from collections import OrderedDict
from misoclib.mem.litesata.common import *
-from migen.actorlib.crc import CRCInserter, CRCChecker
class CRCEngine(Module):
"""Cyclic Redundancy Check Engine
self.error.eq( != self.check)
+class CRCInserter(Module):
+ """CRC Inserter
+ Append a CRC at the end of each packet.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ layout : layout
+ Layout of the dataflow.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ sink : in
+ Packets input without CRC.
+ source : out
+ Packets output with CRC.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, crc_class, layout):
+ self.sink = sink = Sink(layout)
+ self.source = source = Source(layout)
+ self.busy = Signal()
+ ###
+ dw = flen(sink.d)
+ crc = crc_class(dw)
+ fsm = FSM(reset_state="IDLE")
+ self.submodules += crc, fsm
+ fsm.act("IDLE",
+ crc.reset.eq(1),
+ sink.ack.eq(1),
+ If(sink.stb & sink.sop,
+ sink.ack.eq(0),
+ NextState("COPY"),
+ )
+ )
+ fsm.act("COPY",
+ crc.ce.eq(sink.stb & source.ack),
+ crc.d.eq(sink.d),
+ Record.connect(sink, source),
+ source.eop.eq(0),
+ If(sink.stb & sink.eop & source.ack,
+ NextState("INSERT"),
+ )
+ )
+ ratio = crc.width//dw
+ if ratio > 1:
+ cnt = Signal(max=ratio, reset=ratio-1)
+ cnt_done = Signal()
+ fsm.act("INSERT",
+ source.stb.eq(1),
+ chooser(crc.value, cnt, source.d, reverse=True),
+ If(cnt_done,
+ source.eop.eq(1),
+ If(source.ack, NextState("IDLE"))
+ )
+ )
+ self.comb += cnt_done.eq(cnt == 0)
+ self.sync += \
+ If(fsm.ongoing("IDLE"),
+ cnt.eq(cnt.reset)
+ ).Elif(fsm.ongoing("INSERT") & ~cnt_done,
+ cnt.eq(cnt - source.ack)
+ )
+ else:
+ fsm.act("INSERT",
+ source.stb.eq(1),
+ source.eop.eq(1),
+ source.d.eq(crc.value),
+ If(source.ack, NextState("IDLE"))
+ )
+ self.comb += self.busy.eq(~fsm.ongoing("IDLE"))
+class CRCChecker(Module):
+ """CRC Checker
+ Check CRC at the end of each packet.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ layout : layout
+ Layout of the dataflow.
+ Attributes
+ ----------
+ sink : in
+ Packets input with CRC.
+ source : out
+ Packets output without CRC and "error" set to 0
+ on eop when CRC OK / set to 1 when CRC KO.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, crc_class, layout):
+ self.sink = sink = Sink(layout)
+ self.source = source = Source(layout)
+ self.busy = Signal()
+ ###
+ dw = flen(sink.d)
+ crc = crc_class(dw)
+ self.submodules += crc
+ ratio = crc.width//dw
+ error = Signal()
+ fifo = InsertReset(SyncFIFO(layout, ratio + 1))
+ self.submodules += fifo
+ fsm = FSM(reset_state="RESET")
+ self.submodules += fsm
+ fifo_in = Signal()
+ fifo_out = Signal()
+ fifo_full = Signal()
+ self.comb += [
+ fifo_full.eq(fifo.fifo.level == ratio),
+ fifo_in.eq(sink.stb & (~fifo_full | fifo_out)),
+ fifo_out.eq(source.stb & source.ack),
+ Record.connect(sink, fifo.sink),
+ fifo.sink.stb.eq(fifo_in),
+ self.sink.ack.eq(fifo_in),
+ source.stb.eq(sink.stb & fifo_full),
+ source.sop.eq(fifo.source.sop),
+ source.eop.eq(sink.eop),
+ fifo.source.ack.eq(fifo_out),
+ source.payload.eq(fifo.source.payload),
+ source.error.eq(sink.error | crc.error),
+ ]
+ fsm.act("RESET",
+ crc.reset.eq(1),
+ fifo.reset.eq(1),
+ NextState("IDLE"),
+ )
+ fsm.act("IDLE",
+ crc.d.eq(sink.d),
+ If(sink.stb & sink.sop & sink.ack,
+ crc.ce.eq(1),
+ NextState("COPY")
+ )
+ )
+ fsm.act("COPY",
+ crc.d.eq(sink.d),
+ If(sink.stb & sink.ack,
+ crc.ce.eq(1),
+ If(sink.eop,
+ NextState("RESET")
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ self.comb += self.busy.eq(~fsm.ongoing("IDLE"))
class LiteSATACRCInserter(CRCInserter):
def __init__(self, description):
CRCInserter.__init__(self, LiteSATACRC, description)
from mibuild.generic_platform import *
from mibuild.crg import SimpleCRG
-from mibuild.xilinx_common import CRG_DS
-from mibuild.xilinx_ise import XilinxISEPlatform
-from mibuild.xilinx_vivado import XilinxVivadoPlatform
-from mibuild.programmer import *
-def _run_vivado(cmds):
- with subprocess.Popen("vivado -mode tcl", stdin=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) as process:
- process.stdin.write(cmds.encode("ASCII"))
- process.communicate()
-class VivadoProgrammer(Programmer):
- needs_bitreverse = False
- def load_bitstream(self, bitstream_file):
- cmds = """open_hw
-open_hw_target [lindex [get_hw_targets -of_objects [get_hw_servers localhost]] 0]
-set_property PROBES.FILE {{}} [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]
-set_property PROGRAM.FILE {{{bitstream}}} [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]
-program_hw_devices [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]
-refresh_hw_device [lindex [get_hw_devices] 0]
- _run_vivado(cmds)
- def flash(self, address, data_file):
- raise NotImplementedError
+from mibuild.xilinx.common import CRG_DS
+from mibuild.xilinx.ise import XilinxISEPlatform
+from mibuild.xilinx.vivado import XilinxVivadoPlatform
+from mibuild.xilinx.programmer import *
_io = [
("user_led", 0, Pins("AB8"), IOStandard("LVCMOS15")),