struct QbfSolveOptions {
bool specialize, specialize_from_file, write_solution, nocleanup, dump_final_smt2, assume_outputs;
- bool sat, unsat;
+ bool sat, unsat, show_smtbmc;
std::string specialize_soln_file;
std::string write_soln_soln_file;
std::string dump_final_smt2_file;
size_t argidx;
QbfSolveOptions() : specialize(false), specialize_from_file(false), write_solution(false),
nocleanup(false), dump_final_smt2(false), assume_outputs(false), sat(false), unsat(false),
- argidx(0) {};
+ show_smtbmc(false), argidx(0) {};
void recover_solution(QbfSolutionType &sol) {
QbfSolutionType ret;
const std::string yosys_smtbmc_exe = proc_self_dirname() + "yosys-smtbmc";
const std::string smtbmc_warning = "z3: WARNING:";
+ const bool show_smtbmc = opt.show_smtbmc;
const std::string tempdir_name = make_temp_dir("/tmp/yosys-z3-XXXXXX");
const std::string smt2_command = "write_smt2 -stbv -wires " + tempdir_name + "/problem.smt2";
//Execute and capture stdout from `yosys-smtbmc -s z3 -t 1 -g --binary [--dump-smt2 <file>]`
const std::string cmd = yosys_smtbmc_exe + " -s z3 -t 1 -g --binary " + (opt.dump_final_smt2? "--dump-smt2 " + opt.dump_final_smt2_file + " " : "") + tempdir_name + "/problem.smt2 2>&1";
- auto process_line = [&ret, &smtbmc_warning](const std::string &line) {
+ auto process_line = [&ret, &smtbmc_warning, &show_smtbmc](const std::string &line) {
ret.stdout.push_back(line.substr(0, line.size()-1)); //don't include trailing newline
auto warning_pos = line.find(smtbmc_warning);
- if(warning_pos != std::string::npos)
+ if (warning_pos != std::string::npos)
log_warning("%s", line.substr(warning_pos + smtbmc_warning.size() + 1).c_str());
- log("smtbmc output: %s", line.c_str());
+ if (show_smtbmc)
+ log("smtbmc output: %s", line.c_str());
log("Launching \"%s\".\n", cmd.c_str());
opt.unsat = true;
+ else if (args[opt.argidx] == "-show-smtbmc") {
+ opt.show_smtbmc = true;
+ continue;
+ }
else if (args[opt.argidx] == "-dump-final-smt2") {
opt.dump_final_smt2 = true;
if (args.size() <= opt.argidx + 1)
log(" -unsat\n");
log(" Generate an error if the solver does not return \"unsat\".\n");
+ log(" -show-smtbmc\n");
+ log(" Print the output from yosys-smtbmc.\n");
+ log("\n");
log(" -specialize\n");
log(" Replace all \"$anyconst\" cells with constant values determined by the solver.\n");