import inspect
import json
import math
+import datetime
+import time
from operator import itemgetter
from migen import *
+# CPU Variants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "official name": ["alias 1", "alias 2"],
msg += " - {}\n".format(e)
ValueError.__init__(self, msg)
+# Helpers ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def version(with_time=True):
- import datetime
- import time
if with_time:
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
time.time()).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
-def mem_decoder(address, start=26, end=29):
- return lambda a: a[start:end] == ((address >> (start+2)) & (2**(end-start))-1)
def get_mem_data(filename_or_regions, endianness="big", mem_size=None):
# create memory regions
if isinstance(filename_or_regions, dict):
i += 1
return data
-class ReadOnlyDict(dict):
- def __readonly__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- raise RuntimeError("Cannot modify ReadOnlyDict")
- __setitem__ = __readonly__
- __delitem__ = __readonly__
- pop = __readonly__
- popitem = __readonly__
- clear = __readonly__
- update = __readonly__
- setdefault = __readonly__
- del __readonly__
+def mem_decoder(address, start=26, end=29):
+ return lambda a: a[start:end] == ((address >> (start+2)) & (2**(end-start))-1)
def csr_map_update(csr_map, csr_peripherals):
csr_map.update(dict((n, v)
for v, n in enumerate(csr_peripherals, start=max(csr_map.values()) + 1)))
+# SoCController ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SoCController(Module, AutoCSR):
def __init__(self):
self.comb += self._bus_errors.status.eq(bus_errors)
+# SoCCore ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SoCCore(Module):
- csr_map = {}
+ # default register/interrupt/memory mappings (can be redefined by user)
+ csr_map = {}
interrupt_map = {}
- mem_map = {
+ mem_map = {
"rom": 0x00000000, # (default shadow @0x80000000)
"sram": 0x10000000, # (default shadow @0x90000000)
"main_ram": 0x40000000, # (default shadow @0xc0000000)
"csr": 0x60000000, # (default shadow @0xe0000000)
def __init__(self, platform, clk_freq,
+ # CPU parameters
cpu_type="vexriscv", cpu_reset_address=0x00000000, cpu_variant=None,
+ # MEM MAP parameters
+ shadow_base=0x80000000,
+ # ROM parameters
integrated_rom_size=0, integrated_rom_init=[],
+ # SRAM parameters
integrated_sram_size=4096, integrated_sram_init=[],
+ # MAIN_RAM parameters
integrated_main_ram_size=0, integrated_main_ram_init=[],
- shadow_base=0x80000000,
+ # CSR parameters
csr_data_width=8, csr_address_width=14,
- with_uart=True, uart_name="serial", uart_baudrate=115200, uart_stub=False,
+ # Identifier parameters
ident="", ident_version=False,
- wishbone_timeout_cycles=1e6,
+ # UART parameters
+ with_uart=True, uart_name="serial", uart_baudrate=115200, uart_stub=False,
+ # Timer parameters
- with_ctrl=True):
- self.config = dict()
+ # Controller parameters
+ with_ctrl=True,
+ # Wishbone parameters
+ wishbone_timeout_cycles=1e6):
self.platform = platform
self.clk_freq = clk_freq
+ # config dictionary (store all SoC's parameters to be exported to software)
+ self.config = dict()
+ # SoC's register/interrupt/memory mappings (default or user defined + dynamically allocateds)
self.soc_csr_map = {}
self.soc_interrupt_map = {}
self.soc_mem_map = self.mem_map
+ # Regions / Constants lists
+ self._memory_regions = [] # (name, origin, length)
+ self._csr_regions = [] # (name, origin, busword, csr_list/Memory)
+ self._constants = [] # (name, value)
+ # Wishbone masters/slaves lists
+ self._wb_masters = []
+ self._wb_slaves = []
+ # CSR masters list
+ self._csr_masters = []
+ # Parameters managment ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# FIXME: RocketChip reserves the first 256Mbytes for internal use
# remap rom to 0x10000000, sram to 0x20000000
if cpu_type == "rocket":
if cpu_variant is None:
cpu_variant = "standard"
cpu_variant = cpu_variant.replace('_', '+')
