return *out_buffer != NULL;
static unsigned L3_cache_number;
-static once_flag init_cache_number_flag = ONCE_FLAG_INIT;
+static once_flag thread_pinning_once_flag = ONCE_FLAG_INIT;
+static void
+ cpu_set_t cpuset;
+ CPU_ZERO(&cpuset);
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < CPU_SETSIZE; i++)
+ CPU_SET(i, &cpuset);
+ pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpuset), &cpuset);
static void
/* Get a semi-random number. */
int64_t t = os_time_get_nano();
L3_cache_number = (t ^ (t >> 8) ^ (t >> 16));
+ /* Reset thread affinity for all child processes to prevent them from
+ * inheriting the current thread's affinity.
+ *
+ * What happens if a driver is unloaded and the app creates a thread?
+ */
+ pthread_atfork(NULL, NULL, util_set_full_cpu_affinity);
* Called by MakeCurrent. Used to notify the driver that the application
* thread may have been changed.
util_context_thread_changed(struct pipe_context *ctx, thrd_t *upper_thread)
+ /* If pinning has no effect, don't do anything. */
+ if (util_cpu_caps.nr_cpus == util_cpu_caps.cores_per_L3)
+ return;
thrd_t current = thrd_current();
int cache = util_get_L3_for_pinned_thread(current,
+ call_once(&thread_pinning_once_flag, util_init_thread_pinning);
/* If the main thread is not pinned, choose the L3 cache. */
if (cache == -1) {
unsigned num_L3_caches = util_cpu_caps.nr_cpus /
/* Choose a different L3 cache for each subsequent MakeCurrent. */
- call_once(&init_cache_number_flag, util_init_cache_number);
cache = p_atomic_inc_return(&L3_cache_number) % num_L3_caches;
util_pin_thread_to_L3(current, cache, util_cpu_caps.cores_per_L3);