// CVC4::Datatype class, but this actually needs to be checked.
"cannot put function-like things in datatypes");
+ // currently don't play well with Boolean terms
+ if(SelectorType(selectorType).getRangeType().d_typeNode->isBoolean()) {
+ WarningOnce() << "Warning: CVC4 does not yet support Boolean terms (you have created a datatype containing a Boolean)" << std::endl;
+ }
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sorts.size(); ++ i) {
CheckArgument(!sorts[i].isFunctionLike(), sorts,
"cannot create higher-order function types");
+ if(i + 1 < sorts.size() && sorts[i].isBoolean()) {
+ WarningOnce() << "Warning: CVC4 does not yet support Boolean terms (you have created a function type with a Boolean argument)" << std::endl;
+ }
return mkTypeNode(kind::FUNCTION_TYPE, sortNodes);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sorts.size(); ++ i) {
CheckArgument(!sorts[i].isFunctionLike(), sorts,
"cannot create higher-order function types");
+ if(i + 1 < sorts.size() && sorts[i].isBoolean()) {
+ WarningOnce() << "Warning: CVC4 does not yet support Boolean terms (you have created a predicate type with a Boolean argument)" << std::endl;
+ }
#if 0
CheckArgument(!types[i].isFunctionLike(), types,
"cannot put function-like types in tuples");
+ if(types[i].isBoolean()) {
+ WarningOnce() << "Warning: CVC4 does not yet support Boolean terms (you have created a tuple type with a Boolean argument)" << std::endl;
+ }
#endif /* 0 */
"cannot index arrays by a function-like type");
CheckArgument(!constituentType.isFunctionLike(), constituentType,
"cannot store function-like types in arrays");
-Debug("arrays") << "making array type " << indexType << " " << constituentType << std::endl;
+ if(indexType.isBoolean() || constituentType.isBoolean()) {
+ WarningOnce() << "Warning: CVC4 does not yet support Boolean terms (you have created an array type with a Boolean index or constituent type)" << std::endl;
+ }
+ Debug("arrays") << "making array type " << indexType << " " << constituentType << std::endl;
return mkTypeNode(kind::ARRAY_TYPE, indexType, constituentType);