+++ /dev/null
-# This file is Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Florent Kermarrec <florent@enjoy-digital.fr>
-# This file is Copyright (c) 2020 LambdaConcept <contact@lambdaconcept.com>
-# License: BSD
-from nmigen import *
-from nmigen.compat import Case
-from gram.common import *
-import gram.stream as stream
-# LiteDRAMNativePortCDC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-class gramNativePortCDC(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self, port_from, port_to,
- cmd_depth=4,
- wdata_depth=16,
- rdata_depth=16):
- assert port_from.address_width == port_to.address_width
- assert port_from.data_width == port_to.data_width
- assert port_from.mode == port_to.mode
- self._port_from = port_from
- self._port_to = port_to
- self._cmd_depth = cmd_depth
- self._wdata_depth = wdata_depth
- self._rdata_depth = rdata_depth
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- port_from = self._port_from
- port_to = self._port_to
- cmd_depth = self._cmd_depth
- wdata_depth = self._wdata_depth
- rdata_depth = self._rdata_depth
- address_width = port_from.address_width
- data_width = port_from.data_width
- mode = port_from.mode
- clock_domain_from = port_from.clock_domain
- clock_domain_to = port_to.clock_domain
- cmd_fifo = stream.AsyncFIFO(
- [("we", 1), ("addr", address_width)], cmd_depth)
- cmd_fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer(
- {"write": clock_domain_from,
- "read": clock_domain_to})(cmd_fifo)
- m.submodules += cmd_fifo
- m.submodules += stream.Pipeline(
- port_from.cmd, cmd_fifo, port_to.cmd)
- if mode == "write" or mode == "both":
- wdata_fifo = stream.AsyncFIFO(
- [("data", data_width), ("we", data_width//8)], wdata_depth)
- wdata_fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer(
- {"write": clock_domain_from,
- "read": clock_domain_to})(wdata_fifo)
- m.submodules += wdata_fifo
- m.submodules += stream.Pipeline(
- port_from.wdata, wdata_fifo, port_to.wdata)
- if mode == "read" or mode == "both":
- rdata_fifo = stream.AsyncFIFO([("data", data_width)], rdata_depth)
- rdata_fifo = ClockDomainsRenamer(
- {"write": clock_domain_to,
- "read": clock_domain_from})(rdata_fifo)
- m.submodules += rdata_fifo
- m.submodules += stream.Pipeline(
- port_to.rdata, rdata_fifo, port_from.rdata)
- return m
-# LiteDRAMNativePortDownConverter ------------------------------------------------------------------
-class gramNativePortDownConverter(Elaboratable):
- """LiteDRAM port DownConverter
- This module reduces user port data width to fit controller data width.
- With N = port_from.data_width/port_to.data_width:
- - Address is adapted (multiplied by N + internal increments)
- - A write from the user is splitted and generates N writes to the
- controller.
- - A read from the user generates N reads to the controller and returned
- datas are regrouped in a single data presented to the user.
