# Authors: Nathan Binkert
-import os, re, sys
+import os, popen2, re, sys
-def ssh(host, script, tty = False, user = ''):
- args = [ 'ssh', '-x' ]
- if user:
- args.append('-l' + user)
- if tty:
- args.append('-t')
- args.append(host)
- args.append(script)
+class MyPOpen(object):
+ def __init__(self, cmd, input = None, output = None, bufsize = -1):
+ self.sts = -1
- return os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, args[0], args)
+ if input is None:
+ p2c_read, p2c_write = os.pipe()
+ self.tochild = os.fdopen(p2c_write, 'w', bufsize)
+ else:
+ p2c_write = None
+ if isinstance(input, file):
+ p2c_read = input.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(input, str):
+ input = file(input, 'r')
+ p2c_read = input.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(input, int):
+ p2c_read = input
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError
+ if output is None:
+ c2p_read, c2p_write = os.pipe()
+ self.fromchild = os.fdopen(c2p_read, 'r', bufsize)
+ else:
+ c2p_read = None
+ if isinstance(output, file):
+ c2p_write = output.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(output, str):
+ output = file(output, 'w')
+ c2p_write = output.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(output, int):
+ c2p_write = output
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError
+ self.pid = os.fork()
+ if self.pid == 0:
+ os.dup2(p2c_read, 0)
+ os.dup2(c2p_write, 1)
+ os.dup2(c2p_write, 2)
+ if isinstance(cmd, basestring):
+ cmd = ['/bin/sh', '-c', cmd]
+ if False:
+ for i in range(3, MAXFD):
+ try:
+ os.close(i)
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd)
+ finally:
+ os._exit(1)
+ os.close(p2c_read)
+ os.close(c2p_write)
+ def poll(self):
+ if self.sts < 0:
+ pid, sts = os.waitpid(self.pid, os.WNOHANG)
+ if pid == self.pid:
+ self.sts = sts
+ return self.sts
+ def wait(self):
+ if self.sts < 0:
+ pid, sts = os.waitpid(self.pid, 0)
+ if pid == self.pid:
+ self.sts = sts
+ return self.sts
class qsub:
def __init__(self):
self.pbshost = ''
self.qsub = 'qsub'
self.env = {}
- self.onlyecho = False
- self.verbose = False
- def do(self, script, ):
- args = [self.qsub]
+ def build(self, script, args = []):
+ self.cmd = [ self.qsub ]
if self.env:
arg = '-v'
arg += ','.join([ '%s=%s' % i for i in self.env.iteritems() ])
- args.append(arg)
+ self.cmd.append(arg)
if self.hold:
- args.append('-h')
+ self.cmd.append('-h')
if len(self.stdout):
- args.append('-olocalhost:' + self.stdout)
+ self.cmd.append('-olocalhost:' + self.stdout)
if self.keep_stdout and self.keep_stderr:
- args.append('-koe')
+ self.cmd.append('-koe')
elif self.keep_stdout:
- args.append('-ko')
+ self.cmd.append('-ko')
elif self.keep_stderr:
- args.append('-ke')
+ self.cmd.append('-ke')
- args.append('-kn')
+ self.cmd.append('-kn')
if self.join:
- args.append('-joe')
+ self.cmd.append('-joe')
if len(self.node_type):
- args.append('-lnodes=' + self.node_type)
+ self.cmd.append('-lnodes=' + self.node_type)
if self.mail_abort or self.mail_begin or self.mail_end:
flags = ''
if self.mail_end:
if len(flags):
- args.append('-m ' + flags)
+ self.cmd.append('-m ' + flags)
if len(self.name):
- args.append("-N%s" % self.name)
+ self.cmd.append("-N%s" % self.name)
if self.priority != 0:
- args.append('-p' + self.priority)
+ self.cmd.append('-p' + self.priority)
if len(self.queue):
- args.append('-q' + self.queue)
- args.append(script)
- if self.verbose or self.onlyecho:
- print >>sys.stderr, 'PBS Command: ', ' '.join(args)
- if self.onlyecho:
- return 0
- print >>sys.stderr, 'PBS Jobid: ',
- ec = os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, args[0], args)
- if ec != 0 and len(self.pbshost):
- ec = ssh(self.pbshost, ' '.join(args))
+ self.cmd.append('-q' + self.queue)
+ self.cmd.extend(args)
+ self.script = script
+ self.command = ' '.join(self.cmd + [ self.script ])
+ def do(self):
+ pbs = MyPOpen(self.cmd + [ self.script ])
+ self.result = pbs.fromchild.read()
+ ec = pbs.wait()
+ if ec != 0 and self.pbshost:
+ cmd = ' '.join(self.cmd + [ '-' ])
+ cmd = [ 'ssh', '-x', self.pbshost, cmd ]
+ self.command = ' '.join(cmd)
+ ssh = MyPOpen(cmd, input = self.script)
+ self.result = ssh.fromchild.read()
+ ec = ssh.wait()
return ec
# Authors: Ali Saidi
# Nathan Binkert
-import os, os.path, re, sys
+import os, os.path, re, socket, sys
from os import environ as env, listdir
from os.path import basename, isdir, isfile, islink, join as joinpath
from filecmp import cmp as filecmp
from shutil import copyfile
+def nfspath(dir):
+ if dir.startswith('/.automount/'):
+ dir = '/n/%s' % dir[12:]
+ elif not dir.startswith('/n/'):
+ dir = '/n/%s%s' % (socket.gethostname().split('.')[0], dir)
+ return dir
+progpath = nfspath(sys.path[0])
progname = basename(sys.argv[0])
usage = """\
listonly = False
queue = ''
verbose = False
-rootdir = re.sub(r'^/\.automount/', r'/n/', os.getcwd())
+rootdir = nfspath(os.getcwd())
for opt,arg in opts:
if opt == '-c':
clean = True
if not listonly and not onlyecho and isdir(linkdir):
- print 'Checking for outdated files in Link directory'
+ if verbose:
+ print 'Checking for outdated files in Link directory'
entries = listdir(linkdir)
for entry in entries:
link = joinpath(linkdir, entry)
if not onlyecho and not os.path.isdir(jobdir):
sys.exit('%s is not a directory. Cannot build job' % jobdir)
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Job name: %s' % jobname
- print >>sys.stderr, 'Job directory: %s' % jobdir
+ print 'Job name: %s' % jobname
+ print 'Job directory: %s' % jobdir
qsub = pbs.qsub()
qsub.pbshost = 'simpool.eecs.umich.edu'
qsub.name = jobname
qsub.join = True
qsub.node_type = 'FAST'
- qsub.onlyecho = onlyecho
qsub.env['ROOTDIR'] = rootdir
- qsub.verbose = verbose
if len(queue):
qsub.queue = queue
+ qsub.build(joinpath(progpath, 'job.py'))
- qsub.do(joinpath(basedir, 'job.py'))
- print >>sys.stderr, ''
+ if verbose:
+ print 'PBS Command: %s' % qsub.command
+ if not onlyecho:
+ ec = qsub.do()
+ if ec == 0:
+ print 'PBS Jobid: %s' % qsub.result
+ else:
+ print 'PBS Failed'