-`svremap` determines the relationship between registers and SVSHAPE SPRs.
+`svremap` establishes the connection between registers and SVSHAPE SPRs.
The bitmask `SVme` determines which registers have a REMAP applied, and mi0-mo1
determine which shape is applied to an activated register. the `pst` bit if
cleared indicated that the REMAP operation shall only apply to the immediately-following
when using `svindex` or `svshape2`.
Hardware Architectural Note: when persistence is not set it is critically important
-to treat the `svremap` and the following SVP64 instruction as an indivisible fused operation.
+to treat the `svremap` and the immediately-following SVP64 instruction as an
+indivisible fused operation.
*No state* is stored in the SVSTATE SPR in order to allow continuation should an
Interrupt occur between the two instructions. Thus, Interrupts must be prohibited
from occurring or other workaround deployed. When persistence is set this issue
# SHAPE Remapping SPRs
There are four "shape" SPRs, SHAPE0-3, 32-bits in each,
-which have the same format.
+which have the same format. It is possible to write directly to these
+SPRs but it is recommended to use the Management instructions
+`svshape`, `svshape2` or `svindex`.
-Shape is 32-bits. When SHAPE is set entirely to zeros, remapping is
+When SHAPE is set entirely to zeros, remapping is
disabled: the register's elements are a linear (1D) vector.
|0:5 |6:11 | 12:17 | 18:20 | 21:23 |24:27 |28:29 |30:31| Mode |