- """
- def __init__(self, port_from, port_to, reverse=False):
- assert port_from.clock_domain == port_to.clock_domain
- assert port_from.data_width > port_to.data_width
- assert port_from.mode == port_to.mode
- if port_from.data_width % port_to.data_width:
- raise ValueError("Ratio must be an int")
- self._port_from = port_from
- self._port_to = port_to
- self._reverse = reverse
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- port_from = self._port_from
- port_to = self._port_to
- reverse = self._reverse
- ratio = port_from.data_width//port_to.data_width
- mode = port_from.mode
- counter = Signal(range(ratio))
- counter_reset = Signal()
- counter_ce = Signal()
- with m.If(counter_reset):
- m.d.sync += counter.eq(0)
- with m.Elif(counter_ce):
- m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter+1)
- with m.FSM():
- with m.State("Idle"):
- m.d.comb += counter_reset.eq(1)
- with m.If(port_from.cmd.valid):
- m.next = "Convert"
- with m.State("Convert"):
- m.d.comb += [
- port_to.cmd.valid.eq(1),
- port_to.cmd.we.eq(port_from.cmd.we),
- port_to.cmd.addr.eq(port_from.cmd.addr*ratio + counter),
- ]
- with m.If(port_to.cmd.ready):
- m.d.comb += counter_ce.eq(1)
- with m.If(counter == ratio - 1):
- m.d.comb += port_from.cmd.ready.eq(1)
- m.next = "Idle"
- if mode == "write" or mode == "both":
- wdata_converter = stream.StrideConverter(
- port_from.wdata.description,
- port_to.wdata.description,
- reverse=reverse)
- m.submodules += wdata_converter
- m.submodules += stream.Pipeline(
- port_from.wdata, wdata_converter, port_to.wdata)
- if mode == "read" or mode == "both":
- rdata_converter = stream.StrideConverter(
- port_to.rdata.description,
- port_from.rdata.description,
- reverse=reverse)
- m.submodules += rdata_converter
- m.submodules += stream.Pipeline(
- port_to.rdata, rdata_converter, port_from.rdata)
- return m
-# LiteDRAMNativeWritePortUpConverter ---------------------------------------------------------------
-class gramNativeWritePortUpConverter(Elaboratable):
- # TODO: finish and remove hack
- """LiteDRAM write port UpConverter
- This module increase user port data width to fit controller data width.
- With N = port_to.data_width/port_from.data_width:
- - Address is adapted (divided by N)
- - N writes from user are regrouped in a single one to the controller
- (when possible, ie when consecutive and bursting)
- """
- def __init__(self, port_from, port_to, reverse=False):
- assert port_from.clock_domain == port_to.clock_domain
- assert port_from.data_width < port_to.data_width
- assert port_from.mode == port_to.mode
- assert port_from.mode == "write"
- if port_to.data_width % port_from.data_width:
- raise ValueError("Ratio must be an int")
- self._port_from = port_from
- self._port_to = port_to
- self._reverse = reverse
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- port_from = self._port_from
- port_to = self._port_to
- reverse = self._reverse
- ratio = port_to.data_width//port_from.data_width
- we = Signal()
- address = Signal(port_to.address_width)
- counter = Signal(max=ratio)
- counter_reset = Signal()
- counter_ce = Signal()
- self.sync += \
- If(counter_reset,
- counter.eq(0)
- ).Elif(counter_ce,
- counter.eq(counter + 1)
- )
- with m.FSM():
- with m.State("Idle"):
- m.d.comb += port_from.cmd.ready.eq(1)
- with m.If(port_from.cmd.valid):
- m.d.sync += [
- we.eq(port_from.cmd.we),
- address.eq(port_from.cmd.addr),
- ]
- m.next = "Receive"
- with m.State("Receive"):
- m.d.comb += port_from.cmd.ready.eq(1)
- with m.If(port_from.cmd.valid):
- m.d.comb += counter_ce.eq(1)
- with m.If(counter == ratio-1):
- m.next = "Generate"
- with m.State("Generate"):
- m.d.comb += [
- port_to.cmd.valid.eq(1),
- port_to.cmd.we.eq(we),
- port_to.cmd.addr.eq(address[log2_int(ratio):]),
- ]
- with m.If(port_to.cmd.ready):
- m.next = "Idle"
- wdata_converter = stream.StrideConverter(
- port_from.wdata.description,
- port_to.wdata.description,
- reverse=reverse)
- m.submodules += wdata_converter
- m.submodules += stream.Pipeline(
- port_from.wdata,
- wdata_converter,
- port_to.wdata)
- return m
-# LiteDRAMNativeReadPortUpConverter ----------------------------------------------------------------
-class gramNativeReadPortUpConverter(Elaboratable):
- """LiteDRAM port UpConverter
- This module increase user port data width to fit controller data width.
