
- if( itp!=prog_invoke.end() ){
- std::vector< Node > terms;
- std::vector< Node > subs;
- for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it2 = itp->second.begin(); it2 != itp->second.end(); ++it2 ){
- if( !it2->second.empty() ){
- Node prog = it2->first;
- Node inv = it2->second[0];
- Assert( it2->second.size()==1 );
- terms.push_back( inv );
- subs.push_back( d_single_inv_map[prog] );
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug2") << "subs : " << inv << " -> var for " << prog << " : " << d_single_inv_map[prog] << std::endl;
- }
- }
- cr = c.substitute( terms.begin(), terms.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
- }else{
- cr = c;
- }
- if( cr.getKind()==OR ){
- for( unsigned j=0; j<cr.getNumChildren(); j++ ){
- disj.push_back( cr[j] );
- }
- }else{
- disj.push_back( cr );
- }
- Node curr = disj.size()==1 ? disj[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, disj );
- curr = TermDb::simpleNegate( curr );
- Trace("cegqi-si") << " " << curr;
- conjuncts.push_back( curr );
- if( !it->first.isNull() ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " under " << it->first;
- }
- Trace("cegqi-si") << std::endl;
- }
- Assert( !conjuncts.empty() );
- //make the skolems for the existential
- if( !it->first.isNull() ){
- std::vector< Node > vars;
- std::vector< Node > sks;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<it->first.getNumChildren(); j++ ){
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "a_" << it->first[j];
- Node v = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), it->first[j].getType(), "single invocation skolem" );
- vars.push_back( it->first[j] );
- sks.push_back( v );
- }
- //substitute conjunctions
- for( unsigned i=0; i<conjuncts.size(); i++ ){
- conjuncts[i] = conjuncts[i].substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), sks.begin(), sks.end() );
- }
- d_single_inv_arg_sk.insert( d_single_inv_arg_sk.end(), sks.begin(), sks.end() );
- //substitute single invocation applications
- for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itam = d_single_inv_app_map.begin(); itam != d_single_inv_app_map.end(); ++itam ){
- Node n = itam->second;
- d_single_inv_app_map[itam->first] = n.substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), sks.begin(), sks.end() );
- }
- }
- //ensure that this is a ground property
- for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itam = d_single_inv_app_map.begin(); itam != d_single_inv_app_map.end(); ++itam ){
- Node n = itam->second;
- //check if all variables are arguments of this
- std::vector< Node > n_args;
- for( unsigned i=1; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- n_args.push_back( n[i] );
- }
- for( int i=0; i<(int)d_single_inv_arg_sk.size(); i++ ){
- if( std::find( n_args.begin(), n_args.end(), d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] )==n_args.end() ){
- Trace("cegqi-si") << " is not ground: program invocation " << n << " does not contain variable " << d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] << "." << std::endl;
- //try to do variable elimination on d_single_inv_arg_sk[i]
- if( doVariableElimination( d_single_inv_arg_sk[i], conjuncts ) ){
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "...did variable elimination on " << d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] << std::endl;
- d_single_inv_arg_sk.erase( d_single_inv_arg_sk.begin() + i, d_single_inv_arg_sk.begin() + i + 1 );
- i--;
- }else{
- singleInvocation = false;
- //exit( 57 );
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( singleInvocation ){
- Node bd = conjuncts.size()==1 ? conjuncts[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, conjuncts );
- d_single_inv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( FORALL, pbvl, bd );
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "...formula is : " << d_single_inv << std::endl;
- if( options::eMatching.wasSetByUser() ){
- Node bd = d_qe->getTermDatabase()->getInstConstantBody( d_single_inv );
- std::vector< Node > patTerms;
- std::vector< Node > exclude;
- inst::Trigger::collectPatTerms( d_qe, d_single_inv, bd, patTerms, inst::Trigger::TS_ALL, exclude );
- if( !patTerms.empty() ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-em") << "Triggers : " << std::endl;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<patTerms.size(); i++ ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-em") << " " << patTerms[i] << std::endl;
+ //[3] directly look at assertions
+ TheoryId tid = Theory::theoryOf( pv );
+ Theory* theory = d_qe->getTheoryEngine()->theoryOf( tid );
+ if (theory && d_qe->getTheoryEngine()->isTheoryEnabled(tid)) {
+ context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator it = theory->facts_begin(), it_end = theory->facts_end();
+ for (unsigned j = 0; it != it_end; ++ it, ++j) {
+ Node lit = (*it).assertion;
+ Node atom = lit.getKind()==NOT ? lit[0] : lit;
+ bool pol = lit.getKind()!=NOT;
+ if( tid==THEORY_ARITH ){
+ if( atom.getKind()==GEQ || ( atom.getKind()==EQUAL && !pol ) ){
+ Assert( atom[1].isConst() );
+ computeProgVars( atom[0] );
+ //must be an eligible term
+ if( d_inelig.find( atom[0] )==d_inelig.end() ){
+ //apply substitution to LHS of atom
+ Node atom_lhs;
+ Node atom_rhs;
+ if( !d_prog_var[atom[0]].empty() ){
+ Node atom_lhs_coeff;
+ atom_lhs = applySubstitution( atom[0], subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, atom_lhs_coeff );
+ if( !atom_lhs.isNull() ){
+ computeProgVars( atom_lhs );
+ atom_rhs = atom[1];
+ if( !atom_lhs_coeff.isNull() ){
+ atom_rhs = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, atom_lhs_coeff, atom_rhs ) );
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ atom_lhs = atom[0];
+ atom_rhs = atom[1];
+ }
+ //if it contains pv
+ if( !atom_lhs.isNull() && d_prog_var[atom_lhs].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[atom_lhs].end() ){
+ Node satom = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( atom.getKind(), atom_lhs, atom_rhs );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "From assertion : " << atom << ", pol = " << pol << std::endl;
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " substituted : " << satom << ", pol = " << pol << std::endl;
+ std::map< Node, Node > msum;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( satom, msum ) ){
+ if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-si-inst-debug") ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " monomial sum: " << std::endl;
+ QuantArith::debugPrintMonomialSum( msum, "cegqi-si-inst-debug" );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "isolate for " << pv << "..." << std::endl;
+ }
+ Node vatom;
+ //isolate pv in the inequality
+ int ires = QuantArith::isolate( pv, msum, vatom, atom.getKind(), true );
+ if( ires!=0 ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...isolated atom " << vatom << "." << std::endl;
+ Node val = vatom[ ires==1 ? 1 : 0 ];
+ Node pvm = vatom[ ires==1 ? 0 : 1 ];
+ //get monomial
+ Node veq_c;
+ if( pvm!=pv ){
+ Node veq_v;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomial( pvm, veq_c, veq_v ) ){
+ Assert( veq_v==pv );
+ }
+ }
+ //disequalities are both strict upper and lower bounds
+ unsigned rmax = atom.getKind()==GEQ ? 1 : 2;
+ for( unsigned r=0; r<rmax; r++ ){
+ int uires = ires;
+ Node uval = val;
+ if( atom.getKind()==GEQ ){
+ //push negation downwards
+ if( !pol ){
+ uires = -ires;
+ if( pvtn.isInteger() ){
+ uval = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, val, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( uires ) ) );
+ uval = Rewriter::rewrite( uval );
+ }else if( pvtn.isReal() ){
+ //now is strict inequality
+ uires = uires*2;
+ }else{
+ Assert( false );
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ Assert( atom.getKind()==EQUAL && !pol );
+ if( pvtn.isInteger() ){
+ uires = r==0 ? -1 : 1;
+ uval = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, val, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( uires ) ) );
+ uval = Rewriter::rewrite( uval );
+ }else if( pvtn.isReal() ){
+ uires = r==0 ? -2 : 2;
+ }else{
+ Assert( false );
+ }
+ }
+ if( subs_proc[uires][uval].find( veq_c )==subs_proc[uires][uval].end() ){
+ subs_proc[uires][uval][veq_c] = true;