# Check for valid CPU variants.
cpu_variant_processor, *cpu_variant_ext = cpu_variant.split('+')
for key, values in CPU_VARIANTS.items():
self.cpu_reset_address = cpu_reset_address
self.config["CPU_RESET_ADDR"] = self.cpu_reset_address
+ self.shadow_base = shadow_base
self.integrated_rom_size = integrated_rom_size
self.integrated_rom_initialized = integrated_rom_init != []
self.integrated_sram_size = integrated_sram_size
self.integrated_main_ram_size = integrated_main_ram_size
- self.with_uart = with_uart
- self.uart_baudrate = uart_baudrate
- self.shadow_base = shadow_base
- self.wishbone_timeout_cycles = wishbone_timeout_cycles
self.csr_data_width = csr_data_width
self.csr_address_width = csr_address_width
self.with_ctrl = with_ctrl
- self._memory_regions = [] # list of (name, origin, length)
- self._csr_regions = [] # list of (name, origin, busword, csr_list/Memory)
- self._constants = [] # list of (name, value)
+ self.with_uart = with_uart
+ self.uart_baudrate = uart_baudrate
- self._wb_masters = []
- self._wb_slaves = []
- self._csr_masters = []
+ self.wishbone_timeout_cycles = wishbone_timeout_cycles
+ # Modules instances ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # add user csrs
+ # Add user's CSRs (needs to be done before the first dynamic allocation)
for _name, _id in self.csr_map.items():
self.add_csr(_name, _id)
+ # Add SoCController
if with_ctrl:
self.submodules.ctrl = SoCController()
self.add_csr("ctrl", allow_user_defined=True)
+ # Add CPU
+ self.config["CPU_TYPE"] = str(cpu_type).upper()
if cpu_type is not None:
+ # CPU selection / instance
if cpu_type == "lm32":
self.add_cpu(lm32.LM32(platform, self.cpu_reset_address, self.cpu_variant))
elif cpu_type == "mor1kx" or cpu_type == "or1k":
self.add_cpu(rocket.RocketRV64(platform, self.cpu_reset_address, self.cpu_variant))
raise ValueError("Unsupported CPU type: {}".format(cpu_type))
- self.add_csr("cpu", allow_user_defined=True)
+ # Add Instruction/Data buses as Wisbone masters
- if with_ctrl:
- self.comb += self.cpu.reset.eq(self.ctrl.reset)
- # add cpu reserved interrupts
+ # Add CPU CSR (dynamic)
+ self.add_csr("cpu", allow_user_defined=True)
+ # Add CPU reserved interrupts
for _name, _id in self.cpu.reserved_interrupts.items():
self.add_interrupt(_name, _id)
- # add user interrupts
+ # Allow SoCController to reset the CPU
+ if with_ctrl:
+ self.comb += self.cpu.reset.eq(self.ctrl.reset)
+ # Add user's interrupts (needs to be done after CPU reserved interrupts are allocated)
for _name, _id in self.interrupt_map.items():
self.add_interrupt(_name, _id)
- self.config["CPU_TYPE"] = str(cpu_type).upper()
- if self.cpu_variant:
- self.config["CPU_VARIANT"] = str(cpu_type).upper()
+ # Add integrated ROM
if integrated_rom_size:
self.submodules.rom = wishbone.SRAM(integrated_rom_size, read_only=True, init=integrated_rom_init)
self.register_rom(self.rom.bus, integrated_rom_size)
+ # Add integrated SRAM
if integrated_sram_size:
self.submodules.sram = wishbone.SRAM(integrated_sram_size, init=integrated_sram_init)
self.register_mem("sram", self.soc_mem_map["sram"], self.sram.bus, integrated_sram_size)
- # Note: Main Ram can be used when no external SDRAM is available and use SDRAM mapping.
+ # Add integrated MAIN_RAM (only useful when no external SRAM/SDRAM is available)
if integrated_main_ram_size:
self.submodules.main_ram = wishbone.SRAM(integrated_main_ram_size, init=integrated_main_ram_init)
self.register_mem("main_ram", self.soc_mem_map["main_ram"], self.main_ram.bus, integrated_main_ram_size)
+ # Add Wishbone to CSR bridge
self.submodules.wishbone2csr = wishbone2csr.WB2CSR(
bus_csr=csr_bus.Interface(csr_data_width, csr_address_width))
self.add_constant("CSR_DATA_WIDTH", csr_data_width)
self.register_mem("csr", self.soc_mem_map["csr"], self.wishbone2csr.wishbone)
+ # Add UART
if with_uart:
if uart_stub:
self.submodules.uart = uart.UARTStub()
self.add_csr("uart", allow_user_defined=True)
self.add_interrupt("uart", allow_user_defined=True)
+ # Add Identifier
if ident:
if ident_version:
ident = ident + " " + version()
self.config["CLOCK_FREQUENCY"] = int(clk_freq)
self.add_constant("SYSTEM_CLOCK_FREQUENCY", int(clk_freq))
+ # Add Timer
if with_timer:
self.submodules.timer0 = timer.Timer()
self.add_csr("timer0", allow_user_defined=True)
self.add_interrupt("timer0", allow_user_defined=True)
+ # Methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_cpu(self, cpu):
if self.finalized:
raise FinalizeError
self.cpu_or_bridge = self.cpu