- With N = port_to.data_width/port_from.data_width:
- - Address is adapted (divided by N)
- - N read from user are regrouped in a single one to the controller
- (when possible, ie when consecutive and bursting)
- """
- def __init__(self, port_from, port_to, reverse=False):
- assert port_from.clock_domain == port_to.clock_domain
- assert port_from.data_width < port_to.data_width
- assert port_from.mode == port_to.mode
- assert port_from.mode == "read"
- if port_to.data_width % port_from.data_width:
- raise ValueError("Ratio must be an int")
- self._port_from = port_from
- self._port_to = port_to
- self._reverse = reverse
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- port_from = self._port_from
- port_to = self._port_to
- reverse = self._reverse
- ratio = port_to.data_width//port_from.data_width
- # Command ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cmd_buffer = stream.SyncFIFO([("sel", ratio)], 4)
- m.submodules += cmd_buffer
- counter = Signal(range(ratio))
- counter_ce = Signal()
- with m.If(counter_ce):
- m.d.sync += counter.eq(counter+1)
- with m.If(port_from.cmd.valid):
- with m.If(counter == 0):
- m.d.comb += [
- port_to.cmd.valid.eq(1),
- port_to.cmd.addr.eq(port_from.cmd.addr[log2_int(ratio):]),
- port_from.cmd.ready.eq(port_to.cmd.ready),
- counter_ce.eq(port_to.cmd.ready),
- ]
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += [
- port_from.cmd.ready.eq(1),
- counter_ce.eq(1),
- ]
- # TODO: fix sel
- with m.If(port_to.cmd.valid & port_to.cmd.ready):
- m.d.comb += [
- cmd_buffer.sink.valid.eq(1),
- cmd_buffer.sink.sel.eq(2**ratio-1),
- ]
- # Datapath ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- rdata_buffer = stream.Buffer(port_to.rdata.description)
- rdata_converter = stream.StrideConverter(
- port_to.rdata.description,
- port_from.rdata.description,
- reverse=reverse)
- m.submodules += rdata_buffer, rdata_converter
- rdata_chunk = Signal(ratio, reset=1)
- rdata_chunk_valid = Signal()
- with m.If(rdata_converter.source.valid & rdata_converter.source.ready):
- m.d.sync += rdata_chunk.eq(
- Cat(rdata_chunk[ratio-1], rdata_chunk[:ratio-1]))
- m.d.comb += [
- port_to.rdata.connect(rdata_buffer.sink),
- rdata_buffer.source.connect(rdata_converter.sink),
- rdata_chunk_valid.eq((cmd_buffer.source.sel & rdata_chunk) != 0),
- cmd_buffer.source.ready.eq(
- rdata_converter.source.ready & rdata_chunk[ratio-1]),
- ]
- with m.If(port_from.flush):
- m.d.comb += rdata_converter.source.ready.eq(1)
- with m.Elif(cmd_buffer.source.valid):
- with m.If(rdata_chunk_valid):
- m.d.comb += [
- port_from.rdata.valid.eq(rdata_converter.source.valid),
- port_from.rdata.data.eq(rdata_converter.source.data),
- rdata_converter.source.ready.eq(port_from.rdata.ready),
- ]
- with m.Else():
- m.d.comb += rdata_converter.source.ready.eq(1)
- return m
-# LiteDRAMNativePortConverter ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-class gramNativePortConverter(Elaboratable):
- def __init__(self, port_from, port_to, reverse=False):
- assert port_from.clock_domain == port_to.clock_domain
- assert port_from.mode == port_to.mode
- self._port_from = port_from
- self._port_to = port_to
- self._reverse = reverse
- def elaborate(self, platform):
- m = Module()
- port_from = self._port_from
- port_to = self._port_to
- reverse = self._reverse
- mode = port_from.mode
- if port_from.data_width > port_to.data_width:
- converter = gramNativePortDownConverter(
- port_from, port_to, reverse)
- m.submodules += converter
- elif port_from.data_width < port_to.data_width:
- if mode == "write":
- converter = gramNativeWritePortUpConverter(
- port_from, port_to, reverse)
- elif mode == "read":
- converter = gramNativeReadPortUpConverter(
- port_from, port_to, reverse)
- else:
- raise NotImplementedError
- m.submodules += converter
- else:
- m.d.comb += [
- port_from.cmd.connect(port_to.cmd),
- port_from.wdata.connect(port_to.wdata),
- port_to.rdata.connect(port_from.rdata)
- ]
- return m