+ if( addInstantiationInc( uval, pv, veq_c, uires, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, effort ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
- }
- if( !singleInvocation ){
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "Property is not single invocation." << std::endl;
- if( options::cegqiSingleInvAbort() ){
- Message() << "Property is not single invocation." << std::endl;
- exit( 0 );
- }
- }
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::doVariableElimination( Node v, std::vector< Node >& conjuncts ) {
- //all conjuncts containing v must contain a literal v != s for some s
- // if so, do DER on all such conjuncts
- TNode s;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<conjuncts.size(); i++ ){
- int status = 0;
- if( getVariableEliminationTerm( true, true, v, conjuncts[i], s, status ) ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Substitute " << s << " for " << v << " in " << conjuncts[i] << std::endl;
- Assert( !s.isNull() );
- conjuncts[i] = conjuncts[i].substitute( v, s );
+ //[4] resort to using value in model
+ if( effort>0 ){
+ Node mv = d_qe->getModel()->getValue( pv );
+ Node pv_coeff_m;
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << "...try model value " << mv << std::endl;
+ return addInstantiationInc( mv, pv, pv_coeff_m, 9, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, 1 );
- if( status==1 ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Conjunct " << conjuncts[i] << " contains " << v << " but not in disequality." << std::endl;
- return false;
- }else{
- Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Conjunct does not contain " << v << "." << std::endl;
- }
+ return false;
- return true;
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::getVariableEliminationTerm( bool pol, bool hasPol, Node v, Node n, TNode& s, int& status ) {
- if( hasPol ){
- if( n.getKind()==NOT ){
- return getVariableEliminationTerm( !pol, true, v, n[0], s, status );
- }else if( pol && n.getKind()==EQUAL ){
- for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
- if( n[r]==v ){
- status = 1;
- Node ss = n[r==0 ? 1 : 0];
- if( s.isNull() ){
- s = ss;
- }
- return ss==s;
+bool CegInstantiator::addInstantiationInc( Node n, Node pv, Node pv_coeff, int styp, std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
+ std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, std::vector< int >& subs_typ,
+ unsigned i, unsigned effort ) {
+ //must ensure variables have been computed for n
+ computeProgVars( n );
+ //substitute into previous substitutions, when applicable
+ std::vector< Node > a_subs;
+ a_subs.push_back( n );
+ std::vector< Node > a_var;
+ a_var.push_back( pv );
+ std::vector< Node > a_coeff;
+ std::vector< Node > a_has_coeff;
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ a_coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
+ a_has_coeff.push_back( pv );
+ }
+ bool success = true;
+ std::map< int, Node > prev_subs;
+ std::map< int, Node > prev_coeff;
+ std::vector< Node > new_has_coeff;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<subs.size(); j++ ){
+ Assert( d_prog_var.find( subs[j] )!=d_prog_var.end() );
+ if( d_prog_var[subs[j]].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[subs[j]].end() ){
+ prev_subs[j] = subs[j];
+ TNode tv = pv;
+ TNode ts = n;
+ Node a_pv_coeff;
+ Node new_subs = applySubstitution( subs[j], a_subs, a_var, a_coeff, a_has_coeff, a_pv_coeff, true );
+ if( !new_subs.isNull() ){
+ subs[j] = new_subs;
+ if( !a_pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ prev_coeff[j] = coeff[j];
+ if( coeff[j].isNull() ){
+ Assert( std::find( has_coeff.begin(), has_coeff.end(), vars[j] )==has_coeff.end() );
+ //now has coefficient
+ new_has_coeff.push_back( vars[j] );
+ has_coeff.push_back( vars[j] );
+ coeff[j] = a_pv_coeff;
+ }else{
+ coeff[j] = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, coeff[j], a_pv_coeff ) );
+ }
- }
- //did not match, now see if it contains v
- }else if( ( n.getKind()==OR && !pol ) || ( n.getKind()==AND && pol ) ){
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- if( getVariableEliminationTerm( pol, true, v, n[i], s, status ) ){
- return true;
+ if( subs[j]!=prev_subs[j] ){
+ computeProgVars( subs[j] );
+ }else{
+ success = false;
+ break;
- return false;
- if( n==v ){
- status = 1;
- }else{
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- getVariableEliminationTerm( pol, false, v, n[i], s, status );
+ if( success ){
+ subs.push_back( n );
+ vars.push_back( pv );
+ coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ has_coeff.push_back( pv );
- }
- return false;
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::analyzeSygusConjunct( Node p, Node n, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >& children,
- std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >& prog_invoke,
- std::vector< Node >& progs, std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > >& contains, bool pol ) {
- if( ( pol && n.getKind()==OR ) || ( !pol && n.getKind()==AND ) ){
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- if( !analyzeSygusConjunct( p, n[i], children, prog_invoke, progs, contains, pol ) ){
- return false;
- }
+ subs_typ.push_back( styp );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << ": ";
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << pv_coeff << "*";
- }else if( pol && n.getKind()==NOT && n[0].getKind()==FORALL ){
- if( !p.isNull() ){
- //do not allow nested quantifiers
- return false;
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << pv << " -> " << n << std::endl;
+ success = addInstantiation( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i+1, effort );
+ if( !success ){
+ subs.pop_back();
+ vars.pop_back();
+ coeff.pop_back();
+ if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ has_coeff.pop_back();
+ }
+ subs_typ.pop_back();
- analyzeSygusConjunct( n[0][0], n[0][1], children, prog_invoke, progs, contains, false );
+ }
+ if( success ){
+ return true;
- if( pol ){
- n = TermDb::simpleNegate( n );
+ //revert substitution information
+ for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = prev_subs.begin(); it != prev_subs.end(); it++ ){
+ subs[it->first] = it->second;
- Trace("cegqi-si") << "Sygus conjunct : " << n << std::endl;
- children[p].push_back( n );
- for( unsigned i=0; i<progs.size(); i++ ){
- prog_invoke[n][progs[i]].clear();
+ for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = prev_coeff.begin(); it != prev_coeff.end(); it++ ){
+ coeff[it->first] = it->second;
- bool success = analyzeSygusTerm( n, prog_invoke[n], contains[n] );
- for( unsigned i=0; i<progs.size(); i++ ){
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = prog_invoke[n].find( progs[i] );
- Trace("cegqi-si") << " Program " << progs[i] << " is invoked " << it->second.size() << " times " << std::endl;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<it->second.size(); j++ ){
- Trace("cegqi-si") << " " << it->second[j] << std::endl;
- }
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<new_has_coeff.size(); i++ ){
+ has_coeff.pop_back();
- return success;
+ return false;
- return true;
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::analyzeSygusTerm( Node n, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >& prog_invoke, std::map< Node, bool >& contains ) {
- if( n.getNumChildren()>0 ){
- if( n.getKind()==FORALL ){
- //do not allow nested quantifiers
- return false;
- }
- //look at first argument in evaluator
- Node p = n[0];
- std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = prog_invoke.find( p );
- if( it!=prog_invoke.end() ){
- if( std::find( it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), n )==it->second.end() ){
- it->second.push_back( n );
+bool CegInstantiator::addInstantiationCoeff( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
+ std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, std::vector< int >& subs_typ, unsigned j ) {
+ if( j==has_coeff.size() ){
+ return addInstantiation( subs, vars, subs_typ );
+ }else{
+ Assert( std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), has_coeff[j] )!=vars.end() );