def add_interrupt(self, interrupt_name, interrupt_id=None, allow_user_defined=False):
- # check that interrupt_name is not already used
+ # Check that interrupt_name is not already used
if interrupt_name in self.soc_interrupt_map.keys():
if allow_user_defined:
raise ValueError("Interrupt conflit, {} name already used".format(interrupt_name))
- # check that interrupt_id is in range
+ # Check that interrupt_id is in range
if interrupt_id is not None and interrupt_id >= 32:
raise ValueError("{} Interrupt ID out of range ({}, max=31)".format(
interrupt_name, interrupt_id))
- # interrupt_id not provided: allocate interrupt to the first available id
+ # Interrupt_id not provided: allocate interrupt to the first available id
if interrupt_id is None:
for n in range(32):
if n not in self.soc_interrupt_map.values():
self.soc_interrupt_map.update({interrupt_name: n})
raise ValueError("No more space to allocate {} interrupt".format(interrupt_name))
- # interrupt_id provided: check that interrupt_id is not already used and add interrupt
+ # Interrupt_id provided: check that interrupt_id is not already used and add interrupt
for _name, _id in self.soc_interrupt_map.items():
if interrupt_id == _id:
self.soc_interrupt_map.update({interrupt_name: interrupt_id})
def add_csr(self, csr_name, csr_id=None, allow_user_defined=False):
- # check that csr_name is not already used
+ # Check that csr_name is not already used
if csr_name in self.soc_csr_map.keys():
if allow_user_defined:
raise ValueError("CSR conflit, {} name already used".format(csr_name))
- # check that csr_id is in range
+ # Check that csr_id is in range
if csr_id is not None and csr_id >= 2**self.csr_address_width:
raise ValueError("{} CSR ID out of range ({}, max=31)".format(
csr_name, csr_id))
except ValueError:
return None
+ def build(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Finalization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def do_finalize(self):
+ # Verify CPU has required memories
registered_mems = {regions[0] for regions in self._memory_regions}
if self.cpu_type is not None:
for mem in "rom", "sram":
if mem not in registered_mems:
raise FinalizeError("CPU needs a {} to be registered with SoC.register_mem()".format(mem))
- # Wishbone
+ # Add the Wishbone Masters/Slaves interconnect
if len(self._wb_masters):
self.submodules.wishbonecon = wishbone.InterconnectShared(self._wb_masters,
self._wb_slaves, register=True, timeout_cycles=self.wishbone_timeout_cycles)
if self.with_ctrl and (self.wishbone_timeout_cycles is not None):
self.comb += self.ctrl.bus_error.eq(self.wishbonecon.timeout.error)
- # CSR
+ # Collect and create CSRs
self.submodules.csrbankarray = csr_bus.CSRBankArray(self,
data_width=self.csr_data_width, address_width=self.csr_address_width)
+ # Add CSRs interconnect
self.submodules.csrcon = csr_bus.InterconnectShared(
self._csr_masters, self.csrbankarray.get_buses())
+ # Check and add CSRs regions
for name, csrs, mapaddr, rmap in self.csrbankarray.banks:
self.check_csr_range(name, 0x800*mapaddr)
- self.add_csr_region(name, (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base, self.csr_data_width, csrs)
+ self.add_csr_region(name, (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base,
+ self.csr_data_width, csrs)
+ # Check and add Memory regions
for name, memory, mapaddr, mmap in self.csrbankarray.srams:
self.check_csr_range(name, 0x800*mapaddr)
- self.add_csr_region(name + "_" + memory.name_override, (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base, self.csr_data_width, memory)
+ self.add_csr_region(name + "_" + memory.name_override,
+ (self.soc_mem_map["csr"] + 0x800*mapaddr) | self.shadow_base,
+ self.csr_data_width, memory)
+ # Add CSRs / Config items to constants
for name, constant in self.csrbankarray.constants:
self._constants.append(((name + "_" +, constant.value.value))
for name, value in sorted(self.config.items(), key=itemgetter(0)):
self._constants.append(("CONFIG_" + name.upper(), value))
- # Interrupts
+ # Connect interrupts
if hasattr(self, "cpu"):
if hasattr(self.cpu, "interrupt"):
for _name, _id in sorted(self.soc_interrupt_map.items()):
assert hasattr(module, 'ev'), "Submodule %s does not have EventManager (xx.ev) module" % _name
self.comb += self.cpu.interrupt[_id].eq(module.ev.irq)
- def build(self, *args, **kwargs):
- return, *args, **kwargs)
+# SoCCores arguments -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def soc_core_args(parser):
parser.add_argument("--cpu-type", default=None,