vtp->postfix.shared_memory = panfrost_upload_transient(batch, &shared,
+static mali_ptr
+panfrost_get_tex_desc(struct panfrost_batch *batch,
+ enum pipe_shader_type st,
+ struct panfrost_sampler_view *view)
+ if (!view)
+ return (mali_ptr) 0;
+ struct pipe_sampler_view *pview = &view->base;
+ struct panfrost_resource *rsrc = pan_resource(pview->texture);
+ /* Add the BO to the job so it's retained until the job is done. */
+ panfrost_batch_add_bo(batch, rsrc->bo,
+ panfrost_bo_access_for_stage(st));
+ panfrost_batch_add_bo(batch, view->bo,
+ panfrost_bo_access_for_stage(st));
+ return view->bo->gpu;
+panfrost_emit_texture_descriptors(struct panfrost_batch *batch,
+ enum pipe_shader_type stage,
+ struct midgard_payload_vertex_tiler *vtp)
+ struct panfrost_context *ctx = batch->ctx;
+ if (!ctx->sampler_view_count[stage])
+ return;
+ uint64_t trampolines[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_SAMPLER_VIEWS];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctx->sampler_view_count[stage]; ++i)
+ trampolines[i] = panfrost_get_tex_desc(batch, stage,
+ ctx->sampler_views[stage][i]);
+ vtp->postfix.texture_trampoline = panfrost_upload_transient(batch,
+ trampolines,
+ sizeof(uint64_t) *
+ ctx->sampler_view_count[stage]);
+panfrost_emit_sampler_descriptors(struct panfrost_batch *batch,
+ enum pipe_shader_type stage,
+ struct midgard_payload_vertex_tiler *vtp)
+ struct panfrost_context *ctx = batch->ctx;
+ if (!ctx->sampler_count[stage])
+ return;
+ size_t desc_size = sizeof(struct mali_sampler_descriptor);
+ size_t transfer_size = desc_size * ctx->sampler_count[stage];
+ struct panfrost_transfer transfer = panfrost_allocate_transient(batch,
+ transfer_size);
+ struct mali_sampler_descriptor *desc = (struct mali_sampler_descriptor *)transfer.cpu;
+ for (int i = 0; i < ctx->sampler_count[stage]; ++i)
+ desc[i] = ctx->samplers[stage][i]->hw;
+ vtp->postfix.sampler_descriptor = transfer.gpu;
ctx->payloads[PIPE_SHADER_VERTEX].postfix.attribute_meta = transfer.gpu;
-static void
-panfrost_upload_sampler_descriptors(struct panfrost_context *ctx)
- struct panfrost_batch *batch = panfrost_get_batch_for_fbo(ctx);
- size_t desc_size = sizeof(struct mali_sampler_descriptor);
- for (int t = 0; t <= PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT; ++t) {
- mali_ptr upload = 0;
- if (ctx->sampler_count[t]) {
- size_t transfer_size = desc_size * ctx->sampler_count[t];
- struct panfrost_transfer transfer =
- panfrost_allocate_transient(batch, transfer_size);
- struct mali_sampler_descriptor *desc =
- (struct mali_sampler_descriptor *) transfer.cpu;
- for (int i = 0; i < ctx->sampler_count[t]; ++i)
- desc[i] = ctx->samplers[t][i]->hw;
- upload = transfer.gpu;
- }
- ctx->payloads[t].postfix.sampler_descriptor = upload;
- }
-static mali_ptr
- struct panfrost_context *ctx,
- enum pipe_shader_type st,
- struct panfrost_sampler_view *view)
- if (!view)
- return (mali_ptr) 0;
- struct pipe_sampler_view *pview = &view->base;
- struct panfrost_resource *rsrc = pan_resource(pview->texture);
- /* Add the BO to the job so it's retained until the job is done. */
- struct panfrost_batch *batch = panfrost_get_batch_for_fbo(ctx);
- panfrost_batch_add_bo(batch, rsrc->bo,
- panfrost_bo_access_for_stage(st));
- panfrost_batch_add_bo(batch, view->bo,
- panfrost_bo_access_for_stage(st));
- return view->bo->gpu;
-static void
-panfrost_upload_texture_descriptors(struct panfrost_context *ctx)
- struct panfrost_batch *batch = panfrost_get_batch_for_fbo(ctx);
- for (int t = 0; t <= PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT; ++t) {
- mali_ptr trampoline = 0;
- if (ctx->sampler_view_count[t]) {
- uint64_t trampolines[PIPE_MAX_SHADER_SAMPLER_VIEWS];
- for (int i = 0; i < ctx->sampler_view_count[t]; ++i)
- trampolines[i] =
- panfrost_upload_tex(ctx, t, ctx->sampler_views[t][i]);
- trampoline = panfrost_upload_transient(batch, trampolines, sizeof(uint64_t) * ctx->sampler_view_count[t]);
- }
- ctx->payloads[t].postfix.texture_trampoline = trampoline;
- }
/* Compute number of UBOs active (more specifically, compute the highest UBO
* number addressable -- if there are gaps, include them in the count anyway).
* We always include UBO #0 in the count, since we *need* uniforms enabled for
if (ctx->vertex)
- panfrost_upload_sampler_descriptors(ctx);
- panfrost_upload_texture_descriptors(ctx);
- for (int i = 0; i <= PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT; ++i)
+ for (int i = 0; i <= PIPE_SHADER_FRAGMENT; ++i) {
+ panfrost_emit_sampler_descriptors(batch, i, &ctx->payloads[i]);
+ panfrost_emit_texture_descriptors(batch, i, &ctx->payloads[i]);
panfrost_emit_const_buf(batch, i, &ctx->payloads[i]);
+ }
/* TODO: Upload the viewport somewhere more appropriate */