-bool TheoryArith::getDeltaAtomValue(TNode n) {
+bool TheoryArith::getDeltaAtomValue(TNode n) const {
Assert(d_qflraStatus != Result::SAT_UNKNOWN);
switch (n.getKind()) {
+Exception nlException(TNode t){
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Cannot generate a DeltaRational value for non-linear term: ";
+ ss << t;
+ return Exception(ss.str());
-DeltaRational TheoryArith::getDeltaValue(TNode n) {
+DeltaRational TheoryArith::getDeltaValue(TNode n) const {
AlwaysAssert(d_qflraStatus != Result::SAT_UNKNOWN);
Debug("arith::value") << n << std::endl;
case kind::MULT: { // 2+ args
- Assert(n.getNumChildren() == 2 && n[0].isConst());
- DeltaRational value(1);
- if (n[0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL) {
+ if (n[0].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL && n.getNumChildren() == 2) {
return getDeltaValue(n[1]) * n[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ } else {
+ DeltaRational value(1,0);
+ for(TNode::iterator i = n.begin(), i_e = n.end(); i != i_e; ++i){
+ DeltaRational curr = getDeltaValue(*i);
+ if(value.infinitesimalSgn() != 0 && curr.infinitesimalSgn() != 0){
+ throw nlException(n);
+ }else if(curr.infinitesimalSgn() != 0){
+ Rational q = value.getNoninfinitesimalPart();
+ value = curr * q;
+ }else{
+ Rational q = curr.getNoninfinitesimalPart();
+ value = value * q;
+ }
+ }
+ return value;
- Unreachable();
case kind::MINUS: // 2 args
- // should have been rewritten
- Unreachable();
+ return getDeltaValue(n[0]) - getDeltaValue(n[1]);
case kind::UMINUS: // 1 arg
- // should have been rewritten
- Unreachable();
+ return (- getDeltaValue(n[0]));
case kind::DIVISION: // 2 args
- Assert(n[1].isConst());
- if (n[1].getKind() == kind::CONST_RATIONAL) {
- return getDeltaValue(n[0]) / n[0].getConst<Rational>();
+ case kind::INTS_MODULUS_TOTAL:
+ case kind::DIVISION_TOTAL:
+ if(isSetup(n)){
+ ArithVar var = d_arithvarNodeMap.asArithVar(n);
+ return d_partialModel.getAssignment(var);
+ }else{
+ DeltaRational den_dr = getDeltaValue(n[1]);
+ if(den_dr.infinitesimalSgn() == 0){
+ Rational d = den_dr.getNoninfinitesimalPart();
+ if(d.isZero()){
+ return DeltaRational(0,0);
+ }else if(n.getKind() == kind::DIVISION_TOTAL){
+ return getDeltaValue(n[0]) / d;
+ }else{
+ DeltaRational num = getDeltaValue(n[0]);
+ if(num.isIntegral() && d.isIntegral()){
+ Integer ni = num.getNoninfinitesimalPart().getNumerator();
+ Integer di = d.getNumerator();
+ Integer res = (n.getKind() == kind::INTS_DIVISION_TOTAL) ?
+ ni.floorDivideQuotient(di) : ni.floorDivideRemainder(di);
+ return DeltaRational(res);
+ }else{
+ throw nlException(n);
+ }
+ }
+ }else{
+ throw nlException(n);
+ }
- Unreachable();
-DeltaRational TheoryArith::getDeltaValueWithNonlinear(TNode n, bool& failed) {
+DeltaRational TheoryArith::getDeltaValueWithNonlinear(TNode n, bool& failed) const {
AlwaysAssert(d_qflraStatus != Result::SAT_UNKNOWN);
for(shared_terms_iterator shared_iter = shared_terms_begin(),
shared_end = shared_terms_end(); shared_iter != shared_end; ++shared_iter){
Node sharedCurr = *shared_iter;
- if(sharedCurr.getKind() == CONST_RATIONAL){
- relevantDeltaValues.insert(sharedCurr.getConst<Rational>());
+ try{
+ DeltaRational val = getDeltaValue(sharedCurr);
+ relevantDeltaValues.insert(val);
+ }catch(Exception e){
+ stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Cannot build a model due an exception: " << endl;
+ ss << e.getMessage();
+ throw Exception(ss.str());
NodeSet d_setupNodes;
- bool isSetup(Node n){
+ bool isSetup(Node n) const {
return d_setupNodes.find(n) != d_setupNodes.end();
void markSetup(Node n){
ConstraintDatabase d_constraintDatabase;
/** Internal model value for the atom */
- bool getDeltaAtomValue(TNode n);
+ bool getDeltaAtomValue(TNode n) const;
/** Internal model value for the node */
- DeltaRational getDeltaValue(TNode n);
+ DeltaRational getDeltaValue(TNode n) const;
/** TODO : get rid of this. */
- DeltaRational getDeltaValueWithNonlinear(TNode n, bool& failed);
+ DeltaRational getDeltaValueWithNonlinear(TNode n, bool& failed) const;
/** Uninterpretted function symbol for use when interpreting
* division by zero.