raise TypeError("unhashable type: '{}'".format(type(self).__name__))
+def wrap(value):
+ """Ensures that the passed object is a Migen value. Booleans and integers
+ are automatically wrapped into ``Constant``."""
+ if isinstance(value, (bool, int)):
+ value = Constant(value)
+ if not isinstance(value, _Value):
+ raise TypeError("Object is not a Migen value")
+ return value
class _Operator(_Value):
def __init__(self, op, operands):
self.op = op
- self.operands = []
- for o in operands:
- if isinstance(o, (bool, int)):
- o = Constant(o)
- if not isinstance(o, _Value):
- raise TypeError("Operand not a Migen value")
- self.operands.append(o)
+ self.operands = [wrap(o) for o in operands]
def Mux(sel, val1, val0):
class _Slice(_Value):
def __init__(self, value, start, stop):
- if isinstance(value, (bool, int)):
- value = Constant(value)
- if not isinstance(value, _Value):
- raise TypeError("Sliced object is not a Migen value")
if not isinstance(start, int) or not isinstance(stop, int):
raise TypeError("Slice boundaries must be integers")
- self.value = value
+ self.value = wrap(value)
self.start = start
self.stop = stop
def __init__(self, *args):
- self.l = []
- for v in _flat_iteration(args):
- if isinstance(v, (bool, int)):
- v = Constant(v)
- if not isinstance(v, _Value):
- raise TypeError("Concatenated object is not a Migen value")
- self.l.append(v)
+ self.l = [wrap(v) for v in _flat_iteration(args)]
class Replicate(_Value):
def __init__(self, v, n):
- if isinstance(v, (bool, int)):
- v = Constant(v)
- if not isinstance(v, _Value):
- raise TypeError("Replicated object is not a Migen value")
if not isinstance(n, int) or n < 0:
raise TypeError("Replication count must be a positive integer")
- self.v = v
+ self.v = wrap(v)
self.n = n
def __setattr__(self, k, v):
if k == "reset":
- if isinstance(v, (bool, int)):
- v = Constant(v)
+ v = wrap(v)
_Value.__setattr__(self, k, v)
def __repr__(self):
class _Assign(_Statement):
def __init__(self, l, r):
- if not isinstance(l, _Value):
- raise TypeError("LHS of assignment is not a Migen value")
- if isinstance(r, (bool, int)):
- r = Constant(r)
- if not isinstance(r, _Value):
- raise TypeError("RHS of assignment is not a Migen value")
- self.l = l
- self.r = r
+ self.l = wrap(l)
+ self.r = wrap(r)
def _check_statement(s):
... )
def __init__(self, cond, *t):
- if isinstance(cond, (bool, int)):
- cond = Constant(cond)
- if not isinstance(cond, _Value):
- raise TypeError("Test condition is not a Migen value")
if not _check_statement(t):
raise TypeError("Not all test body objects are Migen statements")
- self.cond = cond
+ self.cond = wrap(cond)
self.t = list(t)
self.f = []
... })
def __init__(self, test, cases):
- if isinstance(test, (bool, int)):
- test = Constant(test)
- if not isinstance(test, _Value):
- raise TypeError("Case test object is not a Migen value")
- self.test = test
+ self.test = wrap(test)
self.cases = dict()
for k, v in cases.items():
if isinstance(k, (bool, int)):