$setup(CE, negedge CLK, 0);
$setup(LSR, negedge CLK, 0);
`ifndef YOSYS
- if (muxlsr) (negedge CLK => (Q : srval)) = 0;
+ if (SRMODE == "ASYNC" && muxlsr) (negedge CLK => (Q : srval)) = 0;
- if (muxlsr) (LSR => Q) = 0; // Technically, this should be an edge sensitive path
- // but for facilitating a bypass box, let's pretend it's
- // a simple path
+ if (SRMODE == "ASYNC" && muxlsr) (LSR => Q) = 0; // Technically, this should be an edge sensitive path
+ // but for facilitating a bypass box, let's pretend it's
+ // a simple path
if (!muxlsr && muxce) (negedge CLK => (Q : DI)) = 0;
$setup(CE, posedge CLK, 0);
$setup(LSR, posedge CLK, 0);
`ifndef YOSYS
- if (muxlsr) (posedge CLK => (Q : srval)) = 0;
+ if (SRMODE == "ASYNC" && muxlsr) (posedge CLK => (Q : srval)) = 0;
- if (muxlsr) (LSR => Q) = 0; // Technically, this should be an edge sensitive path
- // but for facilitating a bypass box, let's pretend it's
- // a simple path
+ if (SRMODE == "ASYNC" && muxlsr) (LSR => Q) = 0; // Technically, this should be an edge sensitive path
+ // but for facilitating a bypass box, let's pretend it's
+ // a simple path
if (!muxlsr && muxce) (posedge CLK => (Q : DI)) = 0;