+ unsigned index = std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), has_coeff[j] )-vars.begin();
+ Node prev = subs[index];
+ Assert( !coeff[index].isNull() );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "Normalize substitution for " << coeff[index] << " * " << vars[index] << " = " << subs[index] << ", stype = " << subs_typ[index] << std::endl;
+ if( vars[index].getType().isInteger() ){
+ //must ensure that divisibility constraints are met
+ //solve updated rewritten equality for vars[index], if coefficient is one, then we are successful
+ Node eq_lhs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, coeff[index], vars[index] );
+ Node eq_rhs = subs[index];
+ Node eq = eq_lhs.eqNode( eq_rhs );
+ eq = Rewriter::rewrite( eq );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...equality is " << eq << std::endl;
+ std::map< Node, Node > msum;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( eq, msum ) ){
+ Node veq;
+ if( QuantArith::isolate( vars[index], msum, veq, EQUAL, true )!=0 ){
+ Node veq_c;
+ if( veq[0]!=vars[index] ){
+ Node veq_v;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomial( veq[0], veq_c, veq_v ) ){
+ Assert( veq_v==vars[index] );
+ }
+ }
+ subs[index] = veq[1];
+ if( !veq_c.isNull() ){
+ subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_DIVISION, veq[1], veq_c );
+ if( subs_typ[index]>=1 && subs_typ[index]<=2 ){
+ subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, subs[index],
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( ITE,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( EQUAL,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_MODULUS, veq[1], veq_c ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ) ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 1 ) ) )
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...normalize integers : " << subs[index] << std::endl;
+ if( addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, j+1 ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ //equalities are both upper and lower bounds
+ /*
+ if( subs_typ[index]==0 && !veq_c.isNull() ){
+ subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, subs[index],
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( ITE,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( EQUAL,
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_MODULUS, veq[1], veq_c ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ) ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ),
+ NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 1 ) ) )
+ );
+ if( addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, j+1 ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ }
- }
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- if( !analyzeSygusTerm( n[i], prog_invoke, contains ) ){
- return false;
+ }else if( vars[index].getType().isReal() ){
+ // can always invert
+ subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1) / coeff[index].getConst<Rational>() ), subs[index] );
+ subs[index] = Rewriter::rewrite( subs[index] );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...success, reals : " << subs[index] << std::endl;
+ if( addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, j+1 ) ){
+ return true;
+ }else{
+ Assert( false );
- }else{
- //record this conjunct contains n
- contains[n] = true;
+ subs[index] = prev;
+ Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...failed." << std::endl;
+ return false;
- return true;
-void CegConjectureSingleInv::computeProgVars( Node n ){
- if( d_prog_var.find( n )==d_prog_var.end() ){
- d_prog_var[n].clear();
- if( std::find( d_single_inv_sk.begin(), d_single_inv_sk.end(), n )!=d_single_inv_sk.end() ){
- d_prog_var[n][n] = true;
- }else if( n.getKind()==SKOLEM && std::find( d_single_inv_arg_sk.begin(), d_single_inv_arg_sk.end(), n )==d_single_inv_arg_sk.end() ){
- d_inelig[n] = true;
- return;
- }
- for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
- computeProgVars( n[i] );
- if( d_inelig.find( n[i] )!=d_inelig.end() ){
- d_inelig[n] = true;
- return;
- }
- for( std::map< Node, bool >::iterator it = d_prog_var[n[i]].begin(); it != d_prog_var[n[i]].end(); ++it ){
- d_prog_var[n][it->first] = true;
+bool CegInstantiator::addInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars, std::vector< int >& subs_typ ) {
+ // do delta rationals
+ std::map< int, Node > prev;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<subs.size(); i++ ){
+ if( subs_typ[i]==2 || subs_typ[i]==-2 ){
+ prev[i] = subs[i];
+ if( d_n_delta.isNull() ){
+ d_n_delta = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "delta", vars[i].getType(), "delta for cegqi" );
+ Node delta_lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( GT, d_n_delta, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ) );
+ d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma( delta_lem );
+ subs[i] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( subs_typ[i]==2 ? PLUS : MINUS, subs[i], d_n_delta );
+ }
+ }
+ //check if we have already added this instantiation
+ bool success = d_out->addInstantiation( subs, subs_typ );
+ if( !success ){
+ //revert the substitution
+ for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = prev.begin(); it != prev.end(); ++it ){
+ subs[it->first] = it->second;
+ return success;
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::addInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
- std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, std::vector< int >& subs_typ,
- unsigned i, std::vector< Node >& lems, unsigned effort ){
- if( i==d_single_inv_sk.size() ){
- return addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, 0, lems );
- }else{
- eq::EqualityEngine* ee = d_qe->getMasterEqualityEngine();
- std::map< int, std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > > > subs_proc;
- Node v = d_single_inv_map_to_prog[d_single_inv[0][i]];
- Node pv = d_single_inv_sk[i];
- TypeNode pvtn = pv.getType();
- if( (i+1)<d_single_inv_arg_sk.size() || effort!=2 ){
- //[1] easy case : pv is in the equivalence class as another term not containing pv
- if( ee->hasTerm( pv ) ){
- Node pvr = ee->getRepresentative( pv );
- eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( pvr, ee );
- while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ){
- Node n = *eqc_i;
- if( n!=pv ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << "...try based on equal term " << n << std::endl;
- //compute d_subs_fv, which program variables are contained in n
- computeProgVars( n );
- //must be an eligible term
- if( d_inelig.find( n )==d_inelig.end() ){
- Node ns;
- Node pv_coeff; //coefficient of pv in the equality we solve (null is 1)
- bool proc = false;
- if( !d_prog_var[n].empty() ){
- ns = applySubstitution( n, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, pv_coeff, false );
- if( !ns.isNull() ){
- computeProgVars( ns );
- //substituted version must be new and cannot contain pv
- proc = subs_proc[0][pv_coeff].find( ns )==subs_proc[0][pv_coeff].end() && d_prog_var[ns].find( pv )==d_prog_var[ns].end();
- }
+Node CegInstantiator::applySubstitution( Node n, std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
+ std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, Node& pv_coeff, bool try_coeff ) {
+ Assert( d_prog_var.find( n )!=d_prog_var.end() );
+ Assert( n==Rewriter::rewrite( n ) );
+ bool req_coeff = false;
+ if( !has_coeff.empty() ){
+ for( std::map< Node, bool >::iterator it = d_prog_var[n].begin(); it != d_prog_var[n].end(); ++it ){
+ if( std::find( has_coeff.begin(), has_coeff.end(), it->first )!=has_coeff.end() ){
+ req_coeff = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !req_coeff ){
+ Node nret = n.substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
+ if( n!=nret ){
+ nret = Rewriter::rewrite( nret );
+ }
+ //result is nret
+ return nret;
+ }else{
+ if( try_coeff ){
+ //must convert to monomial representation
+ std::map< Node, Node > msum;
+ if( QuantArith::getMonomialSum( n, msum ) ){
+ std::map< Node, Node > msum_coeff;
+ std::map< Node, Node > msum_term;
+ for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = msum.begin(); it != msum.end(); ++it ){
+ //check if in substitution
+ std::vector< Node >::iterator its = std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), it->first );
+ if( its!=vars.end() ){
+ int index = its-vars.begin();
+ if( coeff[index].isNull() ){
+ //apply substitution
+ msum_term[it->first] = subs[index];
+ }else{
+ //apply substitution, multiply to ensure no divisibility conflict
+ msum_term[it->first] = subs[index];
+ //relative coefficient
+ msum_coeff[it->first] = coeff[index];
+ if( pv_coeff.isNull() ){
+ pv_coeff = coeff[index];
- ns = n;
- proc = true;
+ pv_coeff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, pv_coeff, coeff[index] );
- if( proc ){
- //try the substitution
- subs_proc[0][ns][pv_coeff] = true;
- if( addInstantiationInc( ns, pv, pv_coeff, 0, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, lems, effort ) ){
- return true;
+ }
+ }else{
+ msum_term[it->first] = it->first;
+ }
+ }
+ //make sum with normalized coefficient
+ Assert( !pv_coeff.isNull() );
+ pv_coeff = Rewriter::rewrite( pv_coeff );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-apply-subs-debug") << "Combined coeff : " << pv_coeff << std::endl;
+ std::vector< Node > children;
+ for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = msum.begin(); it != msum.end(); ++it ){
+ Node c_coeff;
+ if( !msum_coeff[it->first].isNull() ){
+ c_coeff = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( pv_coeff.getConst<Rational>() / msum_coeff[it->first].getConst<Rational>() ) );
+ }else{
+ c_coeff = pv_coeff;
+ }
+ if( !it->second.isNull() ){
+ c_coeff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, c_coeff, it->second );
+ }
+ Node c = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, c_coeff, msum_term[it->first] );
+ children.push_back( c );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-apply-subs-debug") << "Add child : " << c << std::endl;
+ }
+ Node nret = children.size()==1 ? children[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, children );
+ nret = Rewriter::rewrite( nret );
+ //result is ( nret / pv_coeff )
+ return nret;
+ }else{
+ Trace("cegqi-si-apply-subs-debug") << "Failed to find monomial sum " << n << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ // failed to apply the substitution
+ return Node::null();
+ }
+void CegInstantiator::check() {
+ for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
+ std::vector< Node > subs;
+ std::vector< Node > vars;
+ std::vector< Node > coeff;
+ std::vector< Node > has_coeff;
+ std::vector< int > subs_typ;
+ //try to add an instantiation
+ if( addInstantiation( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, 0, r==0 ? 0 : 2 ) ){
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ Trace("cegqi-engine") << " WARNING : unable to find CEGQI single invocation instantiation." << std::endl;
+bool CegqiOutputSingleInv::addInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< int >& subs_typ ) {
+ return d_out->addInstantiation( subs, subs_typ );
+bool CegqiOutputSingleInv::isEligibleForInstantiation( Node n ) {
+ return d_out->isEligibleForInstantiation( n );
+CegConjectureSingleInv::CegConjectureSingleInv( CegConjecture * p ) : d_parent( p ){
+ d_sol = NULL;
+ d_c_inst_match_trie = NULL;
+ d_cinst = NULL;
+Node CegConjectureSingleInv::getSingleInvLemma( Node guard ) {
+ if( !d_single_inv.isNull() ) {
+ Assert( d_single_inv.getKind()==FORALL );
+ d_single_inv_var.clear();
+ d_single_inv_sk.clear();
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<d_single_inv[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "k_" << d_single_inv[0][i];
+ Node k = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), d_single_inv[0][i].getType(), "single invocation function skolem" );
+ d_single_inv_var.push_back( d_single_inv[0][i] );
+ d_single_inv_sk.push_back( k );
+ d_single_inv_sk_index[k] = i;
+ }
+ Node inst = d_single_inv[1].substitute( d_single_inv_var.begin(), d_single_inv_var.end(), d_single_inv_sk.begin(), d_single_inv_sk.end() );
+ inst = TermDb::simpleNegate( inst );
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "Single invocation initial lemma : " << inst << std::endl;
+ //initialize the instantiator for this
+ CegqiOutputSingleInv * cosi = new CegqiOutputSingleInv( this );
+ d_cinst = new CegInstantiator( d_qe, cosi );
+ d_cinst->d_vars.insert( d_cinst->d_vars.end(), d_single_inv_sk.begin(), d_single_inv_sk.end() );
+ return NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, guard.negate(), inst );
+ }else{
+ return Node::null();
+ }
+void CegConjectureSingleInv::initialize( QuantifiersEngine * qe, Node q ) {
+ //initialize data
+ d_sol = new CegConjectureSingleInvSol( qe );
+ d_qe = qe;
+ d_quant = q;
+ if( options::incrementalSolving() ){
+ d_c_inst_match_trie = new inst::CDInstMatchTrie( qe->getUserContext() );
+ }
+ //process
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "Initialize cegqi-si for " << q << std::endl;
+ // conj -> conj*
+ std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > children;
+ // conj X prog -> inv*
+ std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > > prog_invoke;
+ std::vector< Node > progs;
+ std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > > contains;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<q[0].getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ progs.push_back( q[0][i] );
+ }
+ //collect information about conjunctions
+ bool singleInvocation = false;
+ if( analyzeSygusConjunct( Node::null(), q[1], children, prog_invoke, progs, contains, true ) ){
+ singleInvocation = true;
+ //try to phrase as single invocation property
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "...success." << std::endl;
+ std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > invocations;
+ std::map< Node, std::map< int, std::vector< Node > > > single_invoke_args;
+ std::map< Node, std::map< int, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > > > single_invoke_args_from;
+ for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<it->second.size(); j++ ){
+ Node conj = it->second[j];
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Process child " << conj << " from " << it->first << std::endl;
+ std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >::iterator itp = prog_invoke.find( conj );
+ if( itp!=prog_invoke.end() ){
+ for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it2 = itp->second.begin(); it2 != itp->second.end(); ++it2 ){
+ if( it2->second.size()>1 ){
+ singleInvocation = false;
+ break;
+ }else if( it2->second.size()==1 ){
+ Node prog = it2->first;
+ Node inv = it2->second[0];
+ Assert( inv[0]==prog );
+ invocations[prog].push_back( inv );
+ for( unsigned k=1; k<inv.getNumChildren(); k++ ){
+ Node arg = inv[k];
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "process : " << arg << " occurs in position " << k-1 << " in invocation " << inv << " of " << prog << " in " << conj << std::endl;
+ single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg].push_back( conj );
+ if( std::find( single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].begin(), single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].end(), arg )==single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].end() ){
+ single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].push_back( arg );
- ++eqc_i;
- //[2] : we can solve an equality for pv
- ///iterate over equivalence classes to find cases where we can solve for the variable
- if( pvtn.isInteger() || pvtn.isReal() ){
- eq::EqClassesIterator eqcs_i = eq::EqClassesIterator( ee );
- while( !eqcs_i.isFinished() ){
- Node r = *eqcs_i;
- TypeNode rtn = r.getType();
- if( rtn.isInteger() || rtn.isReal() ){
- std::vector< Node > lhs;
- std::vector< bool > lhs_v;
- std::vector< Node > lhs_coeff;
- eq::EqClassIterator eqc_i = eq::EqClassIterator( r, ee );
- while( !eqc_i.isFinished() ){
- Node n = *eqc_i;
- computeProgVars( n );
- //must be an eligible term
- if( d_inelig.find( n )==d_inelig.end() ){
- Node ns;
- Node pv_coeff;
- if( !d_prog_var[n].empty() ){
- ns = applySubstitution( n, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, pv_coeff );
- if( !ns.isNull() ){
- computeProgVars( ns );
- }
- }else{
- ns = n;
- }
- if( !ns.isNull() ){
- bool hasVar = d_prog_var[ns].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[ns].end();
- for( unsigned j=0; j<lhs.size(); j++ ){
- //if this term or the another has pv in it, try to solve for it
- if( hasVar || lhs_v[j] ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << "...try based on equality " << lhs[j] << " " << ns << std::endl;
- Node eq_lhs = lhs[j];
- Node eq_rhs = ns;
- //make the same coefficient
- if( pv_coeff!=lhs_coeff[j] ){
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...mult lhs by " << pv_coeff << std::endl;
- eq_lhs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, pv_coeff, eq_lhs );
- eq_lhs = Rewriter::rewrite( eq_lhs );
- }
- if( !lhs_coeff[j].isNull() ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...mult rhs by " << lhs_coeff[j] << std::endl;
- eq_rhs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, lhs_coeff[j], eq_rhs );
- eq_rhs = Rewriter::rewrite( eq_rhs );
- }
- }
- Node eq = eq_lhs.eqNode( eq_rhs );
- eq = Rewriter::rewrite( eq );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...equality is " << eq << std::endl;
- std::map< Node, Node > msum;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( eq, msum ) ){
- if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-si-inst-debug") ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " monomial sum: " << std::endl;
- QuantArith::debugPrintMonomialSum( msum, "cegqi-si-inst-debug" );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "isolate for " << pv << "..." << std::endl;
- }
- Node veq;
- if( QuantArith::isolate( pv, msum, veq, EQUAL, true )!=0 ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...isolated equality " << veq << "." << std::endl;
- Node veq_c;
- if( veq[0]!=pv ){
- Node veq_v;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomial( veq[0], veq_c, veq_v ) ){
- Assert( veq_v==pv );
- }
- }
- if( subs_proc[0][veq[1]].find( veq_c )==subs_proc[0][veq[1]].end() ){
- subs_proc[0][veq[1]][veq_c] = true;
- if( addInstantiationInc( veq[1], pv, veq_c, 0, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, lems, effort ) ){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- lhs.push_back( ns );
- lhs_v.push_back( hasVar );
- lhs_coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
+ }
+ if( singleInvocation ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "Property is single invocation with : " << std::endl;
+ std::vector< Node > pbvs;
+ std::vector< Node > new_vars;
+ std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > new_assumptions;
+ for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = invocations.begin(); it != invocations.end(); ++it ){
+ Assert( !it->second.empty() );
+ Node prog = it->first;
+ Node inv = it->second[0];
+ std::vector< Node > invc;
+ invc.push_back( inv.getOperator() );
+ invc.push_back( prog );
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "F_" << prog;
+ Node pv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkBoundVar( ss.str(), inv.getType() );
+ d_single_inv_map[prog] = pv;
+ d_single_inv_map_to_prog[pv] = prog;
+ pbvs.push_back( pv );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug2") << "Make variable " << pv << " for " << prog << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned k=1; k<inv.getNumChildren(); k++ ){
+ Assert( !single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].empty() );
+ if( single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].size()==1 && single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][0].getKind()==BOUND_VARIABLE ){
+ invc.push_back( single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][0] );
+ }else{
+ //introduce fresh variable, assign all
+ Node v = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "a", single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][0].getType(), "single invocation arg" );
+ new_vars.push_back( v );
+ invc.push_back( v );
+ d_single_inv_arg_sk.push_back( v );
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<single_invoke_args[prog][k-1].size(); i++ ){
+ Node arg = single_invoke_args[prog][k-1][i];
+ Node asum = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( arg.getType().isBoolean() ? IFF : EQUAL, v, arg ).negate();
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " ..." << arg << " occurs in ";
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg].size() << " invocations at position " << (k-1) << " of " << prog << "." << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg].size(); j++ ){
+ Node conj = single_invoke_args_from[prog][k-1][arg][j];
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " ..." << arg << " occurs in invocation " << inv << " of " << prog << " in " << conj << std::endl;
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " ...add assumption " << asum << " to " << conj << std::endl;
+ if( std::find( new_assumptions[conj].begin(), new_assumptions[conj].end(), asum )==new_assumptions[conj].end() ){
+ new_assumptions[conj].push_back( asum );
- ++eqc_i;
- ++eqcs_i;
- }
- //[3] directly look at assertions
- TheoryId tid = Theory::theoryOf( pv );
- Theory* theory = d_qe->getTheoryEngine()->theoryOf( tid );
- if (theory && d_qe->getTheoryEngine()->isTheoryEnabled(tid)) {
- context::CDList<Assertion>::const_iterator it = theory->facts_begin(), it_end = theory->facts_end();
- for (unsigned j = 0; it != it_end; ++ it, ++j) {
- Node lit = (*it).assertion;
- Node atom = lit.getKind()==NOT ? lit[0] : lit;
- bool pol = lit.getKind()!=NOT;
- if( tid==THEORY_ARITH ){
- if( atom.getKind()==GEQ || ( atom.getKind()==EQUAL && !pol ) ){
- Assert( atom[1].isConst() );
- computeProgVars( atom[0] );
- //must be an eligible term
- if( d_inelig.find( atom[0] )==d_inelig.end() ){
- //apply substitution to LHS of atom
- Node atom_lhs;
- Node atom_rhs;
- if( !d_prog_var[atom[0]].empty() ){
- Node atom_lhs_coeff;
- atom_lhs = applySubstitution( atom[0], subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, atom_lhs_coeff );
- if( !atom_lhs.isNull() ){
- computeProgVars( atom_lhs );
- atom_rhs = atom[1];
- if( !atom_lhs_coeff.isNull() ){
- atom_rhs = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, atom_lhs_coeff, atom_rhs ) );
- }
- }
- }else{
- atom_lhs = atom[0];
- atom_rhs = atom[1];
- }
- //if it contains pv
- if( !atom_lhs.isNull() && d_prog_var[atom_lhs].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[atom_lhs].end() ){
- Node satom = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( atom.getKind(), atom_lhs, atom_rhs );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "From assertion : " << atom << ", pol = " << pol << std::endl;
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " substituted : " << satom << ", pol = " << pol << std::endl;
- std::map< Node, Node > msum;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( satom, msum ) ){
- if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-si-inst-debug") ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " monomial sum: " << std::endl;
- QuantArith::debugPrintMonomialSum( msum, "cegqi-si-inst-debug" );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "isolate for " << pv << "..." << std::endl;
- }
- Node vatom;
- //isolate pv in the inequality
- int ires = QuantArith::isolate( pv, msum, vatom, atom.getKind(), true );
- if( ires!=0 ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...isolated atom " << vatom << "." << std::endl;
- Node val = vatom[ ires==1 ? 1 : 0 ];
- Node pvm = vatom[ ires==1 ? 0 : 1 ];
- //get monomial
- Node veq_c;
- if( pvm!=pv ){
- Node veq_v;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomial( pvm, veq_c, veq_v ) ){
- Assert( veq_v==pv );
- }
- }
- //disequalities are both strict upper and lower bounds
- unsigned rmax = atom.getKind()==GEQ ? 1 : 2;
- for( unsigned r=0; r<rmax; r++ ){
- int uires = ires;
- Node uval = val;
- if( atom.getKind()==GEQ ){
- //push negation downwards
- if( !pol ){
- uires = -ires;
- if( pvtn.isInteger() ){
- uval = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, val, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( uires ) ) );
- uval = Rewriter::rewrite( uval );
- }else if( pvtn.isReal() ){
- //now is strict inequality
- uires = uires*2;
- }else{
- Assert( false );
- }
- }
- }else{
- Assert( atom.getKind()==EQUAL && !pol );
- if( pvtn.isInteger() ){
- uires = r==0 ? -1 : 1;
- uval = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, val, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( uires ) ) );
- uval = Rewriter::rewrite( uval );
- }else if( pvtn.isReal() ){
- uires = r==0 ? -2 : 2;
- }else{
- Assert( false );
- }
- }
- if( subs_proc[uires][uval].find( veq_c )==subs_proc[uires][uval].end() ){
- subs_proc[uires][uval][veq_c] = true;
- if( addInstantiationInc( uval, pv, veq_c, uires, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, lems, effort ) ){
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ Node sinv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( APPLY_UF, invc );
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << " " << prog << " -> " << sinv << std::endl;
+ d_single_inv_app_map[prog] = sinv;
+ }
+ //construct the single invocation version of the property
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "Single invocation formula conjuncts are : " << std::endl;
+ //std::vector< Node > si_conj;
+ Assert( !pbvs.empty() );
+ Node pbvl = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( BOUND_VAR_LIST, pbvs );
+ for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = children.begin(); it != children.end(); ++it ){
+ //should hold since we prevent miniscoping
+ Assert( d_single_inv.isNull() );
+ std::vector< Node > conjuncts;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<it->second.size(); i++ ){
+ Node c = it->second[i];
+ std::vector< Node > disj;
+ //insert new assumptions
+ disj.insert( disj.end(), new_assumptions[c].begin(), new_assumptions[c].end() );
+ //get replaced version
+ Node cr;
+ std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >::iterator itp = prog_invoke.find( c );
+ if( itp!=prog_invoke.end() ){
+ std::vector< Node > terms;
+ std::vector< Node > subs;
+ for( std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it2 = itp->second.begin(); it2 != itp->second.end(); ++it2 ){
+ if( !it2->second.empty() ){
+ Node prog = it2->first;
+ Node inv = it2->second[0];
+ Assert( it2->second.size()==1 );
+ terms.push_back( inv );
+ subs.push_back( d_single_inv_map[prog] );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug2") << "subs : " << inv << " -> var for " << prog << " : " << d_single_inv_map[prog] << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ cr = c.substitute( terms.begin(), terms.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
+ }else{
+ cr = c;
+ }
+ if( cr.getKind()==OR ){
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<cr.getNumChildren(); j++ ){
+ disj.push_back( cr[j] );
+ }
+ }else{
+ disj.push_back( cr );
+ }
+ Node curr = disj.size()==1 ? disj[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, disj );
+ curr = TermDb::simpleNegate( curr );
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << " " << curr;
+ conjuncts.push_back( curr );
+ if( !it->first.isNull() ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << " under " << it->first;
+ }
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << std::endl;
+ }
+ Assert( !conjuncts.empty() );
+ //make the skolems for the existential
+ if( !it->first.isNull() ){
+ std::vector< Node > vars;
+ std::vector< Node > sks;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<it->first.getNumChildren(); j++ ){
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "a_" << it->first[j];
+ Node v = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( ss.str(), it->first[j].getType(), "single invocation skolem" );
+ vars.push_back( it->first[j] );
+ sks.push_back( v );
+ }
+ //substitute conjunctions
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<conjuncts.size(); i++ ){
+ conjuncts[i] = conjuncts[i].substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), sks.begin(), sks.end() );
+ }
+ d_single_inv_arg_sk.insert( d_single_inv_arg_sk.end(), sks.begin(), sks.end() );
+ //substitute single invocation applications
+ for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itam = d_single_inv_app_map.begin(); itam != d_single_inv_app_map.end(); ++itam ){
+ Node n = itam->second;
+ d_single_inv_app_map[itam->first] = n.substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), sks.begin(), sks.end() );
+ }
+ }
+ //ensure that this is a ground property
+ for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator itam = d_single_inv_app_map.begin(); itam != d_single_inv_app_map.end(); ++itam ){
+ Node n = itam->second;
+ //check if all variables are arguments of this
+ std::vector< Node > n_args;
+ for( unsigned i=1; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ n_args.push_back( n[i] );
+ }
+ for( int i=0; i<(int)d_single_inv_arg_sk.size(); i++ ){
+ if( std::find( n_args.begin(), n_args.end(), d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] )==n_args.end() ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << " is not ground: program invocation " << n << " does not contain variable " << d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] << "." << std::endl;
+ //try to do variable elimination on d_single_inv_arg_sk[i]
+ if( doVariableElimination( d_single_inv_arg_sk[i], conjuncts ) ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "...did variable elimination on " << d_single_inv_arg_sk[i] << std::endl;
+ d_single_inv_arg_sk.erase( d_single_inv_arg_sk.begin() + i, d_single_inv_arg_sk.begin() + i + 1 );
+ i--;
+ }else{
+ singleInvocation = false;
+ //exit( 57 );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( singleInvocation ){
+ Node bd = conjuncts.size()==1 ? conjuncts[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( OR, conjuncts );
+ d_single_inv = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( FORALL, pbvl, bd );
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "...formula is : " << d_single_inv << std::endl;
+ if( options::eMatching.wasSetByUser() ){
+ Node bd = d_qe->getTermDatabase()->getInstConstantBody( d_single_inv );
+ std::vector< Node > patTerms;
+ std::vector< Node > exclude;
+ inst::Trigger::collectPatTerms( d_qe, d_single_inv, bd, patTerms, inst::Trigger::TS_ALL, exclude );
+ if( !patTerms.empty() ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-em") << "Triggers : " << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<patTerms.size(); i++ ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-em") << " " << patTerms[i] << std::endl;
- //[4] resort to using value in model
- if( effort>0 ){
- Node mv = d_qe->getModel()->getValue( pv );
- Node pv_coeff_m;
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << "...try model value " << mv << std::endl;
- return addInstantiationInc( mv, pv, pv_coeff_m, 9, subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i, lems, 1 );
- }else{
- return false;
+ }
+ if( !singleInvocation ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "Property is not single invocation." << std::endl;
+ if( options::cegqiSingleInvAbort() ){
+ Message() << "Property is not single invocation." << std::endl;
+ exit( 0 );
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::addInstantiationInc( Node n, Node pv, Node pv_coeff, int styp, std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
- std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, std::vector< int >& subs_typ,
- unsigned i, std::vector< Node >& lems, unsigned effort ) {
- //must ensure variables have been computed for n
- computeProgVars( n );
- //substitute into previous substitutions, when applicable
- std::vector< Node > a_subs;
- a_subs.push_back( n );
- std::vector< Node > a_var;
- a_var.push_back( pv );
- std::vector< Node > a_coeff;
- std::vector< Node > a_has_coeff;
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- a_coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
- a_has_coeff.push_back( pv );
- }
- bool success = true;
- std::map< int, Node > prev_subs;
- std::map< int, Node > prev_coeff;
- std::vector< Node > new_has_coeff;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<subs.size(); j++ ){
- Assert( d_prog_var.find( subs[j] )!=d_prog_var.end() );
- if( d_prog_var[subs[j]].find( pv )!=d_prog_var[subs[j]].end() ){
- prev_subs[j] = subs[j];
- TNode tv = pv;
- TNode ts = n;
- Node a_pv_coeff;
- Node new_subs = applySubstitution( subs[j], a_subs, a_var, a_coeff, a_has_coeff, a_pv_coeff, true );
- if( !new_subs.isNull() ){
- subs[j] = new_subs;
- if( !a_pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- prev_coeff[j] = coeff[j];
- if( coeff[j].isNull() ){
- Assert( std::find( has_coeff.begin(), has_coeff.end(), vars[j] )==has_coeff.end() );
- //now has coefficient
- new_has_coeff.push_back( vars[j] );
- has_coeff.push_back( vars[j] );
- coeff[j] = a_pv_coeff;
- }else{
- coeff[j] = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, coeff[j], a_pv_coeff ) );
- }
- }
- if( subs[j]!=prev_subs[j] ){
- computeProgVars( subs[j] );
- }
+bool CegConjectureSingleInv::doVariableElimination( Node v, std::vector< Node >& conjuncts ) {
+ //all conjuncts containing v must contain a literal v != s for some s
+ // if so, do DER on all such conjuncts
+ TNode s;
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<conjuncts.size(); i++ ){
+ int status = 0;
+ if( getVariableEliminationTerm( true, true, v, conjuncts[i], s, status ) ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Substitute " << s << " for " << v << " in " << conjuncts[i] << std::endl;
+ Assert( !s.isNull() );
+ conjuncts[i] = conjuncts[i].substitute( v, s );
+ }else{
+ if( status==1 ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Conjunct " << conjuncts[i] << " contains " << v << " but not in disequality." << std::endl;
+ return false;
- success = false;
- break;
+ Trace("cegqi-si-debug") << "Conjunct does not contain " << v << "." << std::endl;
- if( success ){
- subs.push_back( n );
- vars.push_back( pv );
- coeff.push_back( pv_coeff );
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- has_coeff.push_back( pv );
- }
- subs_typ.push_back( styp );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << i << ": ";
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << pv_coeff << "*";
- }
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << pv << " -> " << n << std::endl;
- success = addInstantiation( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, i+1, lems, effort );
- if( !success ){
- subs.pop_back();
- vars.pop_back();
- coeff.pop_back();
- if( !pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- has_coeff.pop_back();
+ return true;
+bool CegConjectureSingleInv::getVariableEliminationTerm( bool pol, bool hasPol, Node v, Node n, TNode& s, int& status ) {
+ if( hasPol ){
+ if( n.getKind()==NOT ){
+ return getVariableEliminationTerm( !pol, true, v, n[0], s, status );
+ }else if( pol && n.getKind()==EQUAL ){
+ for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
+ if( n[r]==v ){
+ status = 1;
+ Node ss = n[r==0 ? 1 : 0];
+ if( s.isNull() ){
+ s = ss;
+ }
+ return ss==s;
+ }
- subs_typ.pop_back();
+ //did not match, now see if it contains v
+ }else if( ( n.getKind()==OR && !pol ) || ( n.getKind()==AND && pol ) ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ if( getVariableEliminationTerm( pol, true, v, n[i], s, status ) ){
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
- if( success ){
- return true;
+ if( n==v ){
+ status = 1;
- //revert substitution information
- for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = prev_subs.begin(); it != prev_subs.end(); it++ ){
- subs[it->first] = it->second;
- }
- for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = prev_coeff.begin(); it != prev_coeff.end(); it++ ){
- coeff[it->first] = it->second;
- }
- for( unsigned i=0; i<new_has_coeff.size(); i++ ){
- has_coeff.pop_back();
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ getVariableEliminationTerm( pol, false, v, n[i], s, status );
- return false;
+ return false;
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::addInstantiationCoeff( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
- std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, std::vector< int >& subs_typ,
- unsigned j, std::vector< Node >& lems ) {
- if( j==has_coeff.size() ){
- return addInstantiation( subs, vars, subs_typ, lems );
- }else{
- Assert( std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), has_coeff[j] )!=vars.end() );
- unsigned index = std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), has_coeff[j] )-vars.begin();
- Node prev = subs[index];
- Assert( !coeff[index].isNull() );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "Normalize substitution for " << coeff[index] << " * " << vars[index] << " = " << subs[index] << ", stype = " << subs_typ[index] << std::endl;
- if( vars[index].getType().isInteger() ){
- //must ensure that divisibility constraints are met
- //solve updated rewritten equality for vars[index], if coefficient is one, then we are successful
- Node eq_lhs = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, coeff[index], vars[index] );
- Node eq_rhs = subs[index];
- Node eq = eq_lhs.eqNode( eq_rhs );
- eq = Rewriter::rewrite( eq );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...equality is " << eq << std::endl;
- std::map< Node, Node > msum;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomialSumLit( eq, msum ) ){
- Node veq;
- if( QuantArith::isolate( vars[index], msum, veq, EQUAL, true )!=0 ){
- Node veq_c;
- if( veq[0]!=vars[index] ){
- Node veq_v;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomial( veq[0], veq_c, veq_v ) ){
- Assert( veq_v==vars[index] );
- }
- }
- subs[index] = veq[1];
- if( !veq_c.isNull() ){
- subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_DIVISION, veq[1], veq_c );
- if( subs_typ[index]>=1 && subs_typ[index]<=2 ){
- subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, subs[index],
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( ITE,
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( EQUAL,
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_MODULUS, veq[1], veq_c ),
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ) ),
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ),
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 1 ) ) )
- );
- }
- }
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...normalize integers : " << subs[index] << std::endl;
- if( addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, j+1, lems ) ){
- return true;
- }
- //equalities are both upper and lower bounds
- /*
- if( subs_typ[index]==0 && !veq_c.isNull() ){
- subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, subs[index],
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( ITE,
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( EQUAL,
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( INTS_MODULUS, veq[1], veq_c ),
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ) ),
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ),
- NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 1 ) ) )
- );
- if( addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, j+1, lems ) ){
- return true;
- }
- }
- */
- }
+bool CegConjectureSingleInv::analyzeSygusConjunct( Node p, Node n, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >& children,
+ std::map< Node, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > > >& prog_invoke,
+ std::vector< Node >& progs, std::map< Node, std::map< Node, bool > >& contains, bool pol ) {
+ if( ( pol && n.getKind()==OR ) || ( !pol && n.getKind()==AND ) ){
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ if( !analyzeSygusConjunct( p, n[i], children, prog_invoke, progs, contains, pol ) ){
+ return false;
- }else if( vars[index].getType().isReal() ){
- // can always invert
- subs[index] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational(1) / coeff[index].getConst<Rational>() ), subs[index] );
- subs[index] = Rewriter::rewrite( subs[index] );
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...success, reals : " << subs[index] << std::endl;
- if( addInstantiationCoeff( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, j+1, lems ) ){
- return true;
+ }
+ }else if( pol && n.getKind()==NOT && n[0].getKind()==FORALL ){
+ if( !p.isNull() ){
+ //do not allow nested quantifiers
+ return false;
+ }
+ analyzeSygusConjunct( n[0][0], n[0][1], children, prog_invoke, progs, contains, false );
+ }else{
+ if( pol ){
+ n = TermDb::simpleNegate( n );
+ }
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << "Sygus conjunct : " << n << std::endl;
+ children[p].push_back( n );
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<progs.size(); i++ ){
+ prog_invoke[n][progs[i]].clear();
+ }
+ bool success = analyzeSygusTerm( n, prog_invoke[n], contains[n] );
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<progs.size(); i++ ){
+ std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = prog_invoke[n].find( progs[i] );
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << " Program " << progs[i] << " is invoked " << it->second.size() << " times " << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<it->second.size(); j++ ){
+ Trace("cegqi-si") << " " << it->second[j] << std::endl;
- }else{
- Assert( false );
- subs[index] = prev;
- Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << "...failed." << std::endl;
- return false;
+ return success;
+ return true;
-bool CegConjectureSingleInv::addInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars, std::vector< int >& subs_typ, std::vector< Node >& lems ) {
- // do delta rationals
- std::map< int, Node > prev;
- for( unsigned i=0; i<subs.size(); i++ ){
- if( subs_typ[i]==2 || subs_typ[i]==-2 ){
- prev[i] = subs[i];
- if( d_n_delta.isNull() ){
- d_n_delta = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkSkolem( "delta", vars[i].getType(), "delta for cegqi" );
- Node delta_lem = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( GT, d_n_delta, NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( Rational( 0 ) ) );
- d_qe->getOutputChannel().lemma( delta_lem );
+bool CegConjectureSingleInv::analyzeSygusTerm( Node n, std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >& prog_invoke, std::map< Node, bool >& contains ) {
+ if( n.getNumChildren()>0 ){
+ if( n.getKind()==FORALL ){
+ //do not allow nested quantifiers
+ return false;
+ }
+ //look at first argument in evaluator
+ Node p = n[0];
+ std::map< Node, std::vector< Node > >::iterator it = prog_invoke.find( p );
+ if( it!=prog_invoke.end() ){
+ if( std::find( it->second.begin(), it->second.end(), n )==it->second.end() ){
+ it->second.push_back( n );
+ }
+ }
+ for( unsigned i=0; i<n.getNumChildren(); i++ ){
+ if( !analyzeSygusTerm( n[i], prog_invoke, contains ) ){
+ return false;
- subs[i] = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( subs_typ[i]==2 ? PLUS : MINUS, subs[i], d_n_delta );
+ }else{
+ //record this conjunct contains n
+ contains[n] = true;
+ return true;
+bool CegConjectureSingleInv::addInstantiation( std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< int >& subs_typ ){
std::stringstream siss;
- siss << " * single invocation: " << std::endl;
- for( unsigned j=0; j<vars.size(); j++ ){
- Node v = d_single_inv_map_to_prog[d_single_inv[0][j]];
- siss << " * " << v;
- siss << " (" << vars[j] << ")";
- siss << " -> " << ( subs_typ[j]==9 ? "M:" : "") << subs[j] << std::endl;
+ if( Trace.isOn("cegqi-si-inst-debug") || Trace.isOn("cegqi-engine") ){
+ siss << " * single invocation: " << std::endl;
+ for( unsigned j=0; j<d_single_inv_sk.size(); j++ ){
+ Node v = d_single_inv_map_to_prog[d_single_inv[0][j]];
+ siss << " * " << v;
+ siss << " (" << d_single_inv_sk[j] << ")";
+ siss << " -> " << ( subs_typ[j]==9 ? "M:" : "") << subs[j] << std::endl;
+ }
- //check if we have already added this instantiation
bool alreadyExists;
if( options::incrementalSolving() ){
alreadyExists = !d_c_inst_match_trie->addInstMatch( d_qe, d_single_inv, subs, d_qe->getUserContext() );
Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << siss.str();
Trace("cegqi-si-inst-debug") << " * success = " << !alreadyExists << std::endl;
if( alreadyExists ){
- //revert the substitution
- for( std::map< int, Node >::iterator it = prev.begin(); it != prev.end(); ++it ){
- subs[it->first] = it->second;
- }
return false;
Trace("cegqi-engine") << siss.str() << std::endl;
lem = Rewriter::rewrite( lem );
Trace("cegqi-si") << "Single invocation lemma : " << lem << std::endl;
if( std::find( d_lemmas_produced.begin(), d_lemmas_produced.end(), lem )==d_lemmas_produced.end() ){
- lems.push_back( lem );
+ d_curr_lemmas.push_back( lem );
d_lemmas_produced.push_back( lem );
d_inst.push_back( std::vector< Node >() );
d_inst.back().insert( d_inst.back().end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
-Node CegConjectureSingleInv::applySubstitution( Node n, std::vector< Node >& subs, std::vector< Node >& vars,
- std::vector< Node >& coeff, std::vector< Node >& has_coeff, Node& pv_coeff, bool try_coeff ) {
- Assert( d_prog_var.find( n )!=d_prog_var.end() );
- Assert( n==Rewriter::rewrite( n ) );
- bool req_coeff = false;
- if( !has_coeff.empty() ){
- for( std::map< Node, bool >::iterator it = d_prog_var[n].begin(); it != d_prog_var[n].end(); ++it ){
- if( std::find( has_coeff.begin(), has_coeff.end(), it->first )!=has_coeff.end() ){
- req_coeff = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if( !req_coeff ){
- Node nret = n.substitute( vars.begin(), vars.end(), subs.begin(), subs.end() );
- if( n!=nret ){
- nret = Rewriter::rewrite( nret );
- }
- //result is nret
- return nret;
- }else{
- if( try_coeff ){
- //must convert to monomial representation
- std::map< Node, Node > msum;
- if( QuantArith::getMonomialSum( n, msum ) ){
- std::map< Node, Node > msum_coeff;
- std::map< Node, Node > msum_term;
- for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = msum.begin(); it != msum.end(); ++it ){
- //check if in substitution
- std::vector< Node >::iterator its = std::find( vars.begin(), vars.end(), it->first );
- if( its!=vars.end() ){
- int index = its-vars.begin();
- if( coeff[index].isNull() ){
- //apply substitution
- msum_term[it->first] = subs[index];
- }else{
- //apply substitution, multiply to ensure no divisibility conflict
- msum_term[it->first] = subs[index];
- //relative coefficient
- msum_coeff[it->first] = coeff[index];
- if( pv_coeff.isNull() ){
- pv_coeff = coeff[index];
- }else{
- pv_coeff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, pv_coeff, coeff[index] );
- }
- }
- }else{
- msum_term[it->first] = it->first;
- }
- }
- //make sum with normalized coefficient
- Assert( !pv_coeff.isNull() );
- pv_coeff = Rewriter::rewrite( pv_coeff );
- Trace("cegqi-si-apply-subs-debug") << "Combined coeff : " << pv_coeff << std::endl;
- std::vector< Node > children;
- for( std::map< Node, Node >::iterator it = msum.begin(); it != msum.end(); ++it ){
- Node c_coeff;
- if( !msum_coeff[it->first].isNull() ){
- c_coeff = Rewriter::rewrite( NodeManager::currentNM()->mkConst( pv_coeff.getConst<Rational>() / msum_coeff[it->first].getConst<Rational>() ) );
- }else{
- c_coeff = pv_coeff;
- }
- if( !it->second.isNull() ){
- c_coeff = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, c_coeff, it->second );
- }
- Node c = NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( MULT, c_coeff, msum_term[it->first] );
- children.push_back( c );
- Trace("cegqi-si-apply-subs-debug") << "Add child : " << c << std::endl;
- }
- Node nret = children.size()==1 ? children[0] : NodeManager::currentNM()->mkNode( PLUS, children );
- nret = Rewriter::rewrite( nret );
- //result is ( nret / pv_coeff )
- return nret;
- }else{
- Trace("cegqi-si-apply-subs-debug") << "Failed to find monomial sum " << n << std::endl;
- }
- }
- // failed to apply the substitution
- return Node::null();
- }
+bool CegConjectureSingleInv::isEligibleForInstantiation( Node n ) {
+ return n.getKind()!=SKOLEM || std::find( d_single_inv_arg_sk.begin(), d_single_inv_arg_sk.end(), n )!=d_single_inv_arg_sk.end();
void CegConjectureSingleInv::check( std::vector< Node >& lems ) {
if( !d_single_inv.isNull() ) {
- for( unsigned r=0; r<2; r++ ){
- std::vector< Node > subs;
- std::vector< Node > vars;
- std::vector< Node > coeff;
- std::vector< Node > has_coeff;
- std::vector< int > subs_typ;
- //try to add an instantiation
- if( addInstantiation( subs, vars, coeff, has_coeff, subs_typ, 0, lems, r==0 ? 0 : 2 ) ){
- return;
- }
- }
- Trace("cegqi-engine") << " WARNING : unable to find CEGQI single invocation instantiation." << std::endl;
+ Assert( d_cinst!=NULL );
+ d_curr_lemmas.clear();
+ //call check for instantiator
+ d_cinst->check();
+ //add lemmas
+ lems.insert( lems.end(), d_curr_lemmas.begin(), d_curr_lemmas.